Workerless Society - How Many Exchanges ?


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To Busty:


"unwitting victim of feminizing estrogren-mimicing modern chemical pollutants, "

Are you sick in the head or what ? You are worried about all these “chemicals”, “pollution” and such BS; why don’t you free your mind instead ? How on earth can you know or care about all that BS (a negative effect of science: too much information, everything is questioned, eveything is a problem, everyone becomes so snotty and a snob wanting perfection and all the studies and all such huge crap. Who the ph*k cares! just do all you want!) and then the truth is lifespans have continually increased, we live longer thanks to all of that pollution then. If it were true that pollution is doing all of this harm then we should all be dying earlier, instead we are healthier than ever, the world is going forward and moving forward by the boatloads and all you greens see is superstitions, boogie mans, and evils and things like that. You all still believe in witches and the Devil: like I said repeatedly, all of this environmental crap, and greenies, and against consumerism and pollution is ALL A RELIGION, A BACKWARD WARPED SICK RELIGION STOPPING MAN FROM GOING FORWARD. MIGHT AS WELL JUST GIVE US BACK THE OLD CHRIST AND HEAVEN AND HELL AT LEAST THEY DIDN’T BUST EVERYONE’S CHOPS WITH ALL OF THIS BS, OH, YOU CAN’T BUILD ATOMIC ENERGY PLANTS, YOU CAN’T BUILD HIGH SPEED TRAINS, YOU CAN 'T BUILD THIS AND THAT AND YOU NAME IT A NEVER ENDING ARRAY OF DON’T DO THIS AND DON’T DO THAT WORSE THAN THE WORSE FUNDAMENTALIST RELIGIONS!


“Skyscrapers? They’re going up all over the fucking place.”

And then the USA isn’t building Skyscrapers at all, they have stopped building them a long time ago, while they are building them in other more progressive and advanced parts of the world like China and Dubai. We need to get the USA back into the Skyscraper business big time: build hundreds in all of the cities, in Boston, Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, you name it, hundreds of new 100 floor skyscrapers, large monoliths, large structures of which to feel proud of, an achievement, you have achieved, you have won, man has conquered nature. Show off by building Skyscrapers jackasses!

We are slaves of “Other Minds”, of what thought processes are occurring in other minds, their judgments, their intentionalities with regards to you, what they intend to do with you, how they feel about you, and how is that tied into so much importance for us ? Is it from our history ? your mommy had complete control over you since the beginning, so that power slowly migrated to other actors, but they are always external actors that always have some power over you no matter what. But the greatest power over you is the power of judgment, even when it rarely has any effect, it becomes a symbolic mechanism in our mind, we need acceptance, we need to be judged well, mommy has to love us no matter what, and if it isn’t mommy it has to be anyone else, anything else, we need security and therefore we are always searching for that acceptance and good judgments from the independent other minds, since independent minds are simply free will gadgets.

So all we do, no matter how hidden, and indirectly, all we do, we do for some kind of mommy, for so kind of judgment, for some abstract denotational, indirectional external mind, or external eye, the eye of GOD (and this is where religion comes from ?): so much effort, an effort of a lifetime, no matter what, even if it is judged just one second every 50 years (the final judgment ? heaven or hell ?), but just that second of judgment, that says: good, that is good, I liked that, makes up for all the effort. We are slaves of other minds always, a whim of our brain, a fluke of the way our mental computer program operates.

And we are also the connector of the world, connecting all kinds of random entities through all kinds of narratives, through all kinds of make believe causes and effects, since we can invent anything at all, we can design any cause and effect, any association at all, as our mind can mix and match and make up any sequence of events or situations, or items, any slab of matter can become a word or tag or concept and behavior, anything can be connected to anything at all (and the worldwide Internet makes connecting anything to anything even easier), then we can invent any rules, any world, any make believe interdiction, essentially any game we force ourselves and a group of people and the entire civilization to play: AS IN MAN IS THE INFINITELY PROGRAMMABLE MACHINE AND INFINITELY PROGRAMS ALL MEANINGS, ASSOCIATIONS AND ENTITIES IN HIS ENVIRONMENT IN ANYWAY JUST BECAUSE, FOR NO REASON AT ALL.

