
Yeah, I knew someone would say that haha, it really was. Was pretty funny.

Those dogs breeding though, pretty decent example.

Race, Genetics and Intelligence | Helmuth Nyborg and Stefan Molyneux

Genes are inherited potentials, cultivated to their fullest within particular environmental conditions - nature= sum of past nurturing determining potentials, and nurturing the environmental conditions atrophying or developing these inherited potentials.

What happens when you mix the inherited potential of one bloodline with that of another?
Brazil is a good example of race-mixing, having advanced more than in any other place.
How many Brazilian intellectuals do you know of?
How many mulattoes have revolutionized human awareness in any field?
The U.S. is not far behind…and they are now forced to import “brains” from other countries.

If you mix the speed potential of a hound, with the speed potential of a bulldog, what is the result?
If you mix the potential for intelligence of a chimpanzee with that of a human, if it were possible, what would be the outcome?

Sometimes latent genes are triggered by mixing.
A tiger/lion mix, the liger is larger than either species, but how fit is it to live in the wild?
Other mixes produce smaller hybrids than the two distinct species.

An important part of it is whether the male or the female is bred from each species.

What this indicates is evolution at work.
Species split gradually, displaying this split by their appearance.
Diversion is obvious if you trust that your senses did not revolve to trick us, but to aid us.
Genetic isolation such as that which resulted in the human races was not as long as it was for species such as grizzlies and Polar bears, or asses and horses, or lions and tigers or wolves and coyotes…
Species simply indicated reproductive potential.
Speciation is complete when the two types can no longer mix their genes.

Race, like dog breeds, one naturally produced the other manmade, are intermediate stages of speciation.
What occurs with remixing, when this genetic isolation ends, is that the environmental conditioning, carried in the genes as memories (codes) are diluted, and along with them the inherited potentials in all areas of the organisms development, or its upper and lower limit.

What this means is that mixing Caucasians with Africans dilutes the entire phase of genetic isolation, which cultivated the intellectual potentials of the race that returned to Africa to dominate those that had forced them out hundreds of thousands of years earlier - stressful environments naturally selected for ingenuity and cleverness…stress absent in the human populations left in the original environments in Africa.
Stress is the sensation of do-or-die…and without it no progress occurs.
Less challenging environments may be pleasing, but they atrophy those in it…whereas more challenging environments may result in extinction, but also in progress expanding inherited potentials by breaking them, forcing them to heal stronger…like muscle does.
In every species we witness the stress its ancestor experienced, forcing it to develop one, or more related traits, or go extinct.

That’s a great video and explanation. So in basic terms, it dilutes and reduces ones effectiveness in their original environment? Less IQ?

Less effectiveness depending on the environment?

No. It is the most normal wanting when it comes to surviving.

Yes, of course, because our lives depend on them. Humans are a kind of group living beings - like wolves or lions.

We definitely are social animals. I understand now after today why conservatives hate liberals, I still remain independent, but I do understand.

Is Helmuth Nyborg’s new book already available?

If the genetic potential you desire is smartness, marry someone smart.
If it is whiteness, marry someone white.

Potential is no assurance. You might end up bald in the process, them nasty recessive genes.

Since environment and genetics play an interwoven game in the development of human traits, there may occur genetic changes over time. Darwin interfered with an Austrian geneticist in his finding just that, accusing him of faking some result to coincide with its implications. The Austrian guy killed himself on account of this incident.

In effect , if genetic changes can occur on account of environmental alterations, then the desired traits may be enhanced, or depreciated on that account.

For instances, looked at it memetically, let’s say that the desired trait is physical beauty and attractiveness.

The unhappy man, is not attractive to a beautiful blond gold-digger, since he is poor. Nth environment reduces his chances of gaining that trait, therefore
that trait will eventually be extinguished, for the next generation of the man will not be beautiful.

Since the offspring of this poor man will not exhibit the traits of beauty, they will have to compete more furiously in the genetic marketplace, and the way the ‘compensation’ occurs, is that more brains will be developed, to be able to overcome the lack of beauty and attractiveness. Then beauty will be subordinated in future generations to brain, and slowly intelligence will become the primary desirable trait. Hence, more and more differentiation of racial characteristics will develop, due to circumstantial changes.

Politically expedient solutions, will diminish the chance of racial purification, the farther history is moving it into the future from the age of monarchy.

Extreme purity had it’s apex when the aristocracy practiced intermarriage in between familial lines. The results were disastrous , as history can attest to it.

The problem here, is boundaries, how close, yet how far could margins be established, where desired types may be practically established, without causing aberration on one hand, or the acquisition of undesired traits on the other.

I think environmental manipulation, or simply the developing process of social change, can and does find it’s level, whether it be caused by consciously desired traits, or not. Past generational genetic aspirations can also play a key role in feeding unconscious motives in establishing some kind of stasis of genetic/environmental balance in individual humans.

If you want not only the potential for something but also a high probability for something then select someone who is overall rather similar to you.
Otherwise it’s increasingly like playing the lottery.
And here ‘Whiteness’ or ‘Blackness’ or ‘Yellowness’ is a better guideline than nothing.
If you are White you want intelligent and White.
If you are Black you want intelligent and Black.

On another note, here is a picture showing how being ‘White’ is only about the colour of your skin.

That ‘white gene’.

Recessive = bad?

No, you are not implying that… couldn’t be.

Late European xt-Aristocracy shows what happens when genetic healthy qualities are deemed unimportant and marriage becomes about political manoeuvring.
Ask any animal breeder what and how he is breeding if he intends to use the animal for further breeding. - Long lines of inbreeding and selecting to remove undesired genes.

I thought the powers that are pushing for outbreeding might just be very ignorant but now that I think of it, if you intend to discard the results of it after few generations anyway then it could and would make sense.

Common practice among desperate Moderns, is to separate traits as if they do not combine in a type, recognized by appearance.
This would be like separating an apple’s redness from its potential sweetness, or a cheetah’s potential speed from its potential sportiness.

Appearance, and by this I mean the entirety of sensual data the mind interprets as form, color, scent, texture, ect. is the interpretation of this inherited potential.
The past is not something irrelevant, it is present…it appears.
All divergence in appearance, even when holding common traits as an indication of a shared past, developing in common potentials, is the representation of this past.

Past = nature, sum of all previous nurturing.

Intelligence cannot be separated from a particular type, which has potentiality in past, and nurtured in the particularities of the immediate past, the present.

All organisms use their senses, their subjective interpretations of the fluctuating objective world, to appreciate this past, as appearance.
The environmental conditioning that produced the Caucasian type, did not only develop the potential for skin and hair color, but also of muscle mass, and intelligence.

Judging is the usage of appearance to establish what is most probable.
If I wish to taste something sour I do not go to a banana.
I use appearances, even of its potential ripeness, to judge which is most likely to give me what I want.
If I seek intelligence, I do not look at the baboon for a philosophical debate. I use my senses to judge using appearances, and using precedent, (experience/knowledge) I determine which organism is the most likely to offer what I seek.

True, I can still be wrong…
The human I find might be less intelligent than an exceptionally gifted baboon, due to circumstances such as sheltering, dis-ease, or some trauma…and the banana might be sour, but then I do not immediately abandon precedent as wrong and construct a new world-theory…i must explain why it was and is an exception to the rule.

This fragmentation of an organism into distinct body-parts is a reflection of a Modern/Nihilistic internal fragmentation, seeking in compartmentalization different subjective standards to deal with an indifferent cosmos.

The idea that skin pigmentation is what race is about, is like saying that an elephant’s grayness is what identifies elephants.

Fragmenting organs, is a Modern dis-ease…organs with no cohesion, so that they Modern can then use each according to his own whims, or trending fashions.
Consider the separation of organs, to destroy the organism, and reassemble it as a Frankenstein creature…each from a separate source, combined into a freakish non-existence.

The anus, is separated rom the sex organ, which is separated from the stomach, so that it can now be used to fornicate rather than defecate.
Organs with no bodies.

Ariston, referring to the best, derivative of Aris, god of war…Heraclitus “all is war”, agon.
Ariston is he who is good at war, or at living.
Kratos = to hold, dominion…to hold together, as whole.

The environment, the immediate past of interactions, is what determines which trait will prove to be effective, passing on itself genetically as potential to the next generation.

If the traits, we call intelligence, proves to be detrimental to the survival of the organism in unique environmental conditions, such as those produced due to human intervention, then intelligence will gradually be weeded out of the gene pool, or its potential will slowly be reduced in the specific population group.
Usually less demanding, dangerous, stressful environments produce atrophying in mind/body potentials, which, if established as a norm, or an ideal, may become a socially selected dumbing-down.

More intelligence meant for more challenging environments, more austere circumstances, tends to atrophy, producing ennui, when the environment is sheltering, predictable, ordered, guaranteeing well-being as a “right”.
Specialization where the mind focuses its intelligence on one single subject, may produce the illusion of genius, when it is institutionalized autism.

Though the potential may be slowly eroded this focus creates the illusion of stability or even advancement…like training a weakling to focus its strength, when, in general, the population it belongs to is tending to become weaker.
So, dumbing-down may produce a localized increase in focus, where specialization is mistaken for genius, while at the same time the overall average potential is being decreased, due to sheltering (atrophying) or race mixing, or Dysgenics.

More women are graduating and entering fields requiring above average intelligence.
This may be sued to argue for the intended parity of male/female intelligence…when all it is is increasing specialization, reliance on recipe, precedent, to carry out a function, with no great intellectual demands others than memory, and a slow decrease in creativity. in the field.
Therefore, no great doctors, but many mediocre ones, that can, at least, learn the basic knowledge to function adequately.

That is also how you breed children with heart valve defects and cancer.

Don’t be dense.

No he is not implying that.
He is implying that negative recessive traits are passed along with whatever features you are attempting to breed, and that inbreeding concentrates the potential for them to manifest.

And they still end up with ridiculous amounts of hip displasia, skin diseases, cataract, respiratory deformities etc etc, so that shows you how good of an idea inbreeding is.

What I’m saying, idiot, is that you don’t discard a brilliant individual just because he is a short, stubby, greasy little bald man. If you want intelligence, select intelligence.