
Somebody is being a stick in the mud lately. What’s the matter with you? Tell us all about it Turd.

Well, I was posting on this guys site, and he said he was an Anarchist Nihilism, didn’t think people should bow to others and be controlled by them cause that would make them bitches.

So I posted a picture of Brittny Ward as a reply, and it turned out the mother fucker was a shallow hipocrite.

He hid that post and pm me demanding to know if that was necessary; after lecturing me previously against telelogy.

Turd, I did what I had to in order to keep my forum open. Little did I know you would be this vindictive and butt hurt…

You’re like a crying little school girl.

Dude you censored him like some kind of Nazi because of his ideas.



I’ve known what vitiligo was since a child… school n all that :wink:

Saw two people with it a few months back… first an older male, soon followed by a younger female… both seemed somewhat self-conscious, but not quite…

My sister had an albino friend growing up… she wasn’t attracted to him in the slightest… might have been the red eyes :confused:

Well there’s a lot more out there to help the condition than I thought… an injection of melanin stem cells to trigger new growth would probably work the best…

Those ass cells haven’t shown the capacity to spread as far as I know, and if it is a immune attack, or the yeast infection theory, then they too would be hit overtime.

This does spread a bit like fungus rings in the grass, just doesn’t usually repigment inside the vitigilo area, like those butt injections simulate, and as grass does. Once a area is dead, it is dead… unless you do what I’m doing or it’s close equivalents.

It may just suggest the speed vitigilo operates at. If these areas start to grow in surgical implantation, I would like to see the rate they fade as well, which seems inevitable.

I’m also interested in the link to peptides and cholestrorol varients, in causing the symmetrical patterns of vitigilo… it doesn’t come out exactly symmetrical on my body, but I can usually find one the left a spit not too distant on the right suffering as well.

What controls this synchronicity pattern? The immune system knows to target specific areas, but it can’t easily tell what is left or right in someone who has vitigilo on both sides of the body, so it is apparently targeting a specific something… hence my look at Peptides and Cholesterol.

In identical twins, or mirror image twins I shoukd say, the one thing that stands out they invert the pattern of right to left, left to right features on the body: … tures.html

I know the body can’t tell what is left or right on a chemical level, much less in the bloodstream, that is the neural sysyem’s job… so how is the immune system coordinating this symmetry in some, and only one side if the body in others?

In my limited medical knowledge (mostly mind related, not body) that is cholestrol’s general function, it us what forms our symmetry… if it goes wrong,it’s what causes birth defects, such as narrow or close eyes, elvish ears, etc. We spot these oddities instantly, it comes naturally to us.

I’m guessing Vitigilo is a result of something related to these cholesterol distributions, or delivery systems used to shut down or restart organelles resulting in pigment cell death, as a aspect of growth.

How… don’t know as I cant find a single study on this outlook, just the general division of vitigilo into these groups. The absence of color doesn’t mean albinoism, as the mechanisms might completely differ, but for all practical reasons, it seems the same.

I’ve held faint pink pigmentation for a week in my hands and face. Its raining come morning, so won’t be able to do my hell March for treatment two, will have to wait till Friday.

For baby Jesus’ sake, Turd, it’s vitiligo – vi-ti-lie-go.


Not any more, I changed it.

I have been hiking forever, but it has been overcast. I’m resting off the side of a road heading back to West Virginia.

The tan I got last week is almost completely gone on my hands, I can see only the faintest outline if it. I’m guessing effectively this walk was pointless as far as tanning goes.

I hit a natural spring, washed off my head and chest, got the sweat, dust and grime out… soaked my shirt, rung it out a few times. Legs hurt like crazy, should be interesting once I try to get up in a few minutes.

Oh, the violence to my nutsack. Burns when I stretch it, so hot and sticky, rubbed raw, scrunched up. I’m laying legs open on my cot in front of the fan just airing it out.

Skin seems pinkish on hand, cat keeps trying to lick it. Gonna shower after rest.

I pushed myself too damn far. Feet fucked up, sweating so hard my eyes went blind.

I can’t wait till next week.

Ohhhhhh ouch.

It didn’t burn this time, just went a nice shade of pink.

Makes the rest of my hand look dirty brown.

Cant see any evidence of freckling… just pink chicken skin. Again, not the whole hand, cause I was walking and the angle of everything… so I’m half assing this.

I can’t tell if the other areas are unaffected, just seems like it relative.

I’ve walked over seven miles, stopped halfway at a town in the opposite direction as mentioned in the first thread.

Hand seemed to be as pink as it was last, when I finished the last hike. I wonder sometimes if I’m completely delusional because at some angles and some light looks completely white… then I will look again, see some pigment… usually in the shade or indoors… like right now. But my eyes deginately show it, I sorta burnt that change up in them.

Think the cops are looking for me. As I walked here, took the railroad tracks, and some idiot decided to living in a camping trailer on blocks. He had a little dog barking at me, chained… then this massive crazy dog leaped over towards me, knocked the trailer off the blocks! Some guy was cursing at me from inside, decided best to to mind my own business and keep going. I never stepped foot on his land, not my dog, I didn’t tie him off like that, or balance his stupid trailer on wobbly concrete blocks. I heard the cops go that way though. Should be a interesting police report.

