The main reason I don't believe in God

Truly, you have no idea what I said. I told you God cannot make us omniscient. This is because God cannot make you God, and only God can be omniscient. Why on Earth would you think that a material being such as yourself could ever be omniscient? Even as an immaterial resurrected being, you would still not be God and would be incapable of omniscience. You’ve completely lost me on your lack of logic. LOL!

I have lost no debate. You’ve lost my train of thought. :mrgreen:

LOL all you want, God is omnipotent, first and foremost, which means it’s entirely possible for God to make beings of matter omniscient, even if he can’t make them omnipotent because they might contradict him. Which isn’t true either, because omniscient beings would all act the same and have the same drives, so even if they were omnipotent, they wouldn’t disagree with God. You’re the douchbag who thinks existence is inherently evil… that is everyone is given infinite knowledge someone might actually decide to do the wrong thing. I KNOW you’re wrong about that.

I had a depressing revelation today… I figured out how to profile non-atheists who claim to be atheists using their subconscious minds. I figured out most people who claim to be atheists actually aren’t, it’s a reaction against society, with the need to not abandon their mothers or fathers. sigh this world is so sick.

“Know thyself and to thine own self be true.”

This means don’t contradict yourself, be true to yourself. You don’t murder people because it hurts you, but people who don’t know themselves can’t understand this simple truth. You need help in the world and when you traumatize people it causes PTSD which decreases their cognitive functioning which effects you. Like I said before James was wrong, in his language about “mothers”, the mother of all sin is not presumption, it is self contradiction. That is the message I want to leave the earth with.

That was an edit which I meant to be it’s own post…

“Know thyself and to thy own self be true”

It doesn’t matter if you lose all your friends… I would rather have the truth and not have a friend, than have one friend and not have the truth.

I know that pistachios are the most tasty thing in existence.
Human society has not been raised with this knowledge- neither God, nor aliens or anybody has taught us this truth since before I came up with it.

Therefore God doesn’t exist.

Yeah, seems legit. Couple problems though:

How do you know your idea isn’t just some crazy shit? Your argument against the existence of God requires the premise “If God existed he would agree with me” which is just egotism. Not believing in God because you’re too egotistical isn’t new, in fact, that’s the most popular reason for atheism there is.
Second, if your idea isn’t crazy shit, how do you know nobody else said it? Assuming for the moment that you read books, have you read them all? Do you know what the Jains believe about sexual stratification, or are you googling it right now to prove me wrong because it never occured to you to check before?


You have a large misunderstanding about omnipotence. Omnipotence means “the quality of having unlimited or very great power.” Notice the use of the word “POWER” in the definition. This is the part you do not understand-----------> Where a power does not exist, then God does not need to have that hypothetical power in order to be omnipotent. God only needs to have all powers that exist in order to be omnipotent, not those hypothetical powers which do not exist.

Hence, there are certain hypothetical powers that do not exist and God does not need to have them to still truly be called Omnipotent. For example, God being uncaused does not have the hypothetical power to create another God. The power to create another God does not exist, because one cannot create that which is uncaused. God does not have the hypothetical power to cause pure nothingness without existential value, because said pure nothingness is also uncaused and cannot be created by anyone. God does not have the power to make another God and hence does not have the hypothetical power to make you God. Because the power to make you God does not exist, then God cannot make you omnipotent, omniscient or omnipresent. No power exists to make you God.

Omnipotence does not include the power to make a material being omniscient. There is only one God, because the power to create other Gods does not exist because one cannot create that which is uncaused such as God.

No religion has ever stated that marriage is a contradiction in the belief in God, including the Jains. And no, they didn’t know about sexual stratification, otherwise we’d all know about it, unless there was some bizarre grand conspiracy theory.

It’s not the same as pistachios, sexual stratification causing war and suicide is a cosmic law, it is not a relative biochemistry process or aesthetic process.

Actually, John, many people on the earth actually disagree with you… they think they have been given the God seed, which means that they were created to be uncaused as well… and MANY religious people on this earth think they are uncaused, though this is mostly in Hinduism and Buddhism. I’m sure there are scores of others, which actually don’t think they were created… they see God as the “Great Spirit” but not the creator of us, even if it created the planet. Native American religions as well.

Now, it is impossible for an omnipotent being to have a highest order of infinity, but the types of things we’re talking about, causing the uncaused, is perfectly in this beings wheelhouse… remember, “God created us in His own image”, which means to reach God and have never been born and to never die… actually most religions have this as a tenet, even though it’s right there in the Bible, Judaism doesn’t embrace this concept like so many other cultures have.

God certainly has the power to make us omniscient and still be the prime mover. That’s called wealth translation, and is something God would be most capable of. When I teach you the alphabet, do I lose the alphabet? No of course not! That is called wealth translation.

To add to this, God would have had to create creation, with no precedent… this is like god creating gods first thought, unless creation has always been, which means God didn’t create it.