We are just a slab of matter who thinks that it is awake and alive: nothing further from the truth, we a monolithic slab of Mass Energy - Matter, hence nothing that tries to be something.

Please give us back our Old Nothing. We don’t want anything at all anymore. We want to Give Up. Give us Empty, Bare, Vacuum, Void. Let us Vanish completely. Please give us back Nothing, Nothing at all, give us back our Old Nothing forever (AKA DEAD), that is where we truly belong.


Slut says:

"This is Fascism and fits well with a neo-con agenda. I’m sure Vald got a hard-on reading it…

As you state you practise chauvinism too, if you’re under 40 Bustin - I dare say you’d do most well as Jarhead fodder - if white collar unemployment for you looms?"

I answer:

…Those last posts of the resident genius were kind of depressing…

Hey Alexandra, just get vlad’s black dildo and shove it up your pssy, that’s all you need really, horny slut. You don’t need all their BS, just ignore vlad and busty, just ignore those two fagots…

Please scroll past these blocks of texts. Please erase all of my posts from the Internet. Please erase the Internet. Thank you. No Rights Reserved, all of these blocks of text do not belong to anybody since they were not written by anybody; they are machine generated; feel free to pollute the internet by copying them and posting them anywhere, but please DO NOT POLLUTE THE INTERNET ANY FURTHER ! Thank You.

Comic Book World

As a strange affair, people on the internet become fake, make believe, they just become a block of text, disembodied, without substance, inventions, make believe, a comic book world, blocks of text with some associated free will gadget connected to them, but there is no face or body associated with them: but then why must a face or body or name be associated to a block of text ? might as well associate a mountain, a tree, a car or anything else, as in anything can be associated to anything else, anything can be put in a bag and assigned a new symbol, a new content, a new delimitation, and any other thing can be composed of any other things and the rules of engagements (between them or anything else) can be any or even other bags full of items, wickedly different and unrelated items that come together to produce something new and mysterious. very strange…

I was thinking about why Modified Brains, New Brain Designs is not an issue of discourse, is not a subject of conversation: because it essentially does away with a “common world” amongst people, the entire idea of “consensus” and a “common reality” disappears when talking about a new Man Brain as a new type of Observer, Processor.

So essentially, there is nothing to talk about, the new brain will observe a reality that is 100 % subjective (but only to us, as our reality is also 100 % subjective but hidden behind a layer of imaginary objectivity since it is made up of many independent but similar processors (each person) communicating that which they have in common and their rules of engagements, but if you take the set of all processors (a civilization, a population, a group of people) and you assign it as one single entity (how it should be assigned as it is made up of multiple copies of itself to make believe that it occupies all of the universe and is a simulation of some kind of external objective reality), that single entity is just one very specific, arbitrary, make believe, joke on itself modified brain, the famous and well known Man Brain the resident genius talks about always.

We are always interacting and talking with others so as to test if we win/lose and to exist/in the minds of others, to feel that we are achieving, and doing the right thing, to be comforted by the communication, by what we imagine to have in common, we need to reinforce the consensus and common ground our Man Brain is subject to by continuous communication with other copies of itself, nay, better if they contradict you, so that it looks like there is actually some difference amongst Man Brains so as to continue the farce of independence and external reality: nothing further from the truth, each encounter is a new creation, a new game that serves to simply confirm forever the final score of the same game played over and over again, and each new second of interaction is a subtle test, you want excitement and change and guessing and chance, but you all know deep inside that there is no surprise and guess, the Man Brain is always reproducing itself and versions of itself until it doesn’t anymore by sticking wild things in the skull, crack open skulls and start sticking wild gears, pistons, stick an Oldsmobile Ninety Eight in your brain connect, the wires in wildly chaotic ways, you get the idea…


