There Are No Ghosts

Read Jude. Treat the other as self. Time’s up, session’s over.

But let’s posit that it is not incorporeal demon actual people somehow, even though that is incoherent.

They are ghosts then. Why are they there? It sounds to me as if this would be a wise thing to answer before you ignore them. Can you even ignore them.

The thorn is reminding you. Not trying to keep you humble lol. It is thorning you. Why does anything do this. To call attention. No?

Did it maybe occur to you that it is not the people that are cause for concern, but where the inquiry leads?

It occurs to me very much.

Pain hurts. But insanity is worse.

Maybe whatever the ghost is trying to call your attention to is very very important.

Why do you throw that word (insane) around? If you’re in crazy circumstances (where the inquiry leads) and you’re dealing with it with a wild imagination, you have an appropriate response.

Yeah? The appropriate response is “it’s just an actual people that I will ignore?”

If you are in typhoon land and you feel a strong wind. You are on the beach. Ignore it? Because it’s scary?

What makes anything important?

To whom?

If it is genuinely important it will happen when it happens. Sometimes if you rush things you can ruin them.

Ghosts are not people anyway, this is abundantly clear. A people is a mammal with hair and arms and isn’t an incorporeal demon.

Evidently, to whomever the thorn is thorning.

I wonder if anything could constitute more ruin than insanity, or lobotomy, or letting adrift things so important to you that, well. These experiences are defined by their intensity.

Do you think I am thorning my self? Do you think I’m scaring myself on purpose? Come on now.

I think maybe pain is a good excuse to ignore something, but if that something is important, it will come back. As a thorn. Maybe.

Or maybe it’s actual people demons you should ignore. No, certainly not. Don’t lobotomize.

You are a doofus.

I’m just keeping it real. You are sitting here telling a man that his visions of ghosts are actual people whispering to them.

I can only guess that it is because that is what you tell yourself. ?

The illusion is worse than sanity, but it is not worse than lobotomy. Psychiatrists burn the patient alive so they will be quiet.

I don’t hear voices telling me to kill myself. Don’t worry about it.

You always think it is you I’m worried about. Are you worried about yourself?

Whatever you see when you see a ghost, anybody, is what we are discussing here.

Have you had that experience yourself? That’s craziness right there.