This is correct. God provided the access. See Whitehead.

hate to be a spoil sport, but, belief in God , absolutely, (and there is no way to believe in him otherwise),is pantheism. Everything is God, and casualty can not apply to everything, because in order to have casualty, the notion of parts have to presuppose everything. Therefore, there is no absolute casualty. It took Hume to reveal this. What we call everything is God, and everything comes from a primal explosion from a virtual nothingness. This is why we are heading toward that virtual nothingness, which incidentally part of the absolute everything. That nothingness and everything are cotemporenious and are imminently converting from one to the other. God creates man, so that Man, can realize God, contemporaneously. The are one and the same, un caused,and absolutely at the highest level of realization. The spiritual cannot cause the material, because the material does not exist in existential terms, as items degradable to the nothingness of pure energy, which is the part of the absolute. The absolute in part, needs to manifest it’s so called intelligence, so that it’s parts will core head it’s being, so that creative evolution can get started. The absolute needs to divide and reveal ,otherwise the absolute can not be realized. The absolute is always dividing and making it seems as if there was a before, when the absolute was the nothingness which caused it to divide it’s self. But this is not so. Because the absolute can not exist in time, therefore the nothingness never exists. Nothingness is contemporaneous with existence, and it is imminent with it. nothingness and the absolute are divided virtually, contemporously, imminently, therefore the something and the nothing are only existential definitions of the same Being. They are not caused and caused at the same time. The are nothing and something. The absolute can never be conceived by the something because it has fallen away, from the Absolute, God. The Absolute can never conceive It’s self apart from it’s ‘creation’, , because if He were to do that, He would have to inquire it’s own conception, His own causation. Therefore He is, the Uncaused cause. There is no such thing, causation has no reality in this virtual world. God is a contingent, yet necessary Being, in order to sustain the idea of creation, the beginning of evolution. If for not that, there could not be existence, or the essential reasons for faith in in existence. This premordial reason precedes even the essential qualities toward realizing the Absolute. The Absolute is a necessary Being constituted by the essential. This essential is aptly called the HOLY SPIRIT.
It is what we call LOVE. if not for Love, the essential nature of God, could not be realized. Man is in Hell because he does not, and cannot love, absolutely.

An illogical belief is inferior to a logical belief regardless of the numbers of people who hold that illogical belief.

It is illogical to believe that the "uncaused’ can be caused. That’s an inherent contradiction which is inferior to the logical belief that the uncaused cannot be caused or created. You and I were created by our parents. Hence, you and I are not capable of being uncaused or being God. Because no power exists to make you God, then no power exists to make you omniscient, omnipotent or omnipresent. Being created in God’s image and likeliness does not mean being turned into God. Indeed, Genesis refers to God making man - not God making God. Christianity certainly does not subscribe to the view that you and I could become God. There is no such thing as “God seed” in Christianity.

Again, I am not at all claiming a highest order of infinity. However, I am certainly claiming that infinity cannot distinguish itself. And that’s obviously true even to a five year old. God must be REAL in order for infinity to be distinguished for purposes of the existence of material reality.

So do we by that definition. I think what people see as the primordial one are just beings and phenomenon too powerful for us to explain, but there’s no reason to think that there’s a highest order of infinity, just that there are beings more powerful than us.

Infinity is a concept generated from the non-finite, it’s plus 1 forever for example, they go together, there’s no special being that needs to separate them. Even a very intelligent 5 year old can understand that.

If by creation, you mean material universes, then God is outside material time and asking the question about the first universe God made is meaningless. Indeed, this point is even expressed by Stephen Hawking who says that there was no time to make the universe, because time began with the beginning of the universe. So, there is no material time frame of reference to even discuss which universe was created first. Such a perspective would be God’s alone, and that perspective is a mystery.


Plus 1 of what? What finite material universe are you talking about and how does this particular material universe get chosen from the infinitely possible? Infinity itself cannot answer that question, and that’s what even a 5 year old can understand (or maybe a 10 year old? LOL!) :mrgreen:

And my point, is that God could make us not God and still give is that perspective and have it not be a mystery. Besides, you think this is the only universe created? You think the concept of universe has a beginning, brane theory says our universe was caused by colliding branes IN TIME.

Like i said about 30 times, infinities don’t converge, their lack of convergence creates discernability and thus discreteness.

What you are saying is jam packed full of stuff I disagree with. However, I will start with the most important point.

Everything and nothingness CANNOT CO-EXIST, because they are mutually excusive and jointly exhaustive. Now, I suspect you do not understand what nothingness truly is, which I call pure nothingness. Pure nothingness is nothing with no existential value. Do you understand what I mean by “no existential value”? Why people think nothingness is something that can “exist” is beyond me, because the “existence of nothingness” is an obvious oxymoron. Pure nothingness cannot exist because then it would be something instead of nothing. But that doesn’t mean pure nothingness is not a logical hypothetical proposition worthy of metaphysical discussion.

God cannot give you God’s perspective, because then you would be God. God cannot make another God. You can never have God’s perspective. There is no power that exists that could ever give you God’s perspective.

Brane theory is certainly interesting, but even if the existence of Branes were proven to be true, Brane theory only pushes the same problems up one level. What distinguishes the one particular real Brane from the infinity of possible Branes? God does, because infinity cannot distinguish itself.