What are you doing? (Part 1)

…an Organic Pinot Grigio and some Rowntrees sweets (a weekly treat) as the best bits of this week’s Love Island unfolds in ‘Love Island:Unseen Bits’… hopefully there’s a good/enthralling film on after.

This having to rest this much (again) is getting very boring very quick. :neutral_face: I’m so going out next week… a jaunty soirée, maybe.

Meno… during my recent vacay, much closer to the Equator than where I am now… I was drinking pina coladas, Champagne and wine, most days… the last few, spent in a hammock outside a local beach bar… I have no regrets… never have regrets… if you’re gonna do something then you might as well enjoy it. Right?

I’ve enjoyed my last couple of years of indulgence, as I really hadn’t done that before, but it was much needed… and enjoyed, but now… back to a moderate intake of the liquid kind.

behold: imgur.com/a/n6D8PQU

If the title checks out clean on Monday, this baby’s mines.

You better be ready, ILP, because next week… we g’on ride…

Got sick ended up in hospital drank a fifth of cola and some very dark local rum feeling sorry for myself for breaking up with my son he goes , and his wife; lets crash Hilton beach. Where mostly some very reel axes persona lounging as quiet as can be .
I noted early by.the dreams the morning would bequeath trouble habe a keen sense of that.
But let it go. So here we go into Hilton beach he thinking every body is dumb passed about who is who and who belongs where, and he pulls up the last two chez chairs which I was going to pull up and I have to go farther away to get some more and I fall and the bar guy who was nice enough last day, and to whom I am returning a beer opener , proving my honest nature sees me fall and by the way he asks wjat is the room. Number assuming I had one .

Things turn bad the kids bratty and politocal to the tooth and my son instead of coming to my rescue.goes off saying how in the he’ll could I have embarrassed him like that.

Well then everyone chimes in and I walk back to the car and then get my secret stash money, and trudge away on foot to the liquor store to get Bottle of coke and the rum mixed it right there and down the hatch.
Next thing I am in ill lit hospital and the French doc asks what’s up and I tell him weltschmertz, and he scripts anti depressants. The nurse comes back she is swiss and I go can they Eugenie here? She goes here its not lawful, Switzerland its ok.

My wife, who is in the hospice business, and me has input and after furtive beatings drawing real blood, -she says she can od me with oxycodone, but I think of other things please and - I go think “when I get back to la I will fix the old jeep that blew a water pump and go to Vegas or.Frisco.”

I tell her I am waiting to get my security badge from the state, and maybe someone will hire me and ill try to send her money.

Then she.goes ok. In a text she is sensing up from my son’s room.

Reminds me of how my old grandpa done left family from Budapest way back WW2 days’ to live in Paris years and dally with paint nothing coming of it, then money running out from sale of his law practice goes back and tearfully begs ill German grandma, - who slept with Hitler’s photo under her pillow- but she is not having any of it, by by. So he goes married marries his country girl cook, and lives an existentially toetieed life on the Danube bank growing watermelon.

So I know come next week when we are due back, shell be all apologetic for Our son, and beg for my nightly massage that has been the cornerstone of.our life together.

I dunno , haight ashberry can only sustain a man of my age in suspended animation via retrospective alcohol bounce only so long and the girls?
They may simulate more then stimulate ,anyhow.

Much to much written, but oh, I’ve fought against overwrought guilt of spokemness, and by now you can tell, I’m trying to get out from the actual house of cards of mystery, which has become so far, a tomb.

It is my dear boy Ayden, my salvageable salvageable grandson from the carelessness of.drugged out parents that I offered eternal fidelity and paternity to, to allay his family shared fears of abandonment, for my cultish fillippino family has inordinate fears of border-crossings. It cost one life already.

So its prob a my better to stay with him whatever it.takes .

Jiust a Walter mitty type vision for a sec.just thinkon’this is a desperate effort to overcome a metaphore within a metaphore inside the symbol which is really, inordinate. But be is it may, or, it is what it is. Maybe there be some more meat on the bones in some unequevicall past future.

