
true, I agree there has been a ton of shit on the matter, and I consider physics [my brother is a physicist and my family all atheists] first, before I consider something to be magic. …and there isn’t a lot left to do that with.

Don’t you agree that the experiencer experiences mental qualia which cannot be explained in the physics?

My father is a physicists, used to work with particle accellerators, developed RAM later, taught me nuclear physics when I was 8. I had all A’s in school for physics because of this.

My philosophy is originated and developed as Physics, as science combined with pure logic.
My terms, the set of terms regarding Valuing that I have put together to form a logic, are applicable only to scientific problems. For other problems the terms are too hard, too merciless.

People dont want to think of their values in hard terms; they want to think that they choose them. But they are just following the physics.

What Value Ontology addresses is the problem of coherence, Gravity, EM, Strong Force, all these are beyond the physics paradigm of now; they are the irreducible axioms, synthetically observed, on top of which the models of knowledge are built. They do not themselves belong entirely to the category of knowledge - but with my theory this is altered.

Using VO, we explain scientifically how Tarot and “magic” works.
I am only interested in top minds, not to try to explain things to me, Ive never had any serious competition anyway, but to see how my ideas take shape in their minds.

Ultimately this theory is explosive beyond imagining. Which means I cant rush it or it will explode in my face. Which has been happening wherever I was trying to ‘push’ it among people who didnt explicitly state their deep interest.

Wherever there is deep interest, things have been developing beyond precedent.
The future holds a science that makes what we have now look very cold and thin.

Of course Magic is, as all practicing scientists know, just the demonstration of technology of which the laws are unknown to the audience.

Naturally, Tarot follows scientific laws; i.e. the laws of value correspondence and of the statistics of patterns.

The uncertainty principle is such a statistic… basically it is The statistic.

But unlike what the 20th century scientists started to profess, the universe does not emerge statistically, but absolutely. The laws of value-correspondence themselves are hard logic.

Strangely, or actually logically, nothing can be observed, let alone understood, without responding to a value set.

That is thus to say that distortion due to perspective is not only necessary but the very substance of perception, and thus for all intents and purposes of the perceived, reality itself.

In a realm where magic is common place, would you say that the appreciation of magic, and true talent, is lost among the ages?



I wouldn’t, because talent recognizes only other talent. The occult realm is always secluded by the veil of experience.

I am a born magician, it turned out, so I am able to attract powerful friends and participate in and even instigate changes that use elements that arent yet under control of common sense.

Common sense is the religion of the people deprived of their ancestry, or simply of poor stock; they will refuse to think about anything at all, as they assume all is already known and to consider or question is laughable.

That so many people are involved with tarot and astrology means only that occultists have more power. The people that build a site like llewellyn are no doubt serious occultists.

Im saying teleportation and moving objects in broad daylight and such, not that shoddy murky crap that can’t be empirically disproven.

Honestly, these videos make me sick to my stomach.

Thankfully I have no inclination to watch them.

I dont know what your point is, being in this thread. I wrote the OP - there is certainly nothing in there about teleportation.

The thing I actually wrote says that what I am talking about is verifiable, that it is hard science. That this aspect is the interesting part.

Get it straight Trixaloid.

(Just try to imagine why o why it would interest Fixed Cross so much.)

What would interest you, and why?

The videos have important things about magic, so you should watch them. Don’t you enjoy a good laugh?

What changes have you done that is verified by science?

This is a subject of extreme technicality, in fact it is the most technical subject we could be talking about. Ive given quite a bit of pointers in this thread - I do not at all think you’re seriously interested in investigating, in the terms of science, whether or not you can follow my reasoning.

If so, give me an indication my assimilating a response to the technical indicators I’ve provided.
Don’t ask me to repeat them, they are in this thread.

New age mumbo jumbo. Once again i find myself in the mental hospital having to prove I am worthy to hear the lore of the drooling patients.

here are the core concepts I could discover, I could only read half way through though before my brain turned to mush.
probability concepts…the cards, the cards…yugi…put the cards…where the sun don’t shine…
basically, this amounts to, if you spray all over with a paintball gun, eventually it will diffuse into a color of paint, and this is like life.

the astral plane was formed 5000 years ago while they were building the pyramids, formed by their masturbation fantasies.

if you focus your mind, you can get the right roll in a board game. (While I’ve noticed this, it’s probably because your hands are connected to your brain and you dont shake the dice very much. )

i got a+? and i didnt even study until the last day.

are people with physicists genes incapable of explaining things in a clear manner?

what meds are you on? My doctor put me on Zyprexa (it helps with schizophrenia).

Oh… ok, you’re just another idiot.

Fuck off away from me please now baby, I cant deal with people that pretend to have a mind and then when push comes to shove turn out to only have vomit in there that they were aching to release all this time.

So stupid, lazy, desperate and religious that it baffles me.

For Christs sakes learn to make an effort. Dont be such a disgrace.



R E A S O N I N G.

#-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o


before I really get sick.


Really. A typo.


Nice knowing ya.

Ooh…goodie…a reply.

Too bad it doesn’t have any content.

also, too bad you couldnt pick up on the nuances that I was making fun of your whole quote, not just the typo.

So much for your psychic abilities.

Says the guy who makes a thread about the Tarots and magic powers.

there is the problem. You have Reasoning…where?

Say it man.


I could not imagine being a troll. I am really amazed at how much joy people get from opening threads and then not reading them, and spamming in them and lying about what’s in there…

How could that possibly be satisfying?
Well, you say youre suicidally depressed - which is what trolling would lead to, as it involves total abstinence of valuing, which means that you do not, in my terms, actually exist -


Now Im really going to ignore you as you are such a disappointment to me.

I have one parting advice for you lady:

try to exist.

I spelled it right…what gives?