Sophisticated Economy


now go on, stick it in the Rant House, go on stick it in mundane babble, go on show your power, go on, do that, go on express your free will, go on

shpac a lacc sshapaa s la cc shpac a lak

ape ape man

8 8888

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For a complete list of books by James Howard Kunstler and purchase links, click here.

Investments - Part 3

So the Greeks had another strike today and the French Prime Minister promised that France “Will Invest in Greece”,they will make “Investments”: but that is the problem, those strikers should tell France that they can go fly a kite with the concept of “Investments” and tell them that they Demand Scott Free Handouts! this word, “Investments” that tries to make everything look so “objective”, so “Natural” so logical and such, when all it is is another of those vague concepts that try to hide the simple Power Relationship between who has the cash and who doesn’t: those who want to make an Investment must get a return on the money but obviously there is no possible return anymore in most endeavors, most manufacturing (even the Chinese are offshoring: their workers 200 dollars a month paycheck is way too much, now they are trying Nigeria where the paycheck is still 50 dollars a month and such), most services don’t return crap, most jobs are a pure loss, don’t produce anything, so the entire idea of Investments must be hosed, must go out of the window, kill the concept of investments, kill this word that confuses people and makes them believe all the BS that the economy is something logical and objective when it is only a war, a war between who has the cash and millions of turds that need that cash but are too afraid to ask for Scott Free Handouts, they must oblige to ask for “jobs”, something that is obsolete, no longer needed, no longer worth crap, there has never been an era where the entire concept of work and jobs has become meaningless, redundant, but the word investments brainwashes the turds that they have to deserve it, that the cash has to have a return on investments and such.

Obviously no one is really going to “Invest” in Greece or Spain or Italy or many other countries for the simple reason that there is nothing worth investing in (they can try the Real Estate Price Inflation mechanism that has been so successful in the past, but most of those countries are now mostly broke and bankrupt go figure); their salaries are way too high compared to the third world, they don’t have any super special skills (the mythological “Skill Set” and Training BS and “More Education”, “Innovation”, “Startup”, “Research” and especially the “More Flexibility to Hire and Fire” (never has a simple desire to exert power been hidden behind such abstruse and objective seeming concepts: what they really want is the joy to hire and fire and exert power on the weaker social class, just because, because people love to execute their Will Power against another, they want to punch someone in the face but don’t know how to say it so as to make it seem so “objective” and “logical”, the “science of economics” and such) and so forth everyone is brainwashed about) (as if everyone is supposed to work in high tech Integrated Circuit Factories experts in Solid State Physics and such, and even these experts are redundant and crapped upon just like any old nigger), real investments are hard to come by and even if they do make investments it has no relationship to the possible “number of jobs” that they can imply and especially the possible “redistribution” of profit and cash to the community, which is obviously ever more impossible and so forth.

And the truth is there is very little possible new research and innovation and startups possible today, most economic sectors have been beaten to death by now, most opportunity has been expired and achieved by the past winners, now we are left with breadcrumbs, the game is over, but that is why they all insist on ever more research, innovation, economic growth and such, since these things are really dead and over with, gone forever, the more they are impossible to get back the more they all chant that they need more and more, more research, more startups more this and that, more education, more training and so forth: and no one asks: Exactly To Do What With ? is that so hard to ask ? is that so hard to figure out ? no one understands crap about anything, they are all drones, brainwashed and repeating the same crap they hear over and over again, like the United Tape Recorders of the World, etc.

The concept of Investment is Obsolete, you must give Scott Free Handouts to all worldwide and no longer create conditions in order to give out the money, you must hose all of these ideas, this word, Investment, a return on money and such is no longer possible in a Technological Economy, it can only apply to a small portion of work and such. And the truth is that if the powers that be, those that have cash and such simply stated what they really want and namely: they want to keep their cash and hose everyone else, it is a static power situation a status achieved, where no one who is weak will ever have a chance and such, since they can’t admit this openly, they need all of these vague and abstruse concepts to hide a simple A wins B loses, and most people are or will end up being B, end of story.

And most of all the concept and word of Investment always wants to hide a simple Will Power opposing yours, another person who wants to be the boss, who wants to decide, who wants to exert his power and such: but since power is always arbitrary and not justified, the entire concept of investment must be hosed, we need Scott free handouts to all and cheap rents and such, kill power, kill every structure of power…


Long Term Trends

The reasons why the Mall is full and such is because the Technological Economy produces wealth without the need to produce an equivalent amount of corresponding work: this relationship is no longer linear (and hasn’t been linear for decades in fact), is no longer so primitive as it was in the 18th century, as the fairy tale Work Ethic wants you to believe it is: this relationship is actually probably upside down, the more people are at work and work (taking time away from Consumerism, which is the only thing that really counts, as work today has no value and no use for anyone) the less wealth and Economic Growth and efficiency is generated, whereas the less people work and waste time at work (working fairy tale service jobs) the more Economic Growth and wealth is generated: the more intelligent and optimized and productive work performed by a few superstars hogging up all the work and all the needs and necessities of production the more wealth is generated for everyone, everyone else can stay at home and watch TV and get out of the way as they are an impediment to higher productivity, they are useless, either it is all or nothing today, either you are the top designer engineer scientist etc. or you better just get lost and stay at home since you will decrease the productivity of those very few superstar workers this Technological Economy needs (and then it really doesn’t need even them, as even superstar workers are a dime a dozen, and most functions, problems and tasks have been performed and solved once and for all, now there is truly very little left to do no matter what the Standard Economic Model tries to brainwash everyone in believing).

And the very Standard Economic Model recognizes this: they too recognize that in the beginning of the 20th century there was a lot more real work being done as in :

“American agriculture and rural life underwent a tremendous transformation
in the 20th century. Early 20th century agriculture was labor intensive, and
it took place on a large number of small, diversified farms in rural areas
where more than half of the U.S. population lived. These farms employed
close to half of the U.S. workforce, along with 22 million work animals, and
produced an average of five different commodities. The agricultural sector
of the 21st century, on the other hand, is concentrated on a small number of
large, specialized farms in rural areas where less than a fourth of the U.S.
population lives. These highly productive and mechanized farms employ a
tiny share of U.S. workers and use 5 million tractors in place of the horses
and mules of earlier days.”

(notice JHK as an old timer conservative is also still fighting these ancient forces where farm work is no longer necessary, he and his followers can’t get over these ancient battles of the 1920s and 1930s and such)

and the same can be said of manufacturing, during the 20th century manufacturing employed a much larger part of the workers, but as time went by even manufacturing became less and less labor intensive and such. And this is the general trend going forward in the future, a Technological Economy needs less and less labor in all endeavors, not only in the basics, in every task there is the need for less workers and less work is being produced and will be produced no matter what (and what a paradox, as if “work must be produced”, whereas it is the exact contrary, work diminishing and disappearing is actually a sign of success of an Economy, a sign of an ever highly productive and efficient economic system and such, not the other way around). So the trend is understood and accepted, but since there is no other possible way to distribute the wealth, but only through work that is no longer necessary, the powers that be must invent all kinds of excuses as to why they can’t distribute the wealth for free, scott free handouts (they condition the handouts (which are really handouts that are masked and hidden behind fake work and such since nothing is really being produced at the end of the day, only fake “services” and such BS) by forcing you to make believe that you are working in fake tasks just to put the appearance and show on and such), why they can’t “hire” so many workers (the truth is they can’t hire them because they don’t have the faintest idea what to let them do 8 hours a day everyday and such) so they start with all of the BS of more training, more education, more flexibility (they don’t chant the idiotic idea that you have to change kinds of jobs every two years, it seems that that BS went out of style) more innovation (this must be the least innovative, most conservative and most dead, bored and status achieved era of society ever!) and so forth and all of the poor turds believe in all of this BS, they get more education (with more debts) they try to be more flexible, they try it all but they don’t realize that they are being taken for a ride, they are being fooled by a huge pile if BS: work is obsolete, no longer necessary, optional, meaningless, and that little real work left to do can be done by way fewer people than the present 100 million worker population of the USA, it can probably be done with maybe 20 million people tops and such).

As a side note, it makes me laugh to read that the Chinese are worried that their work force is decreasing and such: they have hundreds of millions of possible workers, how on earth can they even keep 100 million people at work in their factories anyways ?!?! I mean that would be equivalent to 100,000 factories with 1,000 workers “producing” all kinds of things and such! I can’t even imagine 100,000 diffferent things and such, let alone 1,000 workers needed to produce them and such! And imagine how much fewer of those workers would be needed and how much more output would be generated if they applied automation, computers and optimizations to those factories as they tend to do in the USA and JAPAN!

So this brings us to the question: how are the debts going to be paid back ? like home prices that have been crystallized at such high values, how can there be any correspondent future work to pay those homes (and this especially in crisis ridden Spain and Italy and such) ? the debts and high home prices and such were created during great bubbles, great (mostly imaginary) expansions of economies, great expectations of never ending future growth and such, and now it is all frozen in this high cliff of high home prices and debts where all of those (or hoped for “new activities” and or new startups and innovation “hiring” millions and such) activities must continue in order to pay back the prices and debts and such, but there is no longer any possible activity that can ever correspond to such high home prices and debts and such. After all, an economy needs just a few really basic activities, home builders, some plumbers, some stores, some car makers, some factories and a few other things (the crappy education and health care sectors that try to sponge off a never ending amount of cash in return of nothing but hot air and crap and power expression as in the doctor hogging up huge pays otherwise you can drop dead and such). So what possible new jobs can be provided and such ? None, but they will always blame you for being the cause, you don’t have right “Skill Sets” whatever on earth that can ever possibly mean and such.

So, especially in Spain and Italy for example (and also JAPAN and parts of the USA) the high home prices can’t correspond to any amount of work since the work is vague iffy, an optional, subject to random judgments that can assign it is as irrelevant from one moment to the next since nothing basic is really being produced (like when banks layoff hundreds of workers from one moment to the next), since no real tasks are necessary anymore, since most work is an invention today, an arbitrary fairy tale invention of “services” (all of the iphone APPS and other fun and games) and such that can be hosed from one moment to the next since it is not needed, not fundamental and necessary from the outset, and it can be judged randomly in any way at all since nothing is being produced but imaginary products, Information, as in the Information Economy generating loads of information but has nothing to do with any real production of the basics and such (let everyone play on iphones and video games, that will keep their puny minds occupied and such). So the mismatch is between those few real productive workers like the home builders and manufacturers and farmers (those very few needed) and a huge population of vague and iffy activities and such: and the high home prices corresponding to the real work and effort put into something really needed can’t be converted back into any other kind of needed work, since there is no longer any needed work and such. The crystallization of high home prices produced by past labor can’t be converted back into labor again, you can’t extract the money frozen into the high home prices again and convert it into labor since there is no longer any possible labor that corresponds to those values (especially true in Italy and Spain).

So the long term trends will be fewer and fewer real jobs, more concentration of power and cash in fewer and fewer hands, the Technological Economy getting rid of the need of all workers eventually and a Power Structure where a few kings are the bosses of the whole world and such. But the only way to disrupt this trend is to ask boldly and proudly and bluntly for scott free handouts, free salaries and cheap rents to all worldwide, 3,000 dollars a month to all worldwide and rents of only 100 dollars a month (for a 3 bedroom nice house in the suburbs) along with all of the other things I have been saying over and over again like broken record, like a drone, trillions of skyscrapers, trillions of rockets, super consumerism, huge public private projects and so forth.


There WIll Be Other Things to Do

These things have been going on for decades, but whenever the discussion started about the “Future of Work”, the economists would always reply “There WIll Be Other Things to Do”, “Work Won’t Disappear” and such, a pure ideological barrier that simply couldn’t admit that the trends were towards the elimination of work: sure “work won’t disappear” in the sense that “Power Structures Won’t Disappear,” “Inequality Won’t Disappear” and in order for the powers that be to express their power and will power they will force the population to oblige to ask for “work” since there won’t be any other circuit to distribute the huge amount of wealth generated automatically and such. As if the people must be kept blind from something so obvious, the greatest secret of the rich, humanity no longer needs to work, it is all available, but we can’t let them know, they have to keep on being brainwashed that they have to “work for a living”, they have to deserver it, like a fear that people would be (and maybe they are right?) like little babies that as soon as they knew the truth, that wealth is available for free, they would misbehave, go crazy or who knows who, like the huge fight against the 35 hour work week they had in France a few years ago: do you really think that the fight was over the need to work those extra hours ? no the fight was completely cultural and ideological, they couldn’t accept and admit that you can work less and produce the same output (and even way more with less work and hours) and so forth since this would dismantle the entire Standard Economic Model that implies that work is a structural necessity when it is no longer such in a Technological Economy, it is an arbitrary quirk and such.

