Theater Of The Absurd

well, rational thought tends to point out that ‘good’ and evil’ aren’t so very different when broken down to simple black and white and the same rationalization for actions can be used. I still find that there’s a world of difference between the two, though. Due to that, there’s not so much rationality involved because it becomes so hard to look for the deeper meaning behind them and people hate doing what’s hard. (I don’t blame them.) Every person would be lazy, to an extent, if they could and they are as lazy as they can be unless doing something that they want to do or have to do. I find that when life becomes too challenging for some; even though they stated that they wanted a challenge; they just fold and stop trying and go back to doing what’s easy instead of rising to the challenge. And, that should be expected in some cases when the challenges become too extreme too fast for people just getting started with it, like when I played one of my cousins at chess when I was younger, check-mated him in three moves and he never played chess again.

I do find it interesting. ‘Evil’, that is. As I go round after round with it in the mind and it continues to use reason for its purposes, I do see the similarities in what it does opposed to what ‘Good’ does in return. It tries to show me how similar the two are and how hypocritical ‘Good’ is and it’s like… yeah, but ‘Evil’. If you’re looking for an easy way to separate the two, you’d never find one. For how simple it is, it can be infinitely complex. Especially since even ‘Evil’ will help others out of the goodness of its heart. And, not for any ulterior motive or agenda, but because it simply wants to at times. I think that what is evil in the world is horribly misunderstood, is just bored with things at times; is called evil for how it reacts to that boredom and only is what it is because of all that has been, is and will be in the future.

I find that the defining labels of ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ do fall short of the mark and most often are based on peoples biased opinions and perspectives. There is an objective truth, though if one could look at the entire situation, even in abstract, and see it for what it is. It doesn’t really matter about good and evil, all the really matters is finding a way to resolve the problems facing the current point in space-time as amicably and with as much cooperation and suitable compromise as possible.

I agree with the ‘innocent until proven guilty’ sentiment and that’s what I try to be as much as possible. Give everyone chances and keep in mind so many different things that could be affecting and effecting their actions.

This coming from the primadonna melodramatic bitch of ILP who can’t even create a thread that remotely resembles anything philosophical.


Who doesn’t want to go to a place where there are nothing but good feelings? Where everything is effortless and pleasurable? It just so happens that being the (chair) master of the universe is much like driving a car; if you have to ride passenger when someone else is driving after being used to driving yourself, it can be a bit nerve-wracking having someone else in control of the situation.

I actually find that the joker (i.e., the man behind Hahaha) doesn’t complain as often as he could or probably should and seems to have a stoic approach to things, which I respect. I believe he deals with a decent amount of pain that he just swallows up. At the point of you (Pandora) pointing out his ‘true need’, what then are you pointing out about yourself except that you do the same in coming here to expose your drama and your true need to have a sounding board, so to speak; to be surrounded by others, to vent, etc. At the very moment of exposing his hypocrisy in such a manner, you truly only expose your own. I do the same, but I don’t see the pointing out of it in others from myself to be hypocritical since I’m not doing it from a standpoint of judging them for it. I’m not even trying to work on eradicating the need for it to be ‘stronger’.

Whether you complain directly or not, just by being here and acting/reacting the way that you do; and this is applicable to everyone; you share your life drama with everyone here. How you go about doing so definitely makes a difference.

The worst part is that they refuse to share, the boggarting bastards.


Yeah, because life is all about a pissing contest of whose thread is more philosophical.

At least my avatar does not have a man with a lipstick on. Who’s really on crack here, huh?

Ah yes, the international Panama financial leaks. Talk about rats cannibalizing and turning on each other as they scurry off the sinking ship. As a metaphor the sinking ship is a representation of the global economic collapse. The elephant in the room.


United States

Yes - except he’s a man… or supposed to be anyway. If you want to equalize men and women, then drop the misogynistic attitude because you have nothing to base it on anymore. If you want to be men, then stop acting like women.

^^^^^Look, a bitch that doesn’t know anything about basic economics! :laughing:

Right, what can this bitch ever say to a master of economic analysis such as yourself! Can we get more charts please?
Preferably, the ones with the downtrend so they can confirm our hopes and excuse our weaknesses.