Why belief in theism is justified

Welcome back to you too :smiley:

I’m not sure of the foundation for philosophy itself, I was just saying that a philosophy that starts with the premise that one cannot trust himself is a philosophy that is self-defeating because the premise itself would be in question.

I usually define “philosophy” as an articulable preference.

What’s your philosophy for eating pizza? Do you start at the center and then eat the crust (or fling the crust back in the box)? Or do you start with the crust and finish with the best part? Whatever your preference, I’m sure you could rationalize why you do it and that would be your philosophy.

What’s your philosophy for brushing your teeth? Do you put the paste on the brush and then wet the brush or the other way around?

Every branch of science starts with a philosophy. The philosophy of mathematics articulates the foundation for the study of mathematics. The philosophy of medicine starts with a framework and foundation on which to build the science.

That’s what philosophy is, but its foundation? I don’t know. It’s just how you’re put together I guess.

Ah ha . . . yes . . . a philosophy. Often overlooked is the fact that there is no philosophy but just a bunch of philosophies.

Philosophy has no foundation but a good philosophy does.

I am pretty certain that you catch my drift.

Similar to no objectivity, but instead it’s a collection of subjective opinions.

A proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it. - John Keats

What’s interesting here is that I can only catch drifts in terms of what avenues life has endowed me with. Your conveyance to me depends on my having been exposed to something I can use to relate to your experience. What exists depends not only on the object, but also the subject.