What's so bad about the New World Order?

You can see how a globalist regime will have the same problems, but at a global level, as natinalism, when you look at the various wars carried out internally in the US. The war on drugs, the war on terrorism, with all the attendant racism, classism, fascism, surveillance, and incredible incarceration rates. Soviet countries of course carried out similiar wars against their own people, earlier in history often around betrayals of the regime. There is absolutely no reason to assume any of this would stop with a global government and there are many reasons to believe it will actually increase. 1) there are people whose temperment is suited to this kind of top down control. They will no longer have to compete with other countries for being the good guy. 2) Control of media and information will be easier. Right now the complexity of viewpoints is somewhat protected by there being so many countries, so many propagandas which do want to get at negative truths about other countries, media corporations that are not unified with all countries by semi melded with one or two. After a final merger of all governments, the oligarchy can eliminate, streamline control. 3) the larger a country, the greater the distance from the supposedly represented or at least serviced by the government. Even a Senator or a member of Parliment or some Communist bureaucrat is fewer degrees of separation from all different kinds of people, than the government members, the law enforcement members, the military members of a one world government. A litle nuancing, send region 1 troops to put down resistance in region 6 if you are concerned about vestiges of national or ethnic identity causing some reluctance, can make things run smoothly. But basically accountability is even less likely. They are really far away, dealing with people even more as statistics who they will never meet the cousin of or share a favorite professor with or run into somewhere or have ones cousin run into. It is pushing bottons and dealing with numbers. To an even greater degree.

Control of information, the systematic inhibition of even the last vestiges of empathy due to the centralization, and the easy to find excuses for survellance, control, monitoring and law enforcement/military use internally set up for the worst possible scenarios.

One might argue it will just be a coin toss. A good one world government will be just as likely as a bad one. That is one fucking dangerous coin toss and I don’t think it is worth the risk. But further I think it is much more likely to be a bad flip. A single world government will have to have an incredibly deep hierarchy which leads to the even greater loss of empathy and distance issues I raised. It also acts as an enzyme for control by wealth. Oligarchies begin to accumulate wealth in smaller and smaller groups. Even tyrants of smaller countries had a kind of self-image investment in maintaining the lower classes with some degree of survival.

Toss in the technological advantages oligarchies have, coupled with control of the minds of children and you are baking a really bad loaf here.

I have generally had much better experiences with mom and pop stores than corporations. Eye contact, they know me, human to human.
When I try convincing a rep in India that my American sold to me product made by Chinese workers out of parts made wherever is not working and I should have compensation, just the very inertia of working my way through the corporation is oppressive, in the best of circumstances when the corporation actually decides, in the end, I do deserve help. And when they do not I am actually talking mainly to recorded messages who give me false dichotomy options to press.

And wait until a one world government gets an AI and robots or transhuman organism/cyborgs as tools.
Sure, it is a nightmare if a number of nations get these and use these, but at least they then have other enemies than us to use them against.

And the chances that some ‘side’ effect will have horrible effects seems high to me. And what if those side effects take 12 generations to show clearly?

It’s not possible to make. Nature’s perfection cannot be replicated by man.

The trick is to bring about a new kind of New World Order. Forget past methods of revolution, … it is not correct to extrapolate the failures of the past regimes, into a global level, there can’t be a global failed state.

Can a 1-world authority defy ALL the people on earth? It cannot. Increase in size of empire is directly linked to adoption of objective logic by the empire’s core.

What is the trick to success?
The Soviet revolution was led by an elite class (Bolsheviks). Therefore it failed. What I propose is a cultural revolution* led by the people at the grassroots, who come up in naturalist** enclaves sponsored by public funding*.
That is bound to succeed.

The trick is that the political system should be decentralized from the beginning itself (unlike the scheme of Marx, who said that the 1-world government will ultimately dissolve (NOT), leading to the kingdom of man (NOT!)).

What is more, humans can do it.

The Vainakh peoples of the North-Caucasus, (balkanizingly misdescribed as “Chechens, Ingush” et al.), are described as “mountain dwelling peoples with a highly complex, clan-based social organization and a strong attachment to the concept of freedom.” Here, we see – for the first time ever, in earth, an inherently strong society at the grassroots: “Individuals are united in family groups called “Tsa” – house. Several Tsas are part of the “Nekh” – road; a group of Nekhs is in turn a Teip. All such social structures bore responsibility and respect for law and order.” This is not how it is in our “democracies,” where centralized solutions are pandered for a few problems, and most problems go unsolved, the only constant thing being that the people, in any case, are not allowed, economically or otherwise, to make any decisions.

But in the society of the Vainakh, “if a problem is not solved in the Tsa, or Nekh, or Teip councils, it could move to Tukkhum counsil, and further even to Mekhk-Khel, the People’s Council, which addressed issues of large (national-like) scale. Representatives of this Council were elected by each Tukkhum Counsil, and had an enormous influence on the destiny of the people.” A people who had an idea of objective logic, and lived by choice, creating their own destiny. Johanna Nichols says of the Kists that they never fought, even once, a war for any purpose for any other purpose but defense. They were noted for their exceptionally fierce devotion to freedom and their ability to resist invaders, ranging from the Arabs to the Scythians to Turkic peoples to the Mongols. After the Mongol invasions, they became known to outsiders as the Ichkeri (Turkic for “freedom people”). “The egalitarian nature and democratic value of freedom and equality of Chechen society have been cited by many as a major reason why their resistance to tyranny has been so intense (there was no “elite” to be coopted, as Tony Wood notes)”… “To the Nakh people, hospitality is considered very important, less important only than freedom (considered of first importance) and equality (second importance). As the third most important value, it has a profound effect on the functioning of the teip system. Many times, originally foreign groups have been completely integrated into the teip system, becoming their own teip. These teips are eventually viewed as integral parts of the Vainakh, despite their foreign origin”… “During the Bolshevik era, he Teip council system has been much criticized by Russian governments and their puppet governments” …

If the leaders of the future world order’s “Mekhk-Khel” tend to become despotic, they can easily be checked, after all nobody can defy humanity at large.

To be sure, that was the theoretical idea of the USSR as well (“Soviets” were autonomous local governing bodies),
therefore we must be extra-careful in obtaining a balance between the power of local bodies and the power of the 1-world authority (who should constitutionally focus on breaking up anti-individual herds (e.g.: ultimately anti-individual recidivists displaying nationalistic tendencies) – not repressing individuals.

Utopia is assured If the power of this UN-like 1-world anti-herd authority is constitutionally checked…
if, in particular, money printing is a local activity handled by local powers and not the 1-world anti-herd authority (we need a clear compartmentalization of “government”, break it up into less monolithic small bodies performing various highly specific functions – one body with a global presence to oppose nationalistic tendencies and this body can’t be entrusted to police civilians – that’s a separate task to be carried out by local militias. If these local militias band up and rebel in a nationalistic manner, the global body kicks in, until then it stays out of the picture. A new 1-world constitution has to be written :slight_smile:

Thanks for pointing this out. This should be prevented by providing (in the NWO constitution) for two, instead of one police like bodies- firstly an international (anti-nationalist) force, and secondly the local protection force, which is similar to the local militias we see in many parts of the world
(note: at the same time, armies will be rendered redundant and dissolved, with the death of nationalism).


For the most part, no top-down control is envisioned for the NWO. Rather, bottom-up control, Vainakh style, is envisioned.


But the bounds of the 1-world regime will be strictly defined. It can’t dabble into culture. Culture will be relatively spontaneous and with the backbone being the free internet. I can as well argue that the greatest hoaxes are spread by nationalists – the nuke hoax, the moon/Mars hoax (how much $$ they funnel out for rogue academics who agree with these lies and divide the funding obtained for taht - all taxpayers’ money.


The NWO will be (it can only be) a blend of anarchist and governmentalist principles, so these fears are unfounded; the bounds of the 1-world regime will be strictly defined.


In our NWO, We limit the powers of the government. How? The government does not run the money printing operations – the people do. It is out of their generosity that the government is maintained (so what I’m saying is the opposite of what we have today. That is why it is the NEW world order. It cannot be pre-judged on the basis of the old world order.


Not really, as I said before… by the people’s act of taking back money-printing power, we limit the powers of the NWO government

You see… if govt. is married to central bank, as is today, it is only then that your fears are justified… but as i said, in the scenario i specify, that is not the case. The NWO can only be a good flip.

Whaaaat? Don’t worry about that, that’s never gonna happen except in Hollywood.

I used to think like that, but it is the people who will in fact have the power, in any successful NWO.
Like how Alexander stabilized his empire by bestowing governing power to the peoples he “conquered”.

Well, I’d be glad for you to prove that one to me.

i’d read it somewhere…
“Wanting to appear to be a liberator, he freed the population and allowed self-government.”
source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wars_of_A … _the_Great

I wasn’t referring to Alexander (who got murdered by a still ongoing cabal), thus failed in the long run (much like Caesar)).

I was referring to proving that globalism is established by local (aka “democratic”) authority.

I agree that through local authority, the only good global union would be established, but that has nothing at all to do with the globalism of today. The globalism of today is all about, and only about, men lusting to be the all powerful GOD!!!