With kind reg.'s in kind.

i’ve got some good news and some good news. which do you want first? the good news? okay. i did some investigating into the bike in the pic above and found some things that aren’t adding up. i think this guy might have rolled back the odometer (it is possible with digital odometers), and a few other details lend credibility to this theory. for one thing, a bike with only 4000 miles should have its original tires… and yet this guy says he put a fatter than factory rear tire on it. i did some research and found out some of those models do come with that tire. so this could mean that the bike’s got more miles on it than 4000… and has already been through its original tires.

but this is where it gets really shady. his name isn’t on the title; the first owner had a notary stamp the title under the table (illegally), and he says i only need to sign the title to make it mine. red flags, bro. title could be fraudulent and/or bike could be stolen. checked the vin number online and found no records whatsoever. dude doesn’t have any service records, either. says he flips bike’s all the time, and that there’s a way (illegally) around the title issue which he takes each time to avoid having to pay property tax and whatnot on the bikes. maybe, but maybe not. says the previous owner laid the bike and after discovering the repairs would cost more than 25% of the bike’s value, he just sold the fucking thing instead. um no. at the time when the bike was laid, it was valued at around 5000… and a few minor aesthetic repairs couldn’t have equaled more than 25% of that. i saw the damaged areas; minor scuff marks that were easily painted over. his story doesn’t pan out. plus he smelled like beer. a sketchy kind of guy who you could totally see trying to make money off little hustles like this. ‘flipping bikes’, he says. mm-hm.

the good news is, i’ve found something better, faster, and stronger, owned by an honest, clean-cut dude with a firm handshake who’s on the title and has all the service records. we’re set to go in the next couple days. this is the one.

Well the good is good and better then this RX. Had 5 bikes, the last one was a big Honda not really so big it was a 500cc I bough for a song, totaled it and almost myself probably when you were still young. Course you still are.
Wife licks me out with broken seem climb in 3 rd floor window and I sez, let me in been hurt, and then she goes off me login" it all through , BACK THEN no more bikes , either the bike goes it you go. Well that was my last great fantasy trip, on the Zen of motorcycle reps.

Guy, listen to me, the good us better then good, far better, in way beyond my Persian son in law who is low if not as high as last night, me?
A simple soul even desperate enuf to live a totally inauthentic life, as long as ‘THEY’ let me dig it.

Old fashioned pariah, re reading Dr. Sax (Kerouac) now pages torn out here and there but the filling in is easy, breast.
God those bike trips up to Frisco with wannabe but squared out riding in back, a kind of Yoki-Oki blow into the future. All about roses, secret gardens, indecipherable as yet, unto the encasement if her mom, shacking her into molded iron maiden .

But bro, I know I’m trespassing unto you, youth, and some such herewith for you all in present future, me? Past imperfect.

Without boring you one thing though: I have one thing in common with Buddha:

Can come to son interjunction and stop there for a couple hours seem like a minute or, vica versa, and without any booze, or grass, Sit there and like, trip out on it.



Thinking that Meno_ needs to incorporate some feel-goods in his life, do something that raises his feel-good factor every day… simple something, but that will make him smile and thus ‘feel good’. If one of our family had fallen over, first, we’d all laugh, then, we’d go help them up… while still laughing. :smiley:

Deciding upon what I will have come next weekend, instead of my usual clean fare… sushi…? a mixed shish kebab, complete with gf wrap…? chops and chips, avec un salade…? :-k probably the latter two. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you riding every day? Or just sometimes? What do you lean toward more? Acceleration or comfort?

