Sick until proven healthy

One won’t know if this is true until the statistics are in for 2020.
If there is not much difference between deaths in 2020 and other years, or if the general observed trend over the last few years remains the same(consistent rise or fall), then he is right.
If there is a noticeable spike in 2020 then he is wrong.

The decisions of politicians and public health officials have to be made in the present based on limited information.

Well one big statistic stands out to bring in at least some semblance of probability, to shift this discussion from the level of certainty to lower degrees of it-that comparatively with other notable plagues there is hardly much here.

The black plague was numerically as devastating or more so, then the 1918 Spanish flue , where millions{ upward 50 to 100 million) died. So the margin of error can not predict what qualifies categorically, and there are no certainties established yet. I do agree, albeit guardedly.

Also, the supposition that this whole issue of the origin of the inception of the infection has been either of a natural or a man made source, at this point. can not be categorically asserted.

It may , really, given the high stakes played with, be seen as a desperate effort of some kind , to ameliate fact and fiction, as to the source.

Several lines of reasoning can be brought up in conjunction with this.
The first one is the dubious reasoning that the New World Order’s process sans a viable ideological certainty, — a pattern begins to appear.

A showdown was unavoidable, given the stakes, and whether it would have been nuclear or biological or any other became a gossip.

The fact that conventional wars using unconventional means, were restricted to a minor key, exposing the fugitive diminishing effects that such wars through third parties effected - diminished returns , that coincided with the economic margins which , incidentally Marx held 100 years ago , implying the idea that an ideal/material synthesis presumed by the Republicans were a contrverted form of this line of logic.

Do not think for a minute that this struggle is over, and it only will set new parameters of reality, when the ideological struggle will subsist.

This argument, as suspect to the emerging conspiratorial reality that is useful to the synthetic, is a mode of operation , and it is the only way out of the paradoxical reality we seem to be sinking into.

In no way do I affirm either the factual or the simulated reality within the argument, as bizarre it appears , but in fact, it is a distinct possibility.

Like Karpel said, potentially sick, presumed sick and proven sick.
All of us fall under one of those three categories, and all of us lose some of our basic rights and freedoms, especially the latter two.
Currently there’s no way to prove to law enforcement you’re not sick, even if doctors test you and find antibodies, you have no way of passing this information onto law enforcement and they wouldn’t take it into account anyway.
This virus isn’t especially virulent, but even if it was, at the very least you should be able to prove to law enforcement you possess the antibodies (meaning you’ve already gotten over being sick and can no longer get sick and infect others, at least until the virus mutates next year, the year after or whenever) with say an exemption card or something (not talking about an RFID chip) and have your rights and freedoms restored.

Why aren’t antibodies good enough?
Why should the only way you can prove you’re not sick is to get a vaccine that supposedly doesn’t exist yet, may never exist and in all likelihood won’t be affective as natural antibodies if affective at all?
It makes no sense.
It’s just an excuse to subjugate, fleece and poison the population with aluminum, detergent, formaldehyde and mercury, is at all it is.

We should never accept a system that indiscriminately denies us basic human rights.
If this was a real plague, which it isn’t, then perhaps the untested should be partly quarantined, the tested and proven infected fully quarantined, and the tested and proven immune fully unquarantined, but under no circumstances should we all be partly or fully quarantined because some of us might be sick, anymore than we should all be partly or fully put on house arrest because some of us might be terrorists.

This is tangential to this thread, but I want to include it: … os/267604/
The rich are getting richer, even faster now. We don’t have to think of this as cui bono type evidence that there is a conspiracy, but we can acknowledge there is something wrong with a crisis benefiting the rich like this. A systemic problem, and also, now, if not already, a motive. Further, the rich now have increased wealth and a lot of businesses are dying or dead. This means these can be bought on the cheap and also that labor will be cheaper after the crisis, since there will be so many unemployed.

This is tangential to this thread, but I want to include it: … os/267604/
The rich are getting richer, even faster now. We don’t have to think of this as cui bono type evidence that there is a conspiracy, but we can acknowledge there is something wrong with a crisis benefiting the rich like this. A systemic problem, and also, now, if not already, a motive. Further, the rich now have increased wealth and a lot of businesses are dying or dead. This means these can be bought on the cheap and also that labor will be cheaper after the crisis, since there will be so many unemployed.

Can you cite a source for this?