What are you doing? (Part 1)

Sexy mama :wink:


Friday 13th, zero degrees at the moment. Double whammy! And to think tomorrow is Valentines’ Day. I have no valentine.

Ier, try backpage . com. There’s always a lovely lady there who’s willing to be your valentine. Costs about the same as dinner and a dozen roses. Definitely cheaper than jewelry.

Stop encouraging him Mr R… well, unless he wants to be encouraged :-s

I just re-read what I posted and was like ah come on. No need to publicize all that. So I edited it all out.

The point I was making was that whether by backpage, by an old ex who’s claimed to change her ways but who you can tell is still a freak, or by some dude’s wife, there’s always a vagina somewhere nearby. Ask around Ier, you’ll find em everywhere.

Don’t worry about it. Heck we don’t celebrate it. I find the whole day is narcissistic and needy.

I am physically unable to have sex. So is that all Valentine’s day is about?

Reading funny epitaphs. Here’s one-
Here lies the bones Of Lester Moore.
Got four shots from a 44.
No Less
No More.

…and there’s always dicks around Mr R… in every sense of the word :wink:

Ier is it because of a psychological or physical reason? I don’t ‘dally’ unless it’s within the constraints of a relationship, so anyone out there attempting to get their ‘groove on’ from psychological manipulation, won’t!

Physical. The result of fifty years of beer and cigarettes.

I’m sure a lesser diet of beer and cigarettes can reverse the effects they initially created :confusion-shrug:

Happy valentines Ier :slight_smile:

Thanks. My doctor says stopping smoking might reverse my condition. It’s hard to quit at 72. Besides, I’ve had my fun when I was younger. Now a simple touch from another human being would suffice.

Try weed. I plan on embracing the plant fully at all times at 50, until death

I’m going out with my fake friends for a drink tonight .

Am I the only one who finds lesbians to be stunning and insanely attractive!!? My therapist said I have some serious issues…

Well they are still female, so it’s only natural that you’d find them attractive.

Yea it’s true. But I still think theres something more to them, something special like a charm, I don’t really see it with straight women…

Having a few lesbian friends and also being jumped by a few, I fail to see their charm, but I won’t doubt you on your thoughts.

Haha yeah that’s apart of it, they always communicate with a certain level aggression. I noticed something, because they are still fundamentally female, and as we know females in nature don’t usually make the first move because of the aspect of submissiveness, so a man usually dominantly does. With lesbians if they like eachother, they will try to get intoxicated as much as possible and then out of frustration throw themselves on to eachother and aggressively kiss, as a way of over riding that aspect to being female because they can’t bring themselves to just approach eachother normally.

Why can’t they just approach each other normally?

Yes, they are aggressive in their approach towards females they like… moreso than men are. Every time I’ve been ‘jumped’ it’s been somewhat aggressively… and they don’t even know (or seem to care) if I’m that way inclined :confused:

My nephew slept with our (very beautiful) lesbian next door neighbour, and he still feels privileged about it to this day… she constantly declares to the world that she’s never entertained man, but she doesn’t know that I know that she has :wink: