While we wait 15characters

A child knows self=other unless you f*** them up (retard them).

One reason they want to control the population.

Including infiltrating what’s important.

Oh, I’m sorry, you’re retarded because we retarded you?

It’s an inherent limitation. The question is, do you let it run free or not.

You retarded yourself.

See, this is what I mean. It has nothing to do with anything. There is no trace of coherence, or of any kind of understanding of anything involved. It’s just retarded.

You didn’t go astray. There wasn’t a trap you fell into. You just don’t have the lemons in your basket.

It’s as sad as it is hilarious: nothing is more committed or motivated to rule than retardation.




Hahahahaha no I know.

We should do more rap, Itchy. I don’t know why you spend so much time on this fanaticism.

oh? Tell all. Details, details.


Spit us a line, Ichtas.

3? or 5?

I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t speak reatarded.

Give us a rap line.

give me a beat

out of data & no wifi password here

Ah wow the mighty ichtas backing away from a rap challenge.

Damn, never thought I’dda see the day.