But so it is, now you all know the truth believe it or not, we are trapped in a period of transition, a period where we are transitioning from old stone age ape like societies where power had to be expressed and and work was a necessity to an era of a workless society with people having loads of free time on their hands and such.

After all, in less than 60 years we went from being mostly farm workers to being mostly service workers go figure and we have JHK who is still fighting against the fact that farms have been optimized, that agriculture can be done with machines, he and his old timers are still fighting against the car, the car culture and such, and TV and such, they have this fairy tale view of an old world where everything was nice and pretty and people were good and such: nothing further from the truth, people were way more violent and crappy than today (if you can imagine that) and poverty and necessity of work made people violent and frustrated and all, he has this fairy tale view of how nice things were in the past, but he is 100 % wrong on everything, especially all the forecasts he produces, everything has been going in the exact opposite direction of all of his forecasts.



Nature Loving Fundamentalists

JHK and his followers are still fighting off technologies introduced in the early 1900s like mechanized farming and cars and such, they want to go backwards, they want to turn the clock backwards and all, they are essentially conservative - reactionary - right wing fundamentalists of a religious type wanting to punish “pleasure” more than anything else.

  1. Car technology advanced hugely in the last 100 years, don’t play this down, and it continues to advance greatly: what we have though is a naturally diminishing returns in technological research, each new advance costs more, is harder to obtain, is smaller and so forth, as an example look at boeings dreamliner jet, 10 % more efficient but costly and with battery problems and such, so each advance is harder and is slower and such) and economies of scale concentrate the technology in merged corporations and such, as for example there are only a handful of companies that have the cash to build a modern IC factory being that it costs billions (Intel, IBM, Taiwan Corporation and such) ;

  2. JHK’s ideology, the hippie - nature loving ideology, the “against plastic” movements, against consumerism movement is essentially a reactionary, right wing, conservative - backwards looking movement wanting mankind to go back to the stone ages, they want us all to become farmers again and poor and want to reverse all of the technological gains achieved and such; the basis of this ideology is some kinds of remnants of religious fundamentalism wanting to punish pleasure, wanting to punish gains, wanting to keep man primitive and fearful of god (or nature in this case) not wanting to go forward, a kind of guilt complex against all the creature comforts and elimination of hard work that technology has provided us and all; pleasure must be punished, life must be hard, you have to work the land with your bare hands, you are not allowed to be idle and enjoy TV or computers, you must work hard, you must remain in your little local community and shop at the small crappy mom and pop shop that offers nothing but high prices, big box stores are evil since they bring the world together by furnishing goods from all over the world and also by lifting millions of poor people in poorer countries from their poverty and into the middle classes and such; hence JHK’s ideology and his followers are envious of these gains and these new pleasures achieved and furnished by huge economies of scale and the huge networks and the corresponding wealth a Technological Economy provides and such, they cannot stand this and they want to punish all and bring them all back to a harsh past where the local boss is king and everyone else is a slave and such;

  3. Energy isn’t running out (will never run out even though the Nature Loving Fundamentalists would love this to happen so as to punish all us sinners for enjoying the fruits of a Technological Economy watching TV and being idle and eating potato chips and such, all things that must be punished, nature will punish you for these sins (these pleasures, and pleasure must be punished since we must be in eternal pain and such, and see how close all this environmental “protecting” crap is related and tied into hate religions) and such), oil is just one fuel now being surpassed by the use of carbon which is abundant and such: there is a never ending stream of new energies being put online, solar, wind, nuclear, methane, natural gas, biodiesel, ethanol, etc. (gas that is now so abundant and cheap you wouldn’t believe it, we have a glut of energy, of gas and such) : this peak oil myth is false, will never happen and can be overcome in untold number of ways like electric cars, more trains and buses, skyscrapers, working remotely from home without the need to commute and such.

What instead we really need is to keep on going forward, to improve the lives of all and this is achieved by doing the exact opposite of what all the Nature Loving, Peak Oil Hoping Nature Fundamentalists Chant: and that is we need way more consumption and production, we need super consumption and a never ending stream of progressive projects, rockets to mars, high speed trains and so forth, a never ending stream of ever more consumption of all, this will lift all of the world out of poverty instead of plunging even the rich world into the stone ages again with all of this anti consumerism and anti car stance and such. We need way more nuclear energy, the cleanest and most advanced energy there is, but the nature lovers brainwashed everyone that nuclear is the devil, we need way more consumption but especially, since the focus should be on consumption and increasing production and wealth and new projects and building and going forwards and not on the stone age ideas of “Hard Work” and “you have to deserve it”, then a free salary should be given to all worldwide and cheap rents to all and so forth.

Anyways, Moore’s law is almost finished, I guess that in 5 or 6 years we will reach the limits of integration of circuits, maybe 10 to 20 billion transistors, maybe PCs will be 10 times faster by then, so agreed, not much of an advance is possible anymore and such. On the other hand, it is incredible that a standard and old and fundamental technology like housing - homes should cost so much, and be so hard to obtain and such, we should have been light years ahead of still having to fight over homes, they should cost very little by now, it is a well known technology and such: but the reason why they always cost so much is because it is a Power Struggle, a fight between who has the cash and the property and how much they can squeeze out of who needs it and such, a basic good kept away from the needy to make a gain, just like the health care mafia and such.



rhino says:

"The next time that you go to the local emergency room and you get examined with an imaging machine think about how the machine got there. Do you have any idea? No? Did you build it? No?

