Your Fancied Beauty

Not personal at all, I don’t know your age.

I wasn’t referring to job skills alone.

I’ve been with 4 women, not too many, and I plan to take several more to bed before my time is up. Not settled down, unsure whether I’ll even find a worthy woman. Sometimes when I get my hope up, women reveal their flaws. For example beautiful women tend to have absolutely atrocious, selfish, and cruel personalities underneath. Nothing inspiring or noble about such women.

I’m still looking for a diamond in the rough.

People are flawed, that can’t be avoided. The internet opens the doors to immediate communication with people from all over the world, that’s a huge plus, but the drawbacks are dishonesty and distance, long distance. Joker befriended me online and his posts made me laugh without any meanness.

Joker wrote,“I approve of this thread.”


I have a soft spot for people who can tickle my funny bone.

Good luck!

Do you lock joker in one of those dick cages?

Yes, building your own house would be preferable, although I wouldn’t mind owning a historical house made from rare materials (that are not allowed in construction anymore), or a house with a noble history.

To me, there’s something off with this a-frame design. It looks cool, but also not very well thought-through. Not enough lighting /air circulation? It really has that permanent tent feel to it. But if the point is to surround it by nature why make it so stuffy and shelter-like? Open it up with more windows and maybe put a patio on the side -bring the nature inside a little (or bring the inside out, I guess). This is probably why the cube/square design is favored by houses, you get four sides so no matter where the wind coming through, you can open those windows/doors, so you get air circulation going. You could also position the house so that rising/setting sun is in desired place (kitchen/bedroom/bathroom/etc.). This house feel more like a shelter or temporary vacation/rest place than a proper house. I’m probably missing a few things too, but the top level looks like it would be quite stuffy, unless you open it up by building a patio that goes outside. And there something about the walls closing in on you that doesn’t feel right, like it shouldn’t be like that (maybe I’m just used to square straight, vertical walls). There’s psychology aspect to architecture, too. Check out “Spaces speak, are you listening?”. It’s a cool book about how architects tweak spaces for psychological effect (hotel lobbies, town squares, etc.)

The opening post reminded me of this: … cPoint.htm

WendyDarling wrote:

AEon wrote:


AEon has this obsession about under age girls.

“Virginity is regarded as a valuable commodity in some cultures, and the right to have sexual intercourse with a virgin can be bought. For example, in Japan, geishas would sell the right of first access in a ritual called mizuage. Modern virginity auctions, like that of Natalie Dylan, are discussed in the 2013 documentary How to Lose Your Virginity”.

AEon, you may well be priced right out of the market, from what you wrote above.

Pandabear wrote

Have you ever spent 24 hrs in an A Frame building? I stayed in a three bedroom chalet and it was oh so nice. Not stuffy or claustrophobic at all. In my A frame, I would place several sets of french doors with screens on both windowed ends.
I like this new type with side panel windows too.

This second image would be better for security with more frame support.

Not really, if a young woman is a virgin then I don’t care if she’s in her 20s. However once a woman ages past 24-25 then her capacity for children and childbirth deteriorates. Usually it’s not worth the risk with most women. Feminine women, whom I’m most attracted, get married and have children earlier, raise families, and enjoy that most about life. A “real woman”. Not the fake women and “feminists” of the modern day. Women worth respect and admiration, strong women that form the core of societies. Matronly types, motherly types. That implies wisdom, within women. However it is a rare trait, I already admit that.

And I also want to exclude women who divorce. Young women who divorce are not who I’m talking about either.

I’m talking specifically about conservative and traditional, feminine women, who marry young, stay married, and raise a family successfully. Moral leaders. Individuals worth looking up to and aspiring toward. These people and families develop character, moral strength, and personalities that stand apart. You notice them immediately in strangers. I can almost point it out in a crowd of strangers. I can tell which people have the strongest moral character and which have the weakest. To raise children, stronger foundations and fundamentals produce superior people. And I have nothing against superiority and inequality. I support that. I’m anti-liberal in this regard. Some people are, and should be, superior to others.

Superior families, marriages, are superior because they sacrifice and risk a lot more than everybody else. Admirable. Noble values.

What are you talking about? I admit that I don’t make much money. I don’t really care about money, never have. Never really needed or wanted much money. However I realize that women are very much like prostitutes, demanding certain assets and bank accounts. Maybe I can’t afford virginity, as you mentioned. I don’t know if I’ll ever own anything above $100,000.

However what I do own is wisdom, ideas, thoughts, and philosophy. That represents my value and values. Money is temporal, temporary, comes and goes. Love, relationships, marriage, these should not be based so much on money, as you indicate. Rather they should be based on values such as loyalty, attraction, respect, and mutual goals. Companionship and cooperation. These values are above you. All you seem to think about is money, like most women. For example, “love” for you is lower down the list. I don’t blame you. Most women are materialistic.

I’m a free-spirit, as a free-thinker. I don’t like constraints, and therefore have never been interested in materialism. I could live the rest of my life in a $3000 car, with some gas and food, if I needed to. In fact that’s my current retirement plan.

Wealth means nothing without Purpose.


Is that Scott Mutter? I love surrational images and Mutter’s work. They are so cool.

That is the best of both worlds. Just dive out your front door if you are in the mood for a swim.

But how does on get back home?

I don’t know, I searched for a sky castle.

I like the idea of a castle floating on clouds. It represents separation from earth and ascendance, being above gravity. At the same time it connotes the distant past, of European Medieval era, and with it older, traditional, conservative values. A castle is a stronghold, something that defends against attacks. A regular house is flimsy, easy to topple, easy to invade and capture. Castles are fortresses, representative of strength.

It’s a juxtaposition of future technology and idealism, being superior to gravity, rising above it, but also the structure itself is a link to the past. So it is an inversion of past and future. Something strong yet balanced on a pin-needle. Grace and power in one image.

How are their risks and sacrifices more than everybody elses?

Any drop greater than 75 feet, you’re better off dead and that drop looks close to 200 feet.

Have you ever flown a plane? lol I’m not being facetious here.
You are a jack-of-all trades.
What kind of orchard - oranges or apples?

You would seem to be very industrious.

I know this, Wendy. It actually looked to be about 30 feet to me. But I suppose that to have that home itself and situated where it is - somewhere Up There, it would be far better to have it shooting for the stars, in a sense.

To me, this design looks more bothersome than useful. Why would you need 3 doors for one door opening, and have all of them open from different sides? (And you’d have to make sure to lock all 3 doors at night!)

Hi Pandora,

Do you know why a door like that would be beneficial though technically speaking, it isn’t A door.
Have you ever had the experience of trying to get through a door and one or two other members of your family have the same idea at the same time and everyone is trying to squeeze through at the same time almost like they believe they can.

Voila! Everyone is happy and gets to go out the door at the same time.

#-o Ladies, those are screened panel windows, not extra doors. Thanks for amusing me girls. :laughing:

Is this some kind of fat joke, arc? Or maybe you think I live in a barn or something. This only happens in the case of fire, or in public crowded places (that usually have this kind of door configuration). I mean, is it really that hard to wait a couple of seconds for a person to go through the door?

They look like doors to me.

Messed up doors at that too.