What is the value of ILP posts?

No, you can’t. Faust has you under his thumb, like a nice little housemaid. Warning issued. Oh wait, I can’t issue “warnings”. Darn it. Here’s a real warning though. You can never become a man while playing bitch to another man. Think about that one for awhile, Humean, while you toss around your trivial insecurities. You’re like a pudgy cop with an itchy trigger finger, picked on and bullied throughout grade school, who is ready and willing to enact revenge on the “bullies” who made his early childhood into a living hell.

But I’m not a bully. You are, you don’t realize yet what you have become, everything you formerly hated. Consider this one of your rare ILP posts “of value”.

I’m sure you’ll give me more “warnings” without ever offering an analysis as to the difference of your purported “trolling”. Troll Mod. You are worse than xcz, the resident dumb ass. As long as the moderators on this website protect such a stupid piece of shit, you already know the fate of your precious “philosophy” website. There comes a point when the slowest member of the herd simply must be cut out, and surpassed, for the predators to feast on his corpse. It’s about cutting the fat, catch my drift???

You shouldn’t have banned Calrid. You should’ve banned the real dunce, xcz. Now that thing is subhuman feces.

Hmm… where do these guys come from? :-k :confused:

Places you’ll always be too scared to go. The philosopher’s realm is where I call the places I have been. Are you scared of the dark?

Haha… Man-o-man do You have the wrong address.

The point to being a philosopher is to bring Light, not to wander into dark places just to make them darker (although I wish more members here understood that).

Any philosophical place you have ever been isn’t likely to impress me in the slightest, although it would be nice to dream of such places.


Information isn’t knowledge and knowledge isn’t wisdom. Mathematics can tell us what and why with precision, but meaning is as vague and imprecise as the mind.

very good post tent…

also on ILP recently, Farsight had a terrific post about photons in nat. sci. forum…

If I’m cutting up a person’s post it can only mean it’s worth the analysis :smiley: So as follows-

Disagree. Mathematics can tell us conclusion from supposition / logical equivalent of previous definition. It is all A Priori as opposed to aposteriori. Science uses math to attempt precision . . . sometimes poorly.

Agree, but to a point. It can be. So far I think the two greatest philosophical tools for meaning are Derrida’s decentrizing and its sort of counterpart, Occham’s razor. Take any text (in this case literal text) and find out how vague of interpretations it can imply, then look for a definition or point which remains precise without jargon. We are sometimes more successful than others.

Agree, but to a point. Wisdom is sometimes rationalized as applied knowledge. Knowledge as justified true belief. Information as we see it is normally justified belief. The problem is . . . we don’t “HAVE” truth. We just approximate it. The secret ingredient.

Regarding OP

Precisely this statement used as justification for Theocracy aka the adversary against the age of Enlightenment. A true statement, but often abused by the fallacy of . . . (oh damnit what was the fallacy again) . . . Eg, “Philosophy is dangerous therefore when in doubt, avoid it.”

I like to think that . . . the same way that rationale is the result of creative brainstorming . . . therefore philosophy is the result of pseudophilosophy, science the result of ideas from pseudoscience. Yes it is raw, unfiltered. But it is the creative force which the elite must draw from in order to provide the filtered, “authoritative” patent inquiries that become its equivalent of sacred text. (What, did you think the “smart” published people with their sole name under the title think up all their material by themselves?)In other words . . .

Forums like this one should not be seen as the underdog for the “real work.” This here is the true frontier, the driving force of human progress. I suspect that people in the future will not look to the “ancient” philosophers of the 21st century in forms of published books, but in digital text. For every book that’s published, volumes of blogs and posts are churned out everywhere . . . like books, some of them are good, and some of them are just plain stupid.

Unfortunately for us, successful philosophers are not just good philosophers. They are also good capitalists. Yes, they come out with some written works. But they do so slowly, works that read even more slowly. They do so with an obsessive wit of caution. Putting a few simple ideas justified by a giant block of obvious claims and quotations. You can’t copyright an idea but you can copyright a published manuscript. That means if you churn out a bunch of really cool ideas on forums across the net, your contribution to society becomes superfluous and unmeasured, and therefore . . . essentially null and void in the bank. By refraining from contributing to the “world” knowledge that is the internet, you deny people the power to propagate the knowledge naturally . . . yet you potentially provide yourself a nice piece of polished work that you can publish and then take to the non-money legal tender bank.