What about that sled dog with a stethoscope, you know, the degreed, money grubbing sellout looking at your vitals. Did you ever wonder how he or she got there? Did you build the medical school they went to? No?

Yeah baby, you post your drivel using the internet. Did you build the internet? No?

Do you know how all this shit comes about? Let me enlighten you. It’s because guys like me MAKE it happen. Yeah “Carol”, surprise, surprise, these things don’t just materialize out of thin air, not food, not MRI machines, not medical schools, not the internet. You know, college and university grads that you disdain, slave away year after year, designing and building and administering and delivering. Guys that have skill and knowledge, that get paid for what they do. Yeah Carol, we WORK and get PAID, concepts that maybe you have little exposure to. Guys that you deride as sled dogs, that create and maintain that very system that YOU take for granted every witless waking hour of your life, that system that YOU take from, that system that benefits YOU, that keeps YOUR sorry ass alive and fed and medicated. "

Hard Work…

Ok, rhino, tell us about how hard you worked: how many hours a day were you at the office ? how many meetings a day or week ? were they necessary, interesting, did they produce something ? how long does it take to be trained in typing a keyboard in a modern office ? exactly what skill sets, be precise please, are necessary to “work” and “be paid” and “be responsibile” ? exactly what do you mean by responsible ? please be precise, I am interested, I believe you can let us all in on something we don’t know. Also, how many times did the boss boss you around ? did you ever feel like a little slave, like being under the thumb of someone ? did your ideas or evaluations contrast often with those of the boss or company ? did you just keep it inside or could you argue against them ? how many raises did you get and such.

Really, I would really like to see all of these Hard Work myth people at their work to see exactly what is so hard about it other than being forced to do things you don’t like, and often things that are useless and just a show of power for the boss, just an appearance of work and such.

Put it this way: take a young graduate, put him in an office for 8 hours a day, now how long will it take to train him in any possible endeavor or task of moderate complexity most corporations ask for, how long can it take to get a number of procedures and manipulations inside his thick skull ? now consider, 8 hours a day is really a lot of time, if the guy isn’t stupid, he should eventually pick it up after a month, or 3 months, or what the heck 6 months (yeah, I know, companies like to create constant emergencies, like to confuse you all the time, impossible schedules, al lot of insanity to make you work hard just because and such, but excluding this for the moment). Ok, now what ? now he just mostly repeats the routine, with some variations, but it is a routine, so it really is no longer hard work, get it ? After all, he is just using his logic, always the same crap day in and day out, logic, procedures, the same old over and over again, a drone and such. What makes it interesting is the fights (or emergencies, or impossible schedules, or constant change of plans and projects and such), the contrasts, the opposing will powers fighting against you or others, the wars, the office politics and so forth, and maybe this is what you really mean by hard work, trying to convince the boss or client that he should do this or that, the hard work consists in trying to manipulate another person’s judgements or will power and such, and that indeed is hard work, more like impossible work since the other will power and judgment can do anything it wants no matter how hard you try and such. But of course, the accumulation of your effort is serialized, added up and put into a box of how hard you worked, your achievement is your effort, but most of that effort was useless anyways.

Of course, I am not taking about Brain Surgery or Integrated Circuit Designs, or Sending Rockets to Mars and such, obviously, there are hundreds of complex tasks, of complex engineering and technical tasks that really need years of training and such, but your average work force is not doing those things, so exclude those superstars, which I already mentioned (maybe 5 million workers worldwide out of a poulation of 800 million workers ?), and by the way, those superstars will rarely if ever brag about Hard Work or how many hours you have to be in the office for the boss to see you and such, since the tasks at hand obviously need so much attention and dedication, it would be a joke to speak about hard work and such.

But the entire bragging thing of Hard Work is simply to state, “I Deserver More Than You” (since I suffered more than you, pain accumulated and solidifies into all of my “Hard Work”, hence you are not me, I can kick your ass and be your boss, and condemn you and judge you as badly as I want, and punish you and inflict pain upon you as much as I want, god gave me permission, so no more free handouts to no one, no free money to the lazy unemployed and such), therefore, I am justified in hating you, or taking anything away from you, it is a justification to let it all out and hate freely on others, to condemn others, now you are finally free and justified to crush anyone else who didn’t work as hard as you did (the right wing mentality finally free to hate on others), a kind of moral justification for inequality, a kind of feeling smug and accommplished by your own standards, your own judgments and such. Acutally this is very easy to do, just openly say you are better than anyone else, end of story, no need to justify it with bragging about hard work nobody cares about and such.

There is this kind of paranoia, this kind of fear that people will always be lazy, idle, and such, so the mantra of Hard Work must be constantly grinded in their minds, they must constantly be warned that they must work hard, that they must deliver, that there is no free lunch (as if people will always misbehave, are all lazy craps: in all truth it is much harder to not work and be idle and do nothing all day long than to do something, people will naturally always want to work, even work hard to occupy time, to have tasks and such, this paranoia is no longer justified, belongs to an era where people had to be treated as slaves and such, or maybe those always chanting about hard work feel guilty of all of the real hard work they never did, like the Indians building skyscrapers in Dubai for 200 dollars month and such, real hard physical work paid crap for 12 hours a day and such) : the funny thing is, this mantra today is not only false but counter productive in that a Technological Economy needs more Hard Work like a hole in the head, it needs idle more than anything else, it needs free time for consumption, it needs lazy people who can invent all kinds of fun and games as most modern production is now all about fun and games, from Apple’s IPHONE to all the financial gimmicks and magic in banks creating debts and loans and derivates and subprime loans and such.

Now rhino boy, lets see how hard you are willing to work, lets see if you actually reply to my questions precisely, lets see if you can do this task, just reply honestly, without ad hominen attacks, just reply and be honest and let us all in on your past life of hard work. We may learn a thing or two who knows ?