“So what your saying is this guy did nothing wrong but walk by, and your shitty whole set-up dominoed into crap, and your upset, and want to scapegoat him cause your stupid and your dog has psycho-issues?”

Alright, not imagining this. Deep pink.

Be awesome if this was to turn a tan like color, can’t confirm I am doing shit other than making albino skin pink.

It is turning light again on my right hand, no evidence of anything happening on left period.

Eyes may be repigmenting, mostly just burnt pink though… hard to say.

More and more I read… I mostly spent the last few years trying to find a way to cure this, but it has unusual benefits too. I’m largely immune to many kinds of cancers due to this stuff, especially skin cancers attacking melanomas. That occurs a lot in places like Australia… I would be immune. I would look like a sunburnt pink freak, but immune. A lot of doctors who specialize in it find these kinds of cancers to be exceptionally rare in vitigilo patients. There appears to be a genetic cue for it, but it is recessive in most people… animals can get it too, so it isn’t tied to any ethnicity.

This is possibly good news for cancer sufferers, you might just need a gene that is recessive turned dominant for a while. They have recorded people with melanoma cancer suddenly lose it at the onset of vitigilo.

I’m wondering if I keep the immunity when I repigment, or if I can quickly lapse away from the multivitamins and sit indoors playing video games and cure myself of said cancer. If that is the case, then this stupid stuff might be a godsend. Lots of people are dying around the world from certain diseases I can’t easily get. I substantially lower my cancer risk, get thicker skin, are slow to age. (was a complaint of mine after getting out of the army while homeless… I never aged, never looked bad despite feeling physically terrible… it would puss me off passing a buildnings’ window and see me look young and untarnished, you forget at times, you start thinking you look as you feel).

If I could get a non-depuigmenting version of this, I would be thrilled. Of course I want cancer immunities, slow to age, thinker skin… duh. I just don’t want to look like I’m a spotted owl in the process.

Why not just use tinted moisturiser to add colour to your hands… and other paler parts 8-[

I have had a few tiny pale spots for years, but they have remained just that, so I don’t need to stress or worry about it, but I’ve got my digestive ailment and constant lethargy to worry about instead :neutral_face:

You likely have a thyroid related vitigilo then. It will grow someday, likely. I’ve read getting thyroid treatment solves it.

There is a lot of theory linked to “yeast infections” in the gut, I followed it last year, got absolutely nowhere drinking apple cider 5% acidity, fish oil etc… but if it is a gift issue and lethargy, then I could immidately assume serotonin… 90% of the serotonin in your body resides in the gut. But I’m not a doctor, and abandoned that theory. But who knows… it could have a variety of causes.

I want to learn how to repigment it, period. I’m looking at the light therapy studies, they can take several dozen to well over 100 tries to get results… so I shouldn’t expect I will get it my first month. I will do this all summer long. If I get success, there will be a internet record of it using this cheap Walmart generic vitamin formula. Many can follow suit… if I fail, they can guess why.

Oh, the basic theory for intestines was solid vitamins aren’t absorbed… why I was initially eating a bottle of gummy vitamins a week. I know how you like to eat stupid retarded foods Magsj, so there is a vegan organic girl link on thebweb, how she went to a holistic voodoo dietician and got prescribed a bunch of stuff to buy at GNC… it worked for her, but I think it was because she was a vegan and her diet starved her skin. … ory-alana/

Reason I think this, is vegetarian parts of India have the highest rates of vitigilo of anyplace on the planet. Some can solve it by diet, but many get no results, I think if it is solved by diet, you either were not eating right (vegans, organics, other dangerous diets) or body couldn’t absorb it for X Reason.

However, it also seems to be a rather spontaneous immune system response… we only know it when we see it, and what we see is a lack of depigmentation. Doesn’t mean it is started by the same thing, I suppose if you just starved yourself in just the right way you can kill your pigmentation off just as easily as tour immune system doing it. A bad diet = starving.

My whole approach with the multivitamins is to just soak my body with the stuff, hoping I can repigment and grow my pigmenting cells at a faster rate than my immune system’s ability to kill them. This might not work, and even if it does, it won’t cure it. I don’t want to put makeup on cause only faggots wear makeup.

I might be getting “freckles” of sorts. Coming out around random hair follicles… or I may be dirty. The dirt is surviving my attempts to rub it with spit.

Just rubbed it again, still there.

I dunno… same tanned color as the rest of me, these little spots. Guess it starts deep, pops out of the recess where the folical is.

I’m starting to notice an obsessive compulsive behavioral inclination with you lately concerning self grooming and worry of physical appearance. Even the Mona Lisa will eventually fade away.

You wouldn’t think this is you saw how ugly and wild my beard is. David Letterman has nothing on me. I don’t even comb my hair, just dry and and poof it to the side. I have three tee shirts, two shorts, 4 pairs of socks, wash it all once a week.

People seem wooried about my lack of grooming if anything.