The main reason I don't believe in God

God is immaterial. You are material. God cannot make you God. Indeed, God cannot make another God, nor make Himself no longer God.

So, what can God do?

Well, God can make you LIKE God to the extent that is possible given the obvious limitations that you are material and God cannot create another God.

So, really, what’s the big deal about being made in God’s image and likeness? The Bible is obviously not written to convey an unbelievable and contradictory premises that you are EXACTLY LIKE God - indeed another God! I don’t see any reasonable person reading the Bible and drawing your conclusions from it.

Why can’t God make another God, where’s the contradiction there? Even God of the Bible admits to other Gods by saying not to worship other Gods before me. If God wanted to be clear about this subject he’d say HE was the only God in existence.


God cannot make another God because then each God could undo the work of the other God, and thus neither would be God.

God cannot make another God because God is uncaused, and even God cannot make that which cannot be made.

A single God is rationally deducible without referencing the Bible. Jesus never once posits the existence of any real God besides Yahweh. That’s all I need for purposes of deciding on truth.

Another God couldn’t undo the work of the first God because infinite wisdom would give them the same motivation. Your sentence is absurd.

Well Jesus also said turn the other cheek, which turns you into a robot.

Jesus also said that earth be like heaven in the lords prayer and advised that everyone turn against everyone, what’s the best way of turning against people, rape, pillage and torture.

This is an archaic problem, and it’s about universals. The one and the Many. What if, the One can be contained in the many, as the many in the one? Then there will be no more post modern distinction. But to say the least, it will forever be a paradox. God

Himself is a paradox, as we humans surely are. can any one solve the paradox? Further it is not a

paradox. In one sense it is, in another sense it is not.
To not realize the difference/sameness, is to suffer

the existential angst,of not being able to overcome it.
How to overcome it?

Jesus did say, 'Render to Ceasar those things which are Ceasar’s and to God that which is God’s.

The problem is not that the Gods could conspire to create the same exact things for the same exact reasons, but that the Gods could decide not to do the same exact things. The possibility that one God could undo the work of the other God is all it takes to make neither God. And the possibility that one God could undo the work of the other God would have to be the case for both to be Gods, otherwise either could not be said to be God because their power would be limited to only making what the other God makes.

You need to explain your “robot” comment, because I don’t understand what you are talking about.

Also, quote the passage where Jesus advised everyone to turn against everyone else.

Lastly, I already explained to you that it is not the goal of the Lord’s Prayer to make Earth like Heaven. Rather, you are to follow God’s will on Earth, as God’s will is followed in Heaven. Indeed, Jesus spoke of His Kingdom as "“My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.” John 18:36. So, the Kingdom of God Jesus was referring to was not a Kingdom of this Earth.

God is not a paradox. God is uncaused. God cannot create another God, because God cannot create that which is uncaused. There is no paradox of God being within God, because there can only be One God. You cannot create a power set with God, because God being uncaused cannot be contained within a power set, because the power set cannot cause that which is uncaused.

You got the first three word correct. The rest is just a list of empty, unfounded, and fantastic assumptions…

“God is not”.

The uncaused is not in the least bit fantastic. That which cannot be caused cannot be caused by something else. Hence, no power sets allowed.

SHow me an example of an uncaused thing, without resorting to tautology.

@Lev Muishkin

Because pure nothingness without existential value is uncaused but is not the case, that which is the case instead ultimately must also be uncaused because there is nothing leftover which can cause it.

Oh damn… you need help with this debate Lev. What John is trying to say is God is Love. Instead of Love is Love =) I know you can understand that John!!! =)

LOL! No, I actually was not getting into the nature of God as being love.

Rather, I am strictly at this point talking about uncaused Reality. In other words, Lev wants an example of the uncaused. I am pointing out that Reality is ultimately uncaused, because the alternative being pure nothingness without existential value is not the case, leaving us an ultimately uncaused Reality.

It’s the same argument John. Reality is reality, God is God. Did cause create love? Or is love just love? This is what Lev is trying to say to you. Why does there need to be an uncaused cause? You do realize that is a Paradox don’t you. And actually, even if the paradox is true, rather than infinite regress, it doesn’t suggest the necessity of authorship. hence, why I said, Love is love, not God is Love. You’re trying to make the formation of things the work of a supernatural entity rather than simple supernatural causes, or perhaps perfectly acceptable ones that don’t require an overarching creator of all.

Let’s really dig into this and have fun John… since you dismissed my other disproofs and you’re talking about uncaused causes again… Where did Gods first thought come from? Did God create Gods first thought? And if God has thought everything forever, then there was no beginning to any of this, which means God couldn’t have created it.


Let’s be clear here, Ecmandu. God is FIRST AND FOREMOST the creator of our universe. Love doesn’t create things, but gives a reason for creating things. When a Christian says that God is love, they should understand this to mean that God’s nature is loving - not that LOVE literally creates the universe. LOVE cannot create squat, but can give reason for something to be created.

An uncaused cause is not at all paradoxical. You should obviously agree that pure nothingness without existential value (whether you even agree with this concept or not), is UNCAUSED. So, the uncaused is quite rational at least in terms of pure nothingness without existential value. Now, because reality exists and there is nothing left to cause reality beside pure nothingness which is obviously not the case, then reality must ultimately be UNCAUSED. That’s simple logic. It’s mysterious and immaterial, no doubt. But, not paradoxical.

So you say John… let me restate my disproof for this.

“Let’s really dig into this and have fun John… since you dismissed my other disproofs and you’re talking about uncaused causes again… Where did Gods first thought come from? Did God create Gods first thought? And if God has thought everything forever, then there was no beginning to any of this, which means God couldn’t have created it.”

“Be true to thine own self”

If you lie to yourself, you contradict yourself, and unlike what James says, presumption is not the mother of all sin, it is self-contradiction. That’s why atheists don’t worship idols, because they know themselves. The irony is John, atheists are better at religion than theists or deists.

God’s mind is uncaused. However, God’s thoughts are neither materialistically deterministic nor randomly selected. Hence, God’s thoughts must be non-contingent, except to His own uncaused Self. A mysterious mind indeed! But, real nonetheless.

So you say… Apparently God created atheists to be better practitioners of religion than deists or theists too… what a mystery :open_mouth: Just because Moses claimed to be from god doesn’t mean that atheists haven’t been doing that for thousands of years before Moses. Wrap your head around that mystery.