That was from:


I Saw The Future …

We are now shoving down Nature’s throat 50 million cars a year, but in a few years we will be shoving done “her” throat 100 million cars: now extrapolating into the future, by the year 100 million we will have shoved down Nature’s throat 10,000 trillion cars ! that is so damn cool! Even if just one percent of those cars remain on the “soil”, we will have filled the earth with steel and iron and engines and V8 engines, that is so cool, I can’t believe it. We win, I win, we will show Nature who the Boss is, god gives you permission, we will drown all Nature in Steel and Iron and Car Seats and Steering Wheels so damn cool I can’t believe it ! But that is only cars, now imagine how many jets, houses and trains, and high speed trains and highways and TVs and so forth, skyscrapers, things and stuff, all kinds of things and stuff, wild stuff, computers, chips, all kinds of gadgets and artificial, man made, fake stuff, plastic stuff, stuff that is not “Natural”, that is not “genuine” and so forth, I like fake, I like artificial, I can’t stand nature and this fairy land worshipping of Nature and such: we should all be loving how much of our crap we shove down her throat, we should enjoy, pure pleasure to know how we are beating “her” up, showing “her” who the boss is, you can do it man, don’t be shy, god gives you permission, do it man just do it, first gear its all right, second gear hold on tight, third gear you’re out of sight! so groovy, man, sock it to me, man, groovy!

And imagine how many new and cool car models there will be in the future, with 10,000 trillion cars there will be billions of new car models, oldsmobile 98s, giant sized cars, microcars, ant sized cars, huge cars, all kinds of cars, luxury cars, giant rolls royces, all kinds of car models, all kinds of new and wicked dash boards, all kinds of replicas of 1967 Chrysler Imperials and such, so damn cool! I will have so much fun, just like a baby, just like an idiot, who cares, I have no obligation to anything or any idea or any model, I just need to satisfy my pleasure, and my pleasure is in seeing all kinds of stuff shoved down Nature’s throat, and all the fundamentalist nature lovers lose and lose badly, I hope they suffer greatly for their loss, I win, we won, the nature killers win so there, I got you back, I got you all back, so cool, I win, I win, just like a little baby, I always win, I am so glad I have remained a little idiot baby who can always win, who wins always, I am god, you all have to respect some kind of morality and values, I kill values and morality, I am the god who took god’s place, god gives you permission and such. There should be an eco terrorist movement that does the opposite of what green peace and nature lovers do and namely poison the environment as much as possible, kill nature, drop bombs, make the environment totally no longer inhabitable, so cool and such.

Please don’t read this as sarcasm or as some kind of counter exaggeration, I really mean it, I love fake and plastic and am totally fed up with all of this environmental crap and losers and go back to the land and become farmers crap and such, we must go forward and such.

But the real kicker is to calculate how many homes will have been built by then: now maybe we build a million homes worldwide every year (probably a lot more) so that is 100 million square meters of land grabbed away from Nature for our pleasure and such. Now in a million years we will have completely saturated the land of the earth with houses, structures, malls, big box malls, skyscrapers and such, so damn cool ! so imagine how saturated the earth will be with things, cars and houses and factories and malls and highways and airports and so forth, imagine an earth completely drowned in our crap, so damn cool! That’s the way I like it!

So the limits of economic growth are in how much stuff we can produce and how much room we have to put it all in, of course we can go underground (500 miles underground full of cars and robots and computers and all kinds of wicked cool stuff) and build ever higher and that is what we will do, and go to other planets and such, and that is what we will do, since if we remained on earth, Economic Growth would finally end structurally as there would no longer be any room to grow and such: so that is why we need to go to Mars and beyond, we need trillions of rockets, we need to colonize the galaxy, automatic production and build ever more, render all fake and artificial and win the war against nature once and for all, show Nature who the boss is, you can do it man, shpacck a lacck shpacc a lacc a shlacc a shpacc, subaru subvaru subaru r ur u shappc…



Saw The Future …

Economists have this expectation of Economic Growth as if it were a god given law and not just a temporary quirk of a given era etc. The entire pattern of Economic Growth emerged only thanks to technology and industrialization and such, the application of technology to production processes and so forth and then something that has been going on only within the last 300 years or so, also given to the fact that almost all of science has been discovered in the last 300 years. The entire idea of growth comes from the idea of progress, of going forward, of constant improvements, of something constantly going higher and higher, better and better and this can easily be traced to the progress in science and technology and its effects accordingly on the economy and such. But it is a short story, just a short period of time when humanity followed this path, it is not a law, it is not to be taken for granted, it is a work in progress as the pattern can change, will change and depends on any number of any possible variables and such. But the economists insist, the USA and the EU and JAPAN must grow, when this is essentially over, can no longer happen and won’t happen at least in the following years.

Some reasons:

  1. You cannot compare the possibility of growth with what China does since China can force growth through unlimited government spending; and they don’t have the crappy democratic process blocking all kinds of projects like high speed trains, nuclear plants and skyscrapers, something the west can’t do because the democratic process forces you to abide to the greens and others and such, and yet all of these infrastructure and large scale processes make China grow a lot economically, a kind of forced growth, a kind of artificial growth (as opposed to Brazil or India or Russia that seem to have a much natural automatic growth similar to what the west once had when going from poor to middle class);

  2. You can’t compare any possibility of growth (and expect that kind of growth anymore) with what happened after WWII, entire continents destroyed, huge work to do to build everything all over again in the following years, the USA wins and has and can spend a lot of money for defense and space projects and so forth (now the USA seems almost broke and with a crazy health care system and such) the Marshall Plan in Europe, only a few countries were industrialized JAPAN and Germany starting all over again and so forth etc.;

  3. You can’t compare any possible future growth with what the 20th century offered, technology levels that still corresponded to job levels, to the creation of jobs, less automation, entire new industries and such being born like cars, jets, computers etc.;

  4. A strong “physical” limit to how much you can grow, only so many cars can be built (and used and parked in puny Europe or JAPAN and such), only so many homes, especially in the old, static and saturated west and such, countries that are decaying naturally, saturated with goods and such, and now younger countries like China and Indonesia can produce and consume a lot more, grabbing market share from the US, EU and JAPAN and such.

And many other reasons the USA, EU and JAPAN can’t grow much economically anymore, including high home prices, the amount of anger and negative judgements firing people is always greater than the positive judgments hiring people and so forth. Everyone wanting to punish everyone else and so forth, the idea of government spending to create growth is completely out of style, now the economists expect the invisible hand of the market to hire people, good luck with that, but people are not needed anymore, work is no longer needed in a technological society and so forth and so on, many reasons, a never ending list of reasons.

