Why are some women promiscuous?

I would touch her there, under the bridge…

That’s good. Is that yours?

What was that song?
“…I just wanna have fun…”

Here it is. Also, this song might actually answer the question presented in the OP.


The key word in that, “Girls JUST want to have fun.”

Nothing else really matters and the relevance of anything else is entirely up to be arbitrarily altered at any time. As long as whatever “it” is involves sufficient fun from their personal stance, they will stick to it. If you can’t manage what it is that they perceive as fun, then they are a loose canon on your ship. So learn to manage it or leave it for someone else to deal with. It’s pretty much the same with young boys.

That’s why I always keep colored pencils and coloring books here, and little things for them to make like arts and crafts. And I let them listen to girl music and dance around the living room and there’s always a cabinet full of cheap wine. (Girls love cheap wine, you gotta put the good stuff away for when your real friends who know the difference come over). If you keep those things around and let em control the radio and dance they’ll be content 99% of the time.

…so the question has been answered. :sunglasses:

…and as the lady said, “simple”.

Don’t go changing James. :slight_smile:


and don’t imagine you’re too famillar and I don’t see you any more…

Yes,it’s one of my songs. Thanks for apreciating it. I just wanted to offer my experience in the bast way I can express it.

Sex feels good. I dare say it might even be fun for some people.

It’s fun for me.

A promiscuous person, male or female, makes for a bad parent.

We can’t have a society full of bad parents. So some people need to sacrifice promiscuity for monogamy.

Sounds like some propaganda.

And I’m not even a feminist. :dance:

“Words of love so soft and tender
Won’t win a girl’s heart anymore.
If you love her, you must send her
Somewhere she’s never been before”. —The Mammas and the Pappas SIC) (1965)


Well that is hooey.
If that is true then parents that work, go to church functions, or have any sort of social life outside the home will make a lousy parent.

  1. These are not really philosophy of mind topics.

  2. These questions are not philosophical, in fact, this is a complex question (a logical fallacy). It asserts that there is a gender specific reason for the promiscuity of some women as opposed to both men and women.

How does a promiscuous person make for a bad parent?

Are you gonna do the old, “x is bad, so x is bad” argument here?

I am dumber for having read this thread. This board is dumber for having this thread exist. Smears settled it pretty quickly, after that it was a bunch of bullshit biotruths and appeals to non-existent authority.

Jesus you fuckers are dumb.

Don’t make me agree with Pandora and James S Saint. That’s not something any of us want.


Hell, I was agreeing with Smears and Blurry.
So no telling what you are really agreeing with. :confused: