Would you do anything to survive?

Autsider wrote

Interesting that you’d rather not survive particularly in light of your support for white sharia. Doesn’t your white sharia propose the very element of slavedom that you disdain here or don’t you see the correlation?

Yeah, I predict you may connect this to my authoritarianism and try to expose the “hypocrisy”.

And my answer is, nah, it’s not the same. Unless you consider all domination slavery, but then since domination is inevitable whenever 2 or more organisms interact, slavery would just be unavoidable.

White Shariah is just a healthy, nature-based hierarchy. I’d say what you’re arguing is the other extreme I mentioned, wanting to be free to be degenerate at all costs and not willing to make any compromises to survive.

It’s no better, in fact, I’d argue it’s even worse than wanting to survive at all costs, since natural selection selects leans more towards absolute survival than absolute degeneracy or absolute freedom.

Oh, now I have the option to compromise, I see until white sharia takes effect, then I’m a slave. What’s the difference between domination and leadership?

Hey, I’m not the one who pumps and dumps filthy whores like a degenerate. Oh, I forgot…men have needs to survive…as degenerates at all costs.

Leadership is a type of domination. White Shariah wouldn’t enslave women, but since you so insist on being a slave, we’ll make an exception for you and you’ll get to experience what being a slave actually is so that you stop your bullshit of calling slavery anything that isn’t absolute freedom for women (ensured by daddy state’s threats of violence, of course).

If you’re good looking you even get the privilege of being my personal slave for me to use as I please.

Your rebuttals are weak. Yeah, I’ve been foe’d.

I would like to say that no I wouldn’t, that certain thing would just be too unethical for me to do in order to survive, but I’m afraid that I can’t possibly answer this question honestly while in the comfort of my air conditioned home.

However, I do have a hint that there are certain thing I probably wouldn’t do. These come from dreams. Just recently I had a dream where I was captured by ISIS and they were slaughtering innocents left and right. I could do something to not be killed, however. If I myself became the executioner I could save my life. I looked at the gruesomeness of what was going on and couldn’t bring myself to do it, so I attempted to escape.

So, at the very least I passed the virtual reality test when it comes to this sort of thing. But real life is a bit different, so who knows.


We might wrestle with the question but where it is a question of “conflicted goods” can we actually know what we would do under certain circumstances? We might want to believe that we would know. We might have what we consider to be the best intentions - who doesn’t want to be a hero? - but until that moment, how could we answer that question?

I might, depending on the circumstances. That’s not an easy question to answer.
There is to survive Death and there is to survive daily in a bleak, cruel world.
Can we judge what another would or would not do considering the fact that our journeys are different, we come from different places?
Fontyne, the character in Les Mes, became a prostitute in order to survive (for her child) but especially her child to survive.

But it wouldn’t be a question of succumbing would it? Succumbing to me connotes something out of our control.

But what if you had small children? Could your decision be so honorable if your death contributed to a terrible future life of those children?
I do know what you mean by honorable death though.

If someone had the chance to allow their self to die in order to save many people but they couldn’t do it, they just couldn’t rise to the occasion, would they be considered to be a coward? Not everyone could be a hero.
I don’t think that it is simply a question of conscience. It is also a question of Will.

William James said the greatest use of life is to spend it for that which will outlast it.
How could we know what would better serve that - our continued existence or our decision which really is not that much of a decision in the final analysis. Most heroes often do not take the time to think things out before they leap into nothingness.

To oneself, the curse of being a coward would rob one’s life of its value, one’s will to live, rather than just to survive with an empty smile in the vacuum of one’s soul. A soul who takes more than it gives lives a coward’s life, objectively.

I personally would not necessarily call that individual a coward. We are not all meant to be heroes, Wendy though we would like to romanticize our lives and our identities. We answer to different drummers. Perhaps that person serves in another way which is just as important/necessary and meaningful.

There are people who are not capable of transcending that Will, that instinct to survive.

Wouldn’t you first need to know that person’s personal journey, their beginnings? How can you know that what that person has been given in life is not far less than what would appear to be?

Are heroes born naturally or are they formed from the fire of life?

You would not be the one to call them a coward, they would call themselves that…silently. People’s judgments never become more condemning than our own against ourselves.

Perhaps there are two types of will, the animal will to survive at all costs, and the transcendent will of a being who surpasses the animal, a selfless being who recognizes the importance of potential in all life…or that strong desire could be a part of one’s essence that we are in fact born with which some tap into while others ignore. Being selfish, withholding, is easier than sharing our blessings.

I’d guess that 90% of all people would do anything to survive, the first time put to the test, then that number would start to fall, the repeat offenders of the 90% would become fewer and fewer if retested.