Topic 1

There are some things so horrible, that you dare not describe them…

If you can understand what that could possibly mean…

Then you’ll understand why I don’t describe it


Please disclose your experience. PM if need be.

Ecmandu, if you went to Hell, then what are the ways to not go to Hell? Shouldn’t you be figuring this out in order to save us, and yourself, from going there again??

I’m working on it Trixie…

Mongoose, it’s extreme spirit torture…

I’m good with words, so I probably could describe it in like 20-50 pages or so, but honestly, you really don’t want to know !!

Trixie asked a better question…

Trixie, I know how to send people to hell now, because I’ve been there… I absorbed their powers and techniques when I was there…

It’s the last recourse for me, but I will use it, if need be…

Once I solve completely nobody going to hell against their will and someone stands in my way…

I personally will send you there

Sounds the same as Earth.

I am a broken individual, I can take it. Share with me the Truth, I’ve got to know.

Well that stinks, you can send people to hell but not to heaven.

Look, when I was molested I tried to shy away. Knowing what I know now, I wish I could have been more spiritual about it and sent them all to heaven, I could have made them all so happy. Putting on girls clothes makes me accept this and enjoy this more. It makes me happy to make them so happy, and I feel like I am doing the right thing and it gives me joy to my bones. So nurturing and happy.

Haven’t I suffered enough? please have mercy on me, I am but a peasantfool…

I understand your grievance…

I have a lot on my plate…

Some people don’t want heaven…

Some people don’t want life to exist …

It’s more complex than it seems initially…

There’s a universe full of people out there!!

I always wanted heaven, never got it though. People always gave me hell.


Trixie, try to take on my burden for a day…

Unless you can send everyone to heaven, you don’t deserve it.

Unless you can give anyone relationships with anyone in the way they want, you don’t deserve relationships…

Unless you can make everyone a king or queen…

You don’t deserve to be one…

I do more fucking work taking a drag of a cigarette…

Than this whole world has done since it began…

Walk in my shoes for a day.

Ec u are a math guy so do the math.

You are smart I think you can figure out how I’m right and you’re wrong. I want to see if you can solve this puzzle.

You’re wrong Trixie …

Unless you can give everyone everything they want…

You don’t deserve shit…

That’s the real golden rule


Do souls evolve?

It’s a difficult question because of the female blackmail system…

I’ll put it this way …

Not the ones you meet here


Reposting this

Because … To remain pure, you can never meet them again…,

Here as on Earth, hidden in a human form?

Nah you failed the puzzle man.

If you send 3 people to heaven, then You go to heaven, and in turn, others deserve to go to heaven, and so forth.

But if all must send all to heaven, noone will, and thus all will be undeserving and not go.

It is better to save half of the survivors than let the whole ship sink.

Trixie… What is heaven without the least among us being seen?? That’s an idea of heaven, not what heaven is…

Again, you are wrong

I didn’t explain it well enough…

If people go to hell to learn your lessons from hell…

And then they like you …

You have received I’ll gotten gains…

And you will be sent to hell for it!

These people in this world will evolve, but to do so…

The ties must be severed to this regard …
Maybe this is a hard concept to explain…

You have friends all over the universe…

Everyone does …

Don’t fret about these things…


You aren’t relaying squat. How do you rescue those in Hell?

That’s not what you asked!!

Hellers are saved by higher wisdom