Who is the left hand of God?

“'You shall not cut the hair on the sides of your heads, neither shall you clip off the edge of your beard.”

Though I (personally) like the one about clothes not being made from 2 different kinds of cloth best. Or from different sources.

Lately, I’ve been using this one, much to the dismay of some conservatives:

34 The stranger who lives as a foreigner with you shall be to you as the native-born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you lived as foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.

Your post shows you obviously know nothing about Christianity.

And about your post concerning conservatives is nothing more than a missleading rant that is a flat out lie.

We have no trouble with foreigners. We are not complaining about them, we are complaining about the illegals. Its a shame that so many peope failed to receive an education.

Cleaver attack on your part; and I see where you are attempting to go with it but I do not even wish to discuss something that is based upon context. Besides this is just a red herring because it has nothing to with our argument.

If you want to put it in simple terms like that I guess you are correct. To the best of my understanding the Roman Catholic Church believes that Pope is basically a deputy of Jesus, while Jesus is not present. It’s an interesting belief, and one that I do not agree with, but I hardly see how this makes them pagans.

Right……basically your repeating yourself. Yet I fill I will use this time to point out that most “Christian” religions believe in the divinity of Christ…………i.e. that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God on Earth………these “facts” where determined during The Seven Ecumenical Councils……which I if I recall correctly had a little something to do with the Catholics. So now I am starting to question your logic, the Catholic Church came up with this idea about Christ being God and most Christians believe this, wouldn’t this mean that TRUE Christians follow a flawed belief system?

This one made me laugh so hard, because before I posted my previous reply to you I told my wife that I would bet her $100 that you would use this point as one of your premises for Catholics being Pagans. There is some truth in this, but it’s arguable. Let us not get into the boring discussion of differing calendar systems. Really the point should be about saving a day in observance of God and his workings, the day of the week shouldn’t really matter.

Yet I will take this moment to point out that the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church believe the Sabbath to be Saturday and Sunday to be “The Lords Day”. The Protestants however do not follow this belief and practice the Sabbath on Sunday.

Okay I think the forbidding of clergy to marry has more to do with the clergy being utmost dedicated servants of God.

And once again you introduce a red herring into our argument. These are the short comings of these men and those men only. These problems horrific problems exist everywhere – in every religion.

I am a little confused by this one. Are you saying that they bow and pray to the 10 commandments? Or is it that they pray to statues of Jesus?

I don’t believe praying to the Virgin Mary is official Catholic doctrine. I could be wrong.

Whom then do they follow? They believe in Christ, they believe in Christ’s teachings, they believe that Christ is the incarnation of God. How do they not follow Christ, you have provided no evidence of this.

Once again a very ignorant and stereotypical statement on your part in regards to Islam. I don’t even wish to waste my breath anymore on you at this point because you are the supposed “bringer of truth” and you are persecuted for your attempts to bring the truth but you show a total lack of most the subjects we have discussed. Everything you have said is basically rhetorical b.s. that you have regurgitated.

Yes I agree with you noone is perfect, I am probably the most imperfect person on this planet.

I agree with you that humanity is in a very sorry state – and I believe it is because the vast majority of people are ignorant and intolerant to others views and beliefs and worse their own views and beliefs. In the matter of several posts you have being a shining example of this ignorance.

I would say the being refered to as; Accuser, Belial, Beelzebub, Serpent, Tempter, Satan, Lucifer, the Devil and many more, would be the ‘left hand’.

Why? Well, if not for the Christian or Jewish interpretation of him, imagine how the Christian or Jewish interpretation of God would have become. Ol’Satan has played a major part in religion’s and would most certainly be 2nd or 3rd in command - according to my interpretation of Christiondom and Judaism of course… but then, hierachy my ass.

Excuse me Astral, I’m a Jew so the issue of God’s authority has alot of meaning for me thanks :smiley: I choose however to try and keep open-minded in my understanding of God.

Yes, yes. When a Christian (selectively) quotes Leviticus, it is the WORD OF GOD, when a non-believer quotes it, then, “That was only for the Jews.” Or, “You don’t know what you are talking about.”

You can either say that Jesus invalidated Leviticus (he worked on the Sabbath, associated with ‘impure’ people, ect.), or you could view Christianity as an extension of God’s covenant with the Jews, in which case you’d best not be wearing any cotton-poly blends or your name ain’t gettin’ written in the book of Life.

The rulebook that people who condemn homosexuality are playing from is the same rulebook that (technically) got Jesus Cruxicified. I’d think that was a playbook that was best forgotten, but what do I know?

Also, as per your argument regarding God and Amalekites, the logic you used could be just as easily applied to Allah and non-believers. I fail to see how that, then, makes Allah a non-Judean God.

Please site the chapter and verse from leviticus that “technically got Jesus crucified.”

Why should we forget this book? Read the chapters regarding sexual conduct and then come back to me and tell me what you disagree on besides fornication and homosexuality. The same chapter tells you not to fuck your sister, your mom, your fathers wife, your aunt, animals, dead things.

Red Herring eh? No just a though put out there for all the truly IGNORANT people trying to teach people who actually study their own religion that they who do not study it would know better!

Would you let a homeless man be your Doctor? If not then I would suggest that people who do not follow or at least study my relgion have no place in telling me where I am in error of it.

Translate the word Pope. Christ has no deputy that was ever appointed. This is not the specific point on them being pagans. It merely points out how their ring leader is a False Prophet.

no, True Christians do not follow a flawed system. You are just intentionally mixing things up. 5 of 7 churches will be destroyed. I would say most Christians still have it wrong based on that account alone. Are you really saying popular opinion is always correct?