But the entire model of a society always growing is flawed from the outset, our civilization and society is just a very short story and quirk, there will be thousands of new histories and new events that will occur in the future, all kinds of civilizations, some with huge growth cycles, some with huge poverty cycles, some with all kinds of wars and insanity and so forth, a never ending cycle of incredible events, combinations, civilizations doing all kinds of things, Matter exploring (and exploding itself ?) all of its possible combinations through Observers interacting and creating all kinds of worlds and such.

The possible cylces of creation destruction, growth and depression in a 10 million years could be 30,000 (times 300 years of each period, since from 1700 to 2000 we had huge growth and change and such), wars and population decreases and then increases, a never ending stream of new histories, from super growth periods saturating the earth and solar system with cars, marble cars, rockets, buildings and population, to long periods of total nuclear destruction and war, to long periods of stone age ape like societies (like the planet of the apes, all past forgotten and ready to be discovered and invented again, and many cycles of such forward, backward and so forth) all kinds of global warming, environmental modifications and destructions and cycles and ice ages and pollutions and who knows who and you invent it, imagine it, it is all possible, and all kinds of technologies all kinds of possible combinations of forces, population levels, from thousands of trillions on earth to only a few hundred and then all over again and so forth, from trillions of crazy modified brain hybrids roaming the earth like crazy zombies and crazy horses, all kinds of genetical experiments went wrong and such, all kinds of chip brain combinations gone wrong or right, all kinds of solid state civilizations and then decaying again, falling apart, going back and forth between stone ages and ape like societies to super future modifed instant singularities travelling inside incredible new universes and such, a never ending stream of crazy history and such, and all kinds of wild animals, wild modified animals, genetically modified animals with chips in their brains, trillions of mad scientists trying out all kinds of insanities, and so forth; and we will have eras of trillions of bridges across oceans and skyscrapers on the sun, and then giant ocean liners and giant jet planes roaming the earth and then trillions of skyscrapers, and thousands of trillions of cars, and then rockets and venus completely changed by wild and crazy animals that came out of wild and crazy experiments with chips and genetics and technological singularities and super computers and a never ending stream of futuristic technologies all being present at the same time and so forth.

The point is our history is only a few hundred years old, what the heck even our civilization is maybe only 20,000 years old: that is nothing compared to the billions of years ahead of us of possible new histories and evolutions and patterns and civilizations, imagine all the possible combinations and stories and histories and interactions and forces and how many different ways things can play out and so forth. And then history may last trillions of years and full of virtual realities and maybe we will live inside chips creating virtual realities with one second being equal to a trillion years of history and so forth.

And then after all, it may simply be just a close system talking to itself and evolving itself and self manipulation itself in a closed box, imagine millions of small balls containing millions of worlds and universes and observers and so forth, all closed loop civilizations that have become independent from external forces and so on…

So Neil Young got the timing wrong when he sang

“Look at mother nature on the run in the 1970”,

he should have sung:

“Look at mother nature on the run in the 100 million”

shpacc a shalcc a s htallc cc cahns dsd

8 men


4:17 "China recently brokered the long-term lease and management of a swatch of land in Africa to feed its surplus population in Asia: by swatch of land I mean a gross area the size of Pennsylvania and New York State combined. This vast acreage will be terraformed, its indigenous populations removed, and genetically-engineered grain and feed for export drilled in. Its rivers, lakes and aquifers will be bled to feed it and applications of genetic herbicides will be applied to the vast mono-cultures by drones. And this is just ONE foreign investment project!

Oldsmobile69, look down on the fruits of your Ubermenschen. Are you erect with pride? "

No one can do anything about it anyways whether you like it or not, countries, people, forces will do what they want unless you offer resistance, opposition, and if you want to oppose China, well go luck with that.

We will maybe regress back to being only a few hundred ape things worldwide, a few hundred apes, after Nuclear War (imagine what a boatload of fun, all the major cities of China, JAPAN and South Korea, Chicago, New York City, Sao Paolo etc. Nuked, what destruction man!) or maybe global warming will provoke that war, or something else (a giant asteroid ? earthquakes ? who knows, there are many random events and forces of “Nature” playing around), 7 billion people can find 7 billion reasons to fight and go to war and so forth.

But I don’t think we will be 100 % wiped off the planet, we will just cycle through all over again, develop all over again and become a thousand trillion until another major war or event or whatever, the cycles will go on and on and so forth.

I read somewhere that at a certain point in the past, a few 100 thousand years (or was that million ?) ago, ape type humans were only a few hundred worldwide, but they managed to survive and thrive anyways. And even if we are wiped out, Natural evolution will probably evolve some similar animal, nay, with all of the electronic leftovers of the previous millions of years who knows what incredible tricks pure blind forces, natural evolution, the random playing out of random forces mixing and matching random entities of matter organized in the most random way can play on us, can construct, can invent and so forth. A new thinking slab of matter interacting and and manipulating its environments and such.

This play of forces will never end, will go on forever, there will be all kinds of things, the distinction between Nature and Fake is simply cultural, mental, Matter likes to play with itself and constructs all kinds of incredible stuff, just because, and even if the planet ends up dead like Mars, well who cares, so much the better, Mars is a nice place, silence, no fighting, no pain or pleasure, a pure spiritual achievement and such, life is overrated, organic chemistry, carbon chemistry is overrated, I like the mostly dead, irrelevant stuff in the Universe, the plasmas in stars, rocks on planets, all things that have no goal, no thoughts, no problems, I like things that have no problems and just exist…

rhino boy says:

2:19 “Here’s another perspective: the plain fact is that folks like me are often pre-occupied (and by “pre-occupied” I mean shitting razor blades) with making sure that cash is coming into company coffers.”