I was reading how JAPAN didn’t really ever have the lost decades, all is ok, it actually got rich from 1990 to 2010, it is still the superstar that it was, they got it all wrong: years of articles and studies and this and that all of a sudden are revealed for what they are, errors, we made a mistake, throw the past analysis all down the toilet, etc.: wow, just like Germany became a superstar overnight, now it is JAPAN’s turn. S o all the news was only lies, or better, all news exists only to contradict the news of the day before, go back and forth and make believe, it is all made up, or free to any interpretation you want. In a few years they will say that Greece, Italy and the USA from 2005 to 2015 weren’t in crisis mode or recession at all, it was all upside down and backwards! they were truly economic superstars, were the most advanced and successful societies ever, and so forth, change the statistics, change the interpretation, change the numbers (or better measure numbers you didn’t measure before or “forgot” to measure as in statistics) say anything, go back and forth, it is all the same, all a bunch of BS (Information is by definition BS), since there is no real objective measure of anything only Man’s puny free will and pure Subjectivity assigning whatever he wants…

slut says:

"Yoh’ Eightman…

(Polite cough)… I’ll let you in on a special secret, something an attention seeking little boy like you will lap right up. Dildos don’t really do it for me, as do any man-made toys/vibrators/paraphernalia at all in fact.

If I’m in need of a potent black phallus, I’ll make sure it comes with a living breathing fully-developed man attached, whom has fully mastered the art of using his tongue and fingers…

(Artificial is so over)

But thanks for the thought sweetie… now go back to scribbling all over the blog darling… you have Mommy’s permission!"

I answer:

Well, then I was right all along; I framed you as soon as you opened your mouth a long time ago bitch, you are just a horny slut, whore. But do me a favor: go get some nice looking young handsome black man and get down with it (wish I could be in yours or his place, but alas, so is life…) and tell us all about, the two fagots vlad and busty will be raging with envy and jealousy… (and stop talking dirty, slut, this is palce for little children and Jesus speaks to little children)


About jealousy and envy: now that is an interesting feeling, situation etc. it exists only because we are using logic (no instincts or nature here, this thing is totally psychological - mental - thought process based, memory based, principle of identity and non contradiction stuff), trying to “imagine” how much better the other party has it, we are amplifying our imagination and assigning experiences and fun and better and pleasures and enjoyments and all kinds of things to some other remote chunk of matter, imagining that we “could have had that” but didn’t get it mostly because “it was our fault” (even though we want to beat up some other person to compensate when what we really want to do is beat up ourselves), “it was my fault I didn’t get what he got, etc.” and this creates a weird “guilt complex”, kind of like guilty if you succeed and get what you want (guilty towards those that didn’t couldn’t get it or whatever) and guilty if you didn’t get it (guilty towards yourself for failing, you didn’t deal extra pleasure and success to yourself or you failed your target, etc.).

And the more you fail that “special” target (no matter what it is as it is just a configuration of bits in the brain) you get more and more angry, jealous, envious, and you amplify the importance and all of its imaginary metaphysical properties it has, the more you want it. But what exactly do you want ? Another experience, another example and version of how Matter may Undergo Experience, another example, but especially another win against another Free Will Gadget that can decide and condition you, make you become a puppy, a little puppy craving for that other Free Will to do what you ask or want or imagine or hope: and even if the other free will abides, you may never know what it really thinks, what it really feels, and it can lie to you all along, for years and decades, and everyone in your life could have lied to you all along and deceive you.

But alas, you are simply punishing yourself since all of these targets and dependencies and conditioning have been arbitrarily chosen by your own Man Brain to punish yourself and give you a failed target, to never let you win and give you an excuse to “feel bad”.

I think nameta9 (aka Howard Kunstler) might be the 2nd coming of Christ.