The Catholic Church is explained in Revelations with good detail and is refered to as the Great Harlot and will be destroyed. This church has no escape, and God has commanded that all that are his to come out of the Church less they share in her punishment.

Its not just the movement of the day of worship. They are pagans… and unfortunately the REAL meaning behind that is hidden from you. The reason why they are pagans is long. I would recomend that you get a very healthy dose of Catholic history first. There are many hidden things about that Church but they are not hidden so deep you cant find them.

What is up with all this Red Herring crap? You dont like what is brought up then just ignore it. I know its easier to say things do not matter so you can chicken out of them. Be my guest.

No Church has the right or authority to forbide marriage. Furthermore there are places in the Bible that state this is a matter of paganism. So it is used as evidence against them. You really are showing that you are not qualified to debate with me on this issue.

God consideres Marriage a Holy Union… Why would a church remove such a Holy Union from its clergy? And no, the more time for Dedication to God is hardly a high quality argument to make. This argument is suitable ONLY for missionaries. I see lotsa Catholic preachers with plenty of time on their hands and some most certainly not paying any attention to God. Your argument is absoluty unfounded! Women were created as a help meet for men. I hardly doubt a wife could take a man away from God’s work lest they travelled. The comments from the apostles are taken way out of context here.

If I was a conspiracy nut I would say Satan started this church and forbade marriage so that He could increase all the little altar boy molestations to further sink this church and all the abominations in it to the pits of hell for some company! The things written against this Church are grevious indeed.

Not just that, but to Mary, they carry rosaries, cross their chests and other things like this. They pay heed to statues that bleed, and have orgasms over people who say they saw Jesus or other crap. (nothing pagan going on here right?)

I wonder how many hail mary’s it would require to absolve you of your sins, brother?

Those whom follow Christ are those who believe He is the way, the Truth, and the Light.

Christ is the Savior of your soul… not the 7 sacraments. How can they follow Christ when they think the 7 sacraments are the way to salvation? Remember one of the very reasons for Christ’s coming is to be our savior. So once again… HOW can they follow Him when they dont accept Him as the savior? Christ said there is no other name given under heaven where by man may be saved!

God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever beliveth in Him will have everlasting life.

I dont recall this including the 7 sacraments.

One need look no further than their own freakish ‘holy books’ to get the truth of my reply. You first need to get those remarkes OUT of their books before you can even start to call out my comments. Your the one who knows nothing of the subject.

I am thinking you might be a muslim. I am already aware that Islam not only allows bald face lying to hide its intent but it in fact encourages lying so they can sneak up behind you and smite you on the back of your neck.

That is also written in their little holy books! Let me guess… your too illiterate to read them right?

Did you know God is very intolerant? Since when is intolerance a bad thing? I dont like murderers because I am intolerant of them. Islam is a religion of murderers. Now why should I be tolerant?

You have the brass to talk trash to me about this because you know for a fact I AM tolerant enough not to kill you if I got angry. But by that same token you are scarred silly by the muslims and will defend them hoping your the last morsel to be eaten on their plate.

A coward dies a 1000 deaths. I will only die once!

God is less tolerant than me in fact. I would never condemn you to death lest it was in defense of anothers life. But God will destroy your body AND your soul just for not following His will, even if you never kill anyone in your entire life!

You need to get your facts straight and stop acting like something is bad when it is not!

I am done arguing with you over this matter. You have made it extremely clear that you are intolerant – and then you provided the coupe de grace by blatantly stating that you are intolerant. You have made it clear that you are a close minded buffoon.

Sadly you are starting to sound more like the stereotypical view of a Muslim that you keep digging up, your intolerance is contrary to the teachings of Christ – contrary to the teachings of Muhammad – contrary to the teaching of Judaism.

You pointed out that we shouldn’t discredit, and confuse true Christians with Catholics because the Catholic Church is flawed. I couldn’t agree more – indeed we shouldn’t discredit Islam because several branches of it follow a more fundamental view of its teachings. You don’t seem to like it when people quote the bible and use it against Christianity but yet you are doing precisely with Islam. Ironic at the least.

As far for myself being a Muslim, hardly, Catholic, hardly. If you insisted to label me I would have to say I am a non active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which I assume you believe is the spawn of Satan as well). I was born into that religion but do not follow it. I am an atheist. I don’t believe in God, I don’t believe in organized religion. Religion is a great area of interest to me – but I don’t believe any of it.

The only reason I posted in this thread was because I wanted to suggest that it would be interesting to think outside of the Judo-Christian train of thought – why not introduce Islam into the equation – it’s a well known fact that Islam believe in the same god as Abraham. I wasn’t attempting to insist that Islam is the correct religion – I just thought it would make for interesting conversation. Then you come into this thread inciting a riot – making claims that Catholicism is Paganism.

At this point I feel like you’re going to say that since I choose to bow out of this conversation that I am “chickening out” but I am just saving myself from continuing this pointless argument with you. You want to run around in circles and I grow tired of those games.

Well, the justification for the crucifiction, according to the Gospel of John, is that Jesus worked (healed) on the Sabbath (that’s why his crucifiction was called for. It was all part of God’s plan, naturally, hence the ‘technically’ modifier).

I’m sorry, the passage I was thinking of was exodus (31:13-17), though Leviticus 26:43 'll do in a pinch.

Knowing the truth and refusing to yeild to a lie is hardly closeminded. But hey, if that gets you to sleep at night then have at it.