Doubly unfortunately for us, philosophy is progressively becoming shit in the eyes of capitalism. Nobody cares why. Everyone cares how. The enlightenment freed humanity from the clutches of theocracy only to lead everyone down the clutches of technocracy. Really: Who cares how smart you are when you have a lot of nukes, and subscribe to a bit of logical positivism?

In light of this, to answer the title of the thread directly,

ILP posts are one of the dumbest thing you can do as a capitalist. They will suck your time away and leave you a penniless petty charlatan of intellectual appearance.

Spiritually . . . idealistically . . . the internet propagation of ideas like this (aka the partaking of high speed collective human thought) . . . is the way to “Know God” as seculiar humanists may envision it. And it is the way of reformation in political systems superior to the popular yet archaic pseudo-ballot pseudo-democracy.

You, philosophy posters, like so many dead philosophers before you, are the drivers of human thought that may one day have a plaque in your honor . . . but in your lifetime . . . will remain a (perhaps miserable) delinquent idiot that dies alone and poor.

Oh yeah. And why “I Love Philosophy” (perhaps aka: “I love the love of applied knowledge”?) Is it because all the good domains were taken or expensive?

Hmm, that seems quite a bit too grandiose. Philosophy gets a bad rap because it doesn’t make medicine or cars or computers. Perhaps this is an unfairly bad rap; perhaps not. Regardless, contemporary philosophy certainly affects the lives of everyday people less than contemporary science. Everyone has a cell phone; the only philosophers of contemporary note are Dennett and maybe a few others, and very few know of even them, and their contributions make much less of an obvious impact on the lives of average people.

What’s done on ILP certainly affects the lives of average people less than the social and evolutionary and neurobiological work of Dennett.

Perhaps you meant your claim in a different way?

I quite agree on this point. This is a problem not just in philosophy, but in all academic areas. True progress would involve a stringently-monitored and -edited peer review wiki of sorts, but that would drastically reduce individual credit, so it generally doesn’t happen. There are some attempts at projects like this, one involving Fields Medalist Terrence Tao, but they meet with limited success at best.

Of course, this may be a good thing – virtually everything on ILP is written completely or partially haphazardly, because we know that our audience is interactive and forgiving. It’s possible that ILP may be a better place with some added quality control. At the least it would be very different.

Academic philosophy tries to emulate academic science. It’s concerned with working out technical details of past work in order to progress in an increasingly specialised field of study. That’s how academia works. Philosophy as an art is all but dead in academic circles. Hegel put an end to that, by being academic, famous, the next (and last) step in German idealism and, in the end, silly. Philosophy wants to be a science, now and the (big-picture) recent rapid progress in logic, for instance, set that tone. At the same time, metaphysics, which was the bread and butter of many an academic philosopher in the past, has to be done sans god, except in small religious schools that don’t pay much and don’t ask their staff to publish too much. Metaphysics now is of the mathematical kind - which builds on and requires some knowledge of formal logic.

We at ILP and places like it are the groundlings, the peasants and the bohemians of philosophy - when we’re not merely overgrown adolescents who simply read the first three paragraphs of a Wiki article and post a few lines about nothing being something or some similar misunderstanding of the basic vocabulary of philosophy. We come here and ask - “I know my argument is vapid and useless, but is it valid?” because we think that it matters. Or we come here to let everyone know how much we hate philosophy.

We’re philosophers who quite literally never grew up and got a job.


Nice. :slight_smile:

does it really matter what name we are called…what credentials we have…
arent the most important things the truth and wisdom…

Does that imply that if I was CEO of an IBM subsidiary, with an MBA in macroeconomics, and I pee in the pool every time I swim . . . I grew up and got a job? :smiley: Success syn maturity? Hmmm

What do you mean by “merely”?

it is what we write about truth and wisdom that counts, not who we are…

yes, turtle. or something like that anyway.

I wish people would extend that much further. You need a billboard.

Good and bad reputation is what is used to control populations rather than good or bad ideas.
Where the idea came from should not be used to determine the worth of it.

Point taken, Oughtie.

Faust, fantastic post. I couldn’t agree more.


This is shit, I’ve been the most controversial person on here since John Jones left. I’ve been banned several times, not when I was being controversial, but when I was being a prick.
Quit your lying foolishness.