The Answer With Only A Question Game

Did Buffalo just make a statement and try to pass it as a question?

Are you insinuating that bovids possess the capacity to cheat?

Don’t you realize that I’m not insinuating a capacity to cheat, but rather an incapacity to understand the rules?

Well then are you implying that bovids are cognitively challenged?

Is there any doubt that they are?

Is there any chance that I could convince that they aren’t?

Do you have a youtube video of them doing something to prove they aren’t?

What the fuck guys?

lol, wasn’t that the best question yet?

Wherefore will most people not understand this question?

Where is all the fucking pudding?

Pudding? What pudding?

Is Joker getting metaphysical on us?

Man, don’t you guys know anything about Bill Cosby and his fucking pudding?

Is that guy still alive?

How do you know he isn’t selling pudding down your street?

Does he deliver?

Or is it DiGiorno?

Who the hell is DiGiorni?

Man, what the fuck do you guys no about sprayed cheddar cheese that comes out of a can that goes well on crackers?