A friend of mine loaned me a 2003 kawasaki z1000 for a few days about a month ago. It say relatively upright and had good handlebar angles so not all crampy in the wrists like a race ready bike, but 1000ccs, and fast as balls. We swapped the sprockets and remapped the fuel with a power commander and it basically just wanted to do a wheelie every time I let out the clutch. It’s a fun bike, but exhausting to think about riding it every day. Too much really. It was ridiculous. He ended up selling it for around 3 grand I think. Another guy I know has an SV650 for sale right now and an old honda VFR800. Both probably under 3 grand. They’ve got a few miles on them but both well maintained and super clean. I’d take either one at that price if I were in the market.

Have you ridden a lot before? What bikes have you owned already?

i knew for sure when i started looking on craigslist that i didn’t want to get anything more or less than around 600-700 cc, but i hadn’t made my mind up yet about type. i knew i wouldn’t get a chopper or a cruiser or a soft-tail… and i wasn’t looking explicitly for a sport bike, either. i almost got a triumph street triple with a two brothers exhaust and a few other mods, but the guy changed his mind and decided to keep it. that bike was ideal; more of an upright riding position but also a bonafide naked street fighter style (no fairings). my only objection, besides the factory exhaust which fortunately was replaced, were the headlights. i don’t know what the deal is with the british, but i think the over-sized can mufflers and bug eyed headlights are their way of keeping to the ‘classic’ look? triumph is one of the oldest bike manufacturers in the world.

another thing i was certain of was i wouldn’t get something with more than 5000 miles on it. bike’s aren’t like cars, and a motherfucker who rides hard can be taxing on the engine. of course i saw plenty of nice bikes for great prices, but they all had around 10000-15000 miles on em.

so finally i found a garage kept 06 cbr600rr with 4000 miles on it. honda put out two in 06 (i think)- white and tribal orange - and i happened to find the tribal orange one. not exactly what i had in mind but i reckon it’s appropriate for a sport bike. everything is stock on it and it’s in near mint condition.

see the thing is, buying from a dealer is never what it seems. you end up paying 400-500 more than the sticker price because of all the reprocessing fees and shit, so i went with craigslist. but craigslist can be sketchy and you gotta examine the owner as much as you do the bike. this guy was a moderately wealthy second owner who rode the bike for about 2000 miles and then parked it. he just wasn’t into it. that’s good, because that means he never was really into it… which means he probably didn’t rag the bike out when he rode it. more of an experiment with him; let me buy a sport bike and see if i can get into it.

now i can imagine wanting something a little more like a 700cc in the future, but certainly nothing like a 1000cc. who needs a bike with a car engine in it? but no, i’ve never ridden a sport bike before, so this middle weight bike is ideal for me and so far i’m quite satisfied. my issue with the smaller bikes was i didn’t want the engine to struggle at high rpms when doing 80 on the interstate, and the cbr600 has no problem with this. in fact, that’s where it becomes anxious. the fucker wants to go faster… and if you aren’t watching the gauges… you’ll look down and suddenly you’re doing 110.

so far i’ve had no issues with comfort… except for one minor thing. that little numb sensation right at the inside of the palm/thumb. no problems with back, wrist or ass pain… just the hands. i’m gonna wait a while to see if i can adapt rather than buy gloves and/or gel grips, though. i don’t want to ‘accessorize’, man. i’m not buying all that corny riding shit; jacket, boots, pants, designer back pack, etc.

In this sweating stinking weather I’ve had to become adept at killing insects.
One of my proudest accomplishments is being able to kill flies with near 100 percent efficiency

D remarked to me that that’s remarkable but can be explained by the fact I can also set eggs up straight in a matter of seconds.

I always figured there is an infinite supply of insects but my ninja tactics have proven otherwise.

I remember fondly how me and my sister and another girl spent an afternoon murdering wasps.

What we’d do is, get one of those packets of plastic cups, pour a little blueberry syrup in one of then, wait till a wasp is crawling inside and then insert another cup into the first. Squashing the wasp to a nice puree.

No need to use anymore syrup for the successive killing. The wasps innards apparently give off a scent to other wasps.

