
Women only go after the alpha have it alls. In order to be a alpha have it all you got to enslave all other men devising a ruthless oppressive system of social inequality or hierarchy. All lower hierarchy men know that they have to become alphas or alpha like just to get special breeding privileges. Women know this also and tolerate it because the truth of the matter is that they submit themselves to oppressive rulership of the alphas.

If a brutal system of social inequality has to exist so that they can stage themselves up sexually with the male alphas then so be it.

This is why a social utopia is a figurative hell on earth for females.

As I said in the previous post a social utopia does nothing in flattering a female’s sexual narcissism.

The key to a woman’s heart and sexual organs is power with an abundance of wealth. This is the secret to the eternal charade that is women who pretend to be innocent and victims historically to men’s malice, but in all reality are very much inherent not mention also intricate to it.

Women sexually manipulate, motivate, and push men to be malicious with their imperative of selling themselves off to the highest bidder or contender.

Lets see, I give it roughly twenty four hours before the resident feministas come in here lambasting me for my bold honesty on the subject.

Anybody care to place any bets?

Mental exercise:

How many beautiful attractive women will go out with a male janitor? No?

Male warehouse worker? No?

Male taxi driver? No?

Male factory worker? No?

All lower class working jobs.

The female thrives in social inequality. The female thrives in dystopia.

The female thrives in a environment of ruthless competition and one based upon various forms of slavery.

The female values her entire existence based off of it.

All entities incapable of conscious logic, live in a universe of nothing but competition of will and passion.

Power. Once realizing this we can then cut through the chase showing the social contract is complete bullshit and get to the point that morality is a deceptive false charade that needs dismantling or to be destroyed. A conversation for another thread.

…like I said.

Yeah, I get it.

There’s a whole lot of economic/government systems that would work just fine if only one person was in charge of everything, and could control every element of society right down to what other people value and how they feel about the world around them. I suppose this would be one of them. Not quite as desirable as Calzoneocracy, but it’ll do.

No offense intended Uccisore. But you could not be more wrong about my ideology. The Sexocracy is not about controlling what people value. It is about accepting the reality of what people do value and building a politicoeconomic structure around that. It’s a bioharmonious society. No attempt is made to control people’s fears and desires according to the policies, the policies are controlled according to people’s fears and desires.

It is all other societies that try to control people’s desires according to the policies. That is why they always fail. For example with drugs policy. Every country in the world makes cocaine and heroin and ecstasy illegal, but that doesn’t stop people wanting them, and it doesn’t stop people taking them. It just criminalizes a huge chunk of human nature. The Sexocracy is about accepting what people are and giving them freedom to make reasonable choices within a caring regulatory framework.

People want to have sex with beautiful young people. Gay men want sex with beautiful young men, straight women want sex with beautiful young men, Straight men want sex with beautiful young women, gay women want sex with beautiful young women. That isn’t me controlling what people feel that’s me describing the reality of what people do feel. The Sexocracy accepts what people value and how they feel about the world about them, and then builds the policies around that. Because that is the only way to succeed in building a functional society. You can either accept what people value and let the reality guide the policies and succeed, or you can do what all societies in the world today do, which is to try and control what people value with the policies, and fail.

We can either accept our feelings or make war against them, but if we make war against them we cannot win, because we will only be making war against ourselves.

When I read about the Santa Barbara shooter I can’t help think about this thread. The guy was deeply sick. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t great agony in guys who can’t seem to attract mates. The drive to mate is so wired, and literally is a life or death situation for your DNA. It’s hard to imagine bein content with a dry spell if you’re a male in your teens or twenties.

But nature can’t be denied. Men will have to work for it, just a like every other animal, or be denied the prize.

There will never be state sponsored sex aid given to the community. It smacks of a bad 70s sci fi experiment. More likely there will be sim sex or virtual computer sex with haptic suits, etc.

Only a sociopath (or a very horny young person) would ever think people would work to give sex to hardup strangers as a job. The only people willing to do this are usually abused.

We all want sex. But women instinctively know not to give it to guys who want it too much that it distorts their humanity.

Well said!

Somebody’s fascism just revealed itself beyond the conservative appearances. :wink:

Women have no problem distorting their humanity so long as a good price for their services or companionship is rewarded.

For them it’s all about the price of services being rendered.

It’s all the same to them whether they’re a prostitute, girlfriend, or wife.

Some form of value-bestowing is always required to make someone value you. That can also mean creating an expectation.

Expectations are not at all difficult to build up under those circumstances, neither is the mutual acceptance of them , even in situations of extremely thin veneers of believability.

Can you give an example?

Well,yes,I suppose. To be very literal, the example of mutual acceptance of devices capable of augmenting naturally inadequate physical attributes. Partners play games. They know what’s in the basket, and the quality and size of it, but not at all squeamish about implants, toys of admirable proportions, sorrily hiding inadequacies too obvious and embarrassing. They Both, go for it, and turn off the lights, in order to perpetuate the illusion of the phantasy. Or even more common, the ‘last call’ brings on the panic of the realization that it will be just another lonely night, so the bar lights are dimmed just before, to create diminish the reality which the travails of time have left as vestiges of reminder. No, we all know how not to look at the person sleeping next to us, in the cruel light of the morning sun. That feeling is mutually dehumanizing, a sudden realization of who we truly are: arbiters willing to dissuade ourself from the real appearance of things, for the sake of rationalizing away the feelings of pure hopelessness.

Wow… okay I can definitely see how that view ties in with your supreme valuing of aesthetics.
I have been pretty lucky in as far as Ive gotten lucky, most of my bed partners have been very pretty in the morning sun, although of course part of the charm is that they didnt think so.

Your are right, Cross, there is a tie in, however, it’s not a matter of which having occurred to me first, since Beauty is fairly well adjusted to the Beast. I think otherwise in Your suggestion that Beauty is more so, if they are not aware of it.

People into themselves, even preoccupied reflects not their own being, but those which others have heaped on to them. They never really see themselves, except through the eyes of others, therefore, i distrust people constantly looking into the mirror. They really, feel insecure about not only the way they think they appear, but also about the way they think people see them.

People thinking they’re pretty is dealing with a more mature person, possibly…The charm reminds me of my take on Rousseau’s charm. Remember he was the one ostracized over some scandal or another before the French Academy. It was my opening blog, in the then brand new ILP forum entitled “The Academy” , sub sequentially closed. I bring this up not with the notion of diffusing the thema or cluttering it, only it seems ironic that it occured (to me) within this context. Just trying to find connections within more general contexts.

Here the self-torturing sophist wild Rousseau
The apostle of affliction, he, who threw
Enchantment over passion, and from woe
Wrung overwhelming eloquence, first drew
The breath which made him wretched; yet he knew
How to make madness beautiful, and cast
O’er erring deeds and thoughts a heavenly hue
Of words, like Sunbeams, dazzling as they passed
The eyes, which o’er them shed tears feelingly and fast

His life was one long war with self fought foes,
Or friends by him self banished; for his mind
Had grown suspicions’ Sanctuary and chose
For it’s own cruel sacrifice, the kind,
'Gainst whom he raged with fury strange and blind
But he was frenzied, -wherefore, WHO MAY Know?
Since cause might be which skil could never find
But he was frenzied by disease or woe
To that worst pitch of all, which wears a reasoning show