Good for you, you can keep that job, who wants it ? On a side note, rhino must have had a really horrible life: his repsonsabilities sounded so tough, what kind of work was that that you had to fight off such choosy clients, and crappy bosses and workers ? wow, maybe you were better off working at McDonalds, I don’t think so much aggravation and worries and fighting was even really worth it in the end…now go on rhino say I am a fancy pants, a layabout, someone who thinks he’s smart and so forth, all criticism accepted, I don’t give two ccks and a dck about what anyone or anything thinks, it is all irrelvant and useless anyways, so good for you, you are right, I just hope they paid you a good salary for all of your fighting and such in those crappy jobs you had…

ape star,




The Illusion of Politics

I was reading that Belgium was without a government for 2 years or so and their economy actually got better: that makes me think at how little governments, politics and laws really influence the economy, it seems to be mostly an imaginary mind game, imaginary battle lines over laws and regulations and rules that are supposed to have this or that effect on the economy and such. But mostly all of these changing of rules and laws really is hiding the fact that someone, some group wants to gain an advantage against some other group, someone wants to change the rules to grab more and take it away from someone else who will lose according to the new rules and such (politics is always a win lose situation even though everyone wants to make you believe that it is all for the common good, a win win situation and such and you can also see the diminishing returns - effects of politics and laws in time, in the beginning of the 20th century, maybe it was a win win situation, maybe the gains were evenly distributed (but also because the economies grew and technology was constantly increasing the standards of living, now that free lunch is finished and over with, now we are left with ever growing number of laws and complexity and a constant win lose situation, a constant situation where you have to share a decreasing pie (but the pie is decreasing because the conflicts amongst people are increasing, not because wealth is really decreasing, nay, wealth is actually constantly increasing) and such)): like the “new labor laws” they all want to shove down the throats of Spain, Italy and Greece, they want to make it easier to fire (so that they can hire more easily) but what it really wants is to give the richer people, the bosses, those that can hire more power and freedom to do whatever they want and such and punish the workers and such, a win lose situation, all making believe that it is all for the “common good”, everyone will win since the market becomes more flexible and such: nothing further from the truth, there are no jobs and people don’t hire other people in these crappy countries (and all countries mostly) because there is nothing left to do for so many people that is worth the effort, there is no profit in most activities anymore, the entire model of work, of doing something for someone else and getting paid is no longer valid, is obsolete, since very few activities give any kinds of returns anymore, hence work is no longer needed, is disappearing and such.

Just like the diminishing returns of Information, or Thought, or Debates and so forth, information is now or in the future going to be worth zero, because it is a dime a dozen, the internet can channel any amount of information (books, movies, TV shows, etc.) to anyone for free, no matter what, all kinds of activities based on information creation will have no profit anymore, will be worth zero, it is all free hence worth zero. All of the thoughts and debates and conflicts, imaginary conflicts really are just imaginary wars and such, imaginary constructions in people’s minds fighting each other with no real material substance, all denotations like macro economy theories and the the numbers and statistics, the fights dealing with education and who is to blame for this or that, the fights over mexicans coming and “robbing jobs” and such, all large scale constructions, imaginary constructions that have no real connection to what happens on the ground since what happens on the ground will always be point like events, simple action - reactions and so forth, simple forces playing out according to all kinds of intractable impulses, events and actions and reactions and going anywhere at all disregarding all debates, and thoughts, and new laws passed and so forth.

So all the debates and thoughts and efforts in politics is just one huge imaginary construction for the most part, just like religions, just a huge time occupier, or better just an example of excess capacity of the mind compared to those few simple puny activities it really needs to survive and such.

Anyways, politics and 60 % of “new” laws have mostly a negative to effect to most people, most changes seem to always be for the worst, maybe 30 % of the new laws and changes don’t do anything and maybe only 10 to 20 % of most laws and changes have any benefit or contribute to the “common good” and such, hence it is better that no changes happen at all, no new laws are passed at all, no government at all is better than any government, and in fact Belgium’s economy grew with no government, with no changes in effect: and then this imaginary myth that the governments control everything or have all this power and such: the actions of governments are so feeble these days, are so weakly coupled to most activities it is incredible that so much attention is given to such a small cause, to something almost irrelevant in the end and such.

The action of governments and politics is so weakly coupled to any effects because:

  1. How laws are coupled to effects is very vague, intractable, you never know what reactions, what loopholes people will find to overcome a law or avoid a law and such;

  2. The laws may have no effect at all, or may have an opposite effect that you cannot foresee and such.

The entire myth that something as complex and intractable as the economy can be manipulated by new laws and regulations, by changing rules is an act of faith: most laws probably have no effect at all, some or probably most will have a negative effect, and probably a very few may help the “economy grow”, since all these new fangled laws are desperately trying to make the economy grow to pay back past debts made when the economy was growing (actually was inflating bubbles and inflating property prices, as much growth just means hike up house prices as much as possible to establish, confirm and lock in a standard quo, to lock in the gains that the first buyers and the first ones made against all the future generation, in other words, high property prices are a lock on any real flexibility of an economy, are an iron fist lock and wall against poorer people ever being able to have access to homes, it is a power structure to force the weaker to pay ever more for a basic need, but all the economists chant that high home prices are good for the economy go figure).

Vlad and others on this blog are always talking about rascism, who is better and worse, who deserves more or less, the blacks, the jews the mexicans and such: why don’t you all just say, I am better than all, end of story, who cares about all the reasons and justifications, why do you even need any justifications ? why does it have to even be right or wrong ? who cares for right or wrong, why are you pretending that there is some objective box where the truth is and we all must abide to some objective, abstract truth and such: well who cares, I invent my own truth, nay, I will just do anything I want, I could care less if it is right or wrong, justified or not, the past histories, the facts and all else, it is all irrelevant, just do anything you want, all these hugely long debates and constructions trying to find moral, historical and whatever else justifications to confirm one population superior to another is so irrelevant, who cares, even if it is true (or false) it is all irrelevant, useless, can simply be assigned a zero value for fun, just because, and such. In the end it all boils down to a simple fight: A against B, A wins B loses, end of story, a one bit universe, a one transitor circuit.

why does it have to be justified by racism or histories or other moral justifications ? just say I want this, I’ll do this, end of story, I don’t have to justify anything to anyone or anything since it is all irrelevant, indifferent, I just do whatever I want, arbitrarily, I need no justifications and such.

