Theater Of The Absurd


I don’t think it’s news that major banking establishments attempt to affect the values assigned to securities. I mean what do you think a ratings ageny is doing when then say that something is a buy or a hold or a sell? This is like running up and saying, “hey everyone! did you know that the ocean is wet!!??” Then everyone is like, “well duh.”

Tell me what you think this means in your own words.

What kind of nonsense is this?! Where the hell are you getting this from? Your self? Some science magazine? That’s like saying everyone is susceptible to a particular mental illness. Or that everyone could be fetishized in a particular way. Just because you might like taking it up your arse and enjoy it, doesn’t mean that everyone could learn to enjoy it as well (because they, being like you, should already have the potential in them).


Oh look, our resident defender of the status quo and fraud… :laughing:

Close to 40 billion dollars worth of exposure to junk bonds. Do you have anymore questions Mr. Fancy Pants?



Are you claiming that you’ve never had such thoughts? Keep in mind that regardless of what you say, whether no or yes, people won’t believe you. Many men wouldn’t admit to trying on womens clothing in private, would they? Many child molesters wouldn’t admit to molesting children, would they? not to compare those things, really, but just saying with the amount of gay-bashing that some have seen or put others through or had threatened on them in one way or the other, even having just bias and prejudice forced on you by your parents, families, friends, etc., could make you adamantly refuse to admit anything that could be viewed as gay and most men don’t have the manly balls to sit there and say, yeah I prefer women, but anal stimulation gets me off from time to time, whether I like it or not.

It is more appropriate for women to get off on other women than men to get off on other men, socially speaking. Which is funny, because even the most hardcore dykes against men altogether usually need a dildo or phallic-object to get off because flicking and licking the bean aint enough.



Sorry Pandora, but he’s right.

The practice of homosexuality was quite acceptable in Ancient Greece and also in Italy during the early Renaissance, so it is possible for human beings to get over their homophobia–even male ones. :wink:

I think it’s kind of like the concept of the tipping point, I think human males are born with an orientation to being sexually attracted to women (good looking women)-- ← Imagine that, huh? :laughing: --but if they (for God knows what reason) decide to try a few homosexual experiences, they may end up liking it (orgasms can be quite the reinforcement). So they end up tipping to the other side.

I think this is built into human nature, but in the sense that it requires a very particular set of circumstances for a male to go over the tipping point, but it can happen.

Why wouldn’t everyone be? Well, I suppose everyone isn’t susceptible to Down’s Syndrome, but certainly people can be dumb. :laughing:

Now come on, Pandora, that’s not fair :wink: Random never said anything to suggest that he had any homosexual inclinations.

But you’re right, if one enjoys arse-sex–not just Random–one can very easily flip over the lid to the other side–that’s why it’s like a tipping point–everyone fears it at first, but once one gets over that tall wall of fear, they can’t accept anything less.

I’m not so sure arse-sex isn’t enjoyable.

I’m not defending shit. I’m just telling you that something you seem to think is news is like…common knowledge.

Why not actually have a conversation here instead of just name calling?

There are always junk bonds, and someone is always exposed to them. Do you think that they are inherently bad? I mean, like any financial instrument, their value will fluctuate, and on those fluctuations they can be bought and sold for profit. I just don’t see what the big idea is. You some kind of moralist?


Yes, it was common knowledge on the fringe and now made public it is common knowledge everywhere.

What the fuck does morality have to do with economics?

Potentially destructive concerning exposure to the financial system with a great deal of many other things? Yes, absolutely.