You may be right about the globalists, transhumanists et al. wanting to be like God.
But their efforts are negligible. We might as well ignore them. A New truly WORLD order will spread worldwide only if it is objectively logical and springing from the grassroots… as you say, through local authority, the good global union will be established!

This is the path I examine/expound upon, in my book the Humanoid Manifesto* (which path must begin at public understanding of public funding. The politards bail out the big corporations – it’s time to bail out the people).

That is to say, we need a new New Deal.

True to the tenets of “order out of chaos” and “opportunity in every crisis”, it would be good if the currently-brewing economic crisis kicks sense into enough sheeple, so that they become true human people and demand this new New Deal.

But the point, which i think Maia was trying to make, is that a NWO must emerge, and i agree. The current world order’s evils leave much to be desired. Nationalism must go, for one. What a wasteful charade; and to think it’s all fiction!

Ah, Alexander…
I know a guy, from among my friends, who still hates Alexander for having had the cheek to have stood up to the emperor of India even so long ago … so I know this cabal you speak of.
Being in India has at least this advantage: here the pagan system survives and i get more of insight into how the world works :slight_smile:
Anyway, elsewhere, wannabe describers have tried to describe this cabal, which you speak of, as “vampires”… that’s one of the points i make in that book: A logic-based NWO, to be successful, must acknowledge and use the two super-factions on earth (quasi-vampires and quasi-lycans) rather than fatally banging its head against a wall (the indomitable Right, which would be constituted of the unacknowledged forms of these 2 super-factions).
You see, just how you would suspect globalism of being pushed by wannabe demigods – if we fail to acknowledge these super-factions, they’ll believe that our push emanates from their enemies; that is, the vampires will feel that our push is a lycan undertaking, and the lycans will believe that our push is a vampire undertaking (e.g.: USSR).

This is why reformers, for example the Mensheviks, usually get crushed.

This is just one of the precautions we need take – befriend all the elites of the world, and why not? This being the Information Age, it’s an easy thing to do. And then victory for the objectively logical NWO cannot be far.

An important requirement for the NWO – a basic income (and a piece of land as well) for all. Just enough to eat healthy, maintain a PC for study/research/play, live decently etc.

It is an illusion created by the nature of capitalism* that work is a need of the human. But if animals less intelligent than man have the option to hardly work and just laze around, why should we not have that option?

And what of those who cannot work, being debilitated (or simply too unfortunate) in some way? Must they be reduced to beggary?

The economy should be comprised of 2 parts:

  1. A basic life-support socialism
  2. a Gesellian** free market economy (which is NOT characterized by scarcity, thereby it differs from capitalism, being such a cornucopia as to support the coexisting socialism)

** djedefsauron.net/index.php?o … &Itemid=72


Join the PUBLIC push for the NWO!
Reject illogicality (subjective “logic”), absurdity and injustice NOW!
Ignore those who fear a one-world government, Join the PUBLIC push for the NWO!

xinxii.com/en/rebooting-the- … 68154.html

(PS: want my book for free? No problem, friend! You can read a slightly older version here:
djedefsauron.net/index.php?o … Itemid=151)

It is in anime.

:exclamation: Attention, nutter at bay. :exclamation:
Scramble all units.

Only reason I’d do it, is if I was in charge. From the looks of it, ya’ll can’t even make a DnA machine. Since you can’t do that, got no reason to trust y’all.

A DNA machine?

Can you please describe this machine – purpose, if not mechanism?

I think the coupling of the male and female might be a sort of “dna machine” *, but you seem to be talking about some artificial machine.

  • Let’s have sex, if that’s what you mean LOL
    My science is pretty solid (I’m from IIT Madras), and i can almost authoritatively say that no such machine is possible. Sorry, we’ll have to take a different route to “world domination”, uhh, i mean, the victory of logic on earth.

Nothing at all. I am actually rooting for the New World Order, not because I like the groups running everything and definitely not because I am loyal to them either but because everything they do brings the world that much more closer to global anarchy and chaos which in turn gets that much more closer in unleashing people like me onto the world with absolute free reign where lucrative self appointed opportunities are without limit.

I really do wish they work a lot faster however as I am not getting any younger over here.

No it won’t dude. They will ban everything. How then will you be free? Get it, New World Order=Opposite of Anarchy.

They’ll try to ban everything and clamp down on the world but ultimately fail doing so.

Meanwhile the chaos and destruction they’ll cause everywhere will create many lucrative opportunities for individuals like myself. Get it now? No?

I’m just a merry scavenger or vulture of sorrow…

You are clinging on to fairy tale dreams.

Says a my little pony avatar wearing a wizard’s hat. Uh-huh, right…