When I was a little tyke back in hungry Hungary when my parents deported me to a small village so they could have some privacy, I had lots of friends. We would go out with nets on balmy midsummer dusk lit late afternoons , and catch flying beetles with luminous red, green, bluish neon. Plots . The males had large horns , the females none. The males would fight if prompted . we would keep them for a while then the exemplary onesnwoukd be taken home and made into tokens of our vaning great times just before starting school.

One summer climbing onto a plum tree had a whole bunch that made me real sick, no cars, horse and buggy screaming through night only a beterenian dabbling in medicine. Large pills every two hours day and night. Survived annxcious parents hastily picking up me . School start and my little friend Sonnie’s sister dying at 7 years old layed out all in white for mourning always pray for her many many years cried a lot .
Another last picture show.

Everyone crashes eventually, I’d highly recommend at least a mesh jacket. You don’t have to get all raced up and look like valentino rossi, but you’re going to want something between you and the asphalt for when you eventually smash into and and go sliding down the road. Take it from me. I’ve lost a lot of skin to the pavement.

The 600s are good. Manageable. One thing that a lot of people do to sort of take off some of that top end speed that you almost never use, and to keep it exciting for when you start to get used to it, is to change the number of teeth on the sprockets when it’s time to get new ones. More in the back less in the front or vice versa, I forget, but you can basically make it to where the torque comes in at lower rmps and lower speeds at the expense of some top speed. So there’s that. I did it on and old R6 back in the day, and the z1000 that I borrowed a few weeks ago had the same thing. So the z1000 would top out at about 160, but it was basically a non-stop wheelie machine. Too much engine geared too low. You could take off in 3rd gear and cruise 40mph in 6th so you really hardly needed to shift. Taking off down an on-ramp though, it basically popped the front tire off the ground with every shift.

As long as you’re not riding too much on the lower gear, to brake for more overkill the machine for sure, but then again its a phase. It can take it to uncertain limits for a time.

Haha, that excellent. I envy you.
Fuck it.
Only Russia has any of that space around here.

You can drive as fast as you like in Germany, but there I nowhere to drive to. Still I noticed as I said earlier the my car plateaued at 160 to 170 and then had a hard time getting up to 210 where it was peaking downhill in one of those large Bavarian valleys while I drank tea and listened to the Brandenburg Concertos.
It is all really depressing, replica after replica of the same functional model.

Their cities don’t work because they don’t have alleys. All roads must be impressive. So that what is between the roads just doesn’t really ever exist.
This was I guess what Heidegger tried to alter.

“Everyone crashes eventually, I’d highly recommend at least a mesh jacket.”

you tryin’ to jinx me, dude? you’re not helping, and if i get in a wreck i’m suing you for punitive damages. the people you work with and handle i probably will sue them too.


I’m now learning ‘rev matching’ while down shifting, and it’s some tricky shit. so the deal is, you reduce work load on the trans by synchronizing the rpms of the gears with the engine. Each time you release the clutch, the two engage, so if they’re at different rpms, you put a strain on the trans. It’s not absolutely necessary to rev match, but it does make down shifting much smoother.

Next week I’ll be popping wheelies.

relax. I’m kidding. I can’t afford to die. You people need me.

Reading new posts (lol at most of them), drinking copious amounts of tea and watching MVs… namely K-pop rap and dancing vids. I love rap, and I love dance, so it’s working out well.

lol i got a raise, ya’ll! woo hoo!

the parasite i work for just got back from a vacation in south korea that i bought him, and while talking i kinda hinted around a little. i said something clever that caught him off guard;

‘c’mon man, gimme a couple more dollars an hour, wouldja? i’ve got five mouths to feed’

‘what? i thought you didn’t have any kids…’

‘i don’t. i’m talking about me, you, your wife, and your two kids’

lolz. usually what happens during these raise discussions is, the parasite tries to convince you that unlike him, you don’t need more money… but a well placed comment like that can immediately disarm the parasite. he said nothing in response. what could he say? it was the troof.

remember that line, wage workers, and try it when it comes time to get a little more of your money back.