Shook hands today with a rapist

It’s a metaphor dude. You have aspirations superior to inheriting the earth? You’re starting to seem a little desperate here. I’ll leave you alone for a while. But for real go back and read what all I’ve told you and think about it man. You really gotta come down from those clouds.

like I said dude… only gonna benefit me in the long run with that kind of mindset. :laughing:

How can you tell the future?

Got a crystal ball right here. :banana-dance:

And you walk around here pretending to be doing philosophy?

As opposed to you walking around here pretending to be an important person whom we all regard highly and has a major impact on our personal lives?

I also think that claim is hilarious in it’s irony, since your posts are some of most intellectually dishonest drivel that Ive read on here. Not even an attempt to stay somewhat philosophical or logically consistent; just letting it all hang out there. :laughing:

You think like a person who’s learning philosophy. I think like someone who already knows it. You’ll catch up one day and all this will make perfect sense.

You keep telling yourself that pal. :laughing:

If some psychologically iconized American posted a thread saying 'Today I shook hands with GWB" there would have been far, far more insults flying her way. Why? Because GWB is a criminal fuck loser.

The only difference between Powell and the rest of the Executives is they have different names.

The only difference between my stance and that of the uninformed in this thread is just that—you’re uninformed. If you knew what I knew you would feel the same way I do.

Dont worry dude… apparently we’ll all catch up one day and learn to worship and grovel at the feet of the bureaucracy like good little drones. :laughing:

No one here will catch up.

Not that I’ve seen, at least.

I can count the number of people who have ever been on this board that ‘get it,’ and it can be done on one hand.

Not even me? Come on buddy…

Remember my first post here ever? Way back in the day? I was defending Dick Cheney. Good times man.

For the top %30-40 of the country things are getting better because they are benefitting the most from the way things are concluding as the protected class of society.

For the rest of us %60 not so much. They don’t give a damn however.

I think what Smears along with a couple of others here are saying is that they benefit from the current system where we need to shut the fuck up by quit complaining about it and know our damn place.

That is at least the general observation I keep running into here.

I think however that you and me have no intentions of shutting up where we will continue to voice our opinions even if they annoy them. This is how the whole circle jerk knee responses within this site keep on circulating as.

It never stops and also never ceases to amaze me daily either. I am thoroughly entertained marveling at the displays of behavior here with intrigue which I am sure you do as well.

Joker here’s a text that I think you would honestly enjoy reading. It might make for good ammo ya know. … tartPage=1

I will look at it when I have spare time.

Dude see, you’re mentally enslaved to the whole notion that the system controls you. It’s like when they take a baby elephant at the circus and tie it up w/ a small rope. Then the elephant grows up, and it’s still just tied to a small rope, but it doesn’t move or try to break away, because it was broken at an early age. So through its own lack of action, it stays enslaved in its own mind even though it could get away any time it wanted and be free.

It’s not the system that I’m benefitting from. The system is the same system for everyone. Therefore, it’s fair. So I’m not benefitting from it, and you’re not getting shit on by it. It’s about individual liberty. You are free to live the life of a vagrant if you want, and to complain about it even. But I am also free to not live the life of a vagrant, and to go around talking about how good life is. It’s just a matter of choice. At least in your case. You’re not too dumb to have all the things you seem so envious of, you’re just not getting them and you seem to think that it’s someone else’s fault.

The system is the same for everyone? :laughing: Your a regular egalitarian, are you not? =P~ #-o

Fair? :laughing:

How is it different? How is it not fair?

Today’s mind fuck has been unsuccessful on your part. Move along now.

So what you’re saying then is that since everyone plays by the same rules, that the game is fair, and that some people win and lose no matter what, and that since you’re smart enough to be winning, it’s your own fault for losing?

If that’s what you’re saying then I totally agree.