And rhino boy and hard work: you mean the hard work is the hard work other people oppose, oppose your work, the hard work is other people, not the work or the real tasks at hand, they can be done in a jiffy, a dime a dozen, it is all very easy, it is people that make things hard, people create work by creating problems creating complications, by being stupid and acting stupid, by creating interdictions and contrasts and opposing your will power and such, the hard work is the “fight” always needing to “fight” other people and such.

So the hard work is mostly the hard work others make you do by opposing their will power, the work is hard, nay the work exists only because other people force you to work as by constructing roadblocks, interdictions, by forcing you to exert ever more effort to obtain something and such: and yet this is another contradictory quirk of a Technological Economy: since most real work, most of the basics are licked, then the only other kind of work that can be created is by making people fight each other, by making people work against each other and such: when you needed people in a factory or in an activity based on a lower technology level, you actually needed those people to fight reality, the laws of physics, the real interdictions and limitations reality opposed you as when people needed to repair TV sets, you were fighting the circuits and not the software like today (and in fact the evolution from hardware to software exactly reflects this evolution from real necessities, hard necessities, hard work agains matter, to fake necessities and hard work against other people and their will powers, the social crap, the arbitrary, non necessary, random opposition to events that other will powers can oppose you just because, just to actually create work, like a technological economy will create ever more fake work, ever more conflicts, debates and fights, the less we have to conflict and fight matter and reality and the real necessities and basics).

Anyways Electrification is only 120 years old or so, so much advancing in so little time, that huge advancement that happened in 150 years or so from the 18th century towards the 20th century made people believe and expect in ever more advances, progress, growth (this is the origins of the “Economic Growth” myth) and possibilities to go forward and such but that game is over now, that one time quirk where everything - most of the fundamental basics have been discovered and applied and created huge economies of scale and huge possibilities of new jobs and hiring is over and done now: now we have to remain in a steady state situation where everything will become choices, politics, debates, conflicts and such, now we have to decide how to apply the power we have and such.

And in order to go forward we need free salaries and cheap rents and rockets to mars and such.



ape thug

From: … ent-676373

6:16 "We’ve lost the work ethic AND the skills to work complex manufacturing jobs. "

Be a Farmer Again ?

There will always be something wrong with workers: first they brainwashed a few generations of kids that they had to “study”, go to college, that manufacturing was not the way to go, only to stab them all in the back a few decades later saying no, we were wrong, now you don’t have the right skill sets and such. First make everyone do A and then all of a sudden ask for B, or make them do B and such: and then the entire thing of college and education was because a population went from being mostly farmers to being industry workers and then service workers, in just a few decades (from 1900 to 1980), a huge change in types of jobs, hence from the starting point of being farmers and workers in industry, the only way up was to study and use the brain, the intelligence stuff (there wer only a minority of people with high school education and even fewer with degrees in 1900, 1920 and such), (and also the farmers and uneducated workers looked at awe at the college graduates, imagining who knows how much they know (what special skill set in using their brains they had), how much value education had and so forth, the myth of working with your brains instead of your hands, the Information Worker Myth and such, it is an old myth that came about a hundred years ago by farmers believing in this myth, and the myth was true up until a few years ago, now the myth is expired) the services and high tech stuff and such: only that now that game is over, now the economy doesn’t really need anyone anymore, neither farmers, nor blue collar workers nor information workers with college degrees (even though they will always blame you for some fault, maybe you need that PHD ? maybe you need to get retrained in something new and so forth, a never ending list of excuses on why the economy can’t absorb you, when the truth is simply YOU COST TOO MUCH: I CAN GET THE SAME IF EVEN BETTER LABOR IN VIETNAM FOR ONE TENTH YOUR PAY LEVEL, END OF STORY.

Exactly because work is no longer needed, an optional, exactly because most work today consists of working against other people, fighting, lawyers, contentions, office politics, marketing, selling and trying to brainwash people on loads of BS, constant change for change sakes, nothing serialized or accumulating (such as huge High Speed Train Projects, Rockets to Mars and such), just a bunch of petty little fights, all little startups thinking that they will strike it rich and such, the very value of work and people working is optional, can be any value you can brainwash yourself and other people they have: hence how easy it is to fire a few thousand workers from banks, obviously their work was worth zero, or it instantly changed value, from being a paycheck to zero, all of a sudden and such.

People and Labor and Work today have any value you want it to have, from having no value to infinite value and such, especially if you need that particular worker, a plumber or something that no one knows how to do, but you are in an emergency situation, well then that simple handy work can be worth thousands of dollars and such.

Or maybe the value is another point like event, another single event depending on who is selling what, who is buying what at that very moment in that very place and what the contention (litigation ? fight ?) leads up to: how much the pay for a job is given according to completely quirk, arbitrary and random forces and situations, like being able to sell a house not worth more than 70,000 dollars for 400,000 dollars (like in california and such, and London and such, fake prices of homes only based on how much you can brainwash someone, but also because all the huge accumulation of wealth worldwide in so few hands help pump up property prices all over the world by hiking up the prices, by loading them by saturating a market with their heavy cash, just like in london, all the rich in the world buy there and have helped hike up housing costs and rents and so forth hugely punishing the average joe and such).

Now go on, say the kids don’t know how to work “high precision manufacturing” or take Germany as the model (a really unique quirk situation of a country that has always been the top in manufacturing (but a lot of idiotic nincompoop economists discovered Germany only in the last 2 years, wow, what idiots! what did they study ? didn’t they study that Germany was a manufacturing giant in the 1930s up to the point to wage a world war against the entire world all by themselves for 5 years ? don’t they see that Germany is a real exception to most of the world anyways ?), that has always been amongst the top economies of the world and so forth, and they are seling millions of luxury cars worldwide, now all of a sudden all countries must imitate them - become like them, but weren’t we supposed to be like JAPAN a few years back ? or weren’t we all supposed to be like Silicon Valley and so forth ? a never ending stream of idiots chanting all the BS imaginable and excuses imaginable to not state the simple truth: THE ECONOMY DOESN’T NEED YOU OR YOUR LABOR AND DOESN’T WANT TO GIVE YOU A SALARY, END OF STORY).

ape thug

lobster jobster

ape thug


lobster jobster

no dice job, jobster lobster…