Logic, check; but now where do I go?

I had gotten into Philosophy when I took a Logic class, because it was either that or Intro to Phil, and I thought I’d be better at Logic, seeing as how I’m a math majorl. Anyway, I really dug the class but beyond my textbook, I don’t what would be the next step in what to read in terms of the logic side of stuff, not so much explaining more but maybe more in depth on symbols and solving complex stuff… Any suggestions?

How far into logic did you go? Are you looking to the arguments behind the logic? I have a copy of AC Grayling’s philosophy of Mathematics, its alright but not an especially riveting read and a bit biased in a couple of places. Then again I’m not the biggest fan of logic which is perhaps why I didn’t find it that interesting. In term of modern philosophers, Quine is one of the biggest names to have an impact on the field.

There’s also a field of Philosophy purely dealing with philosophy of mathematics, you might find that interesting. I fI remember I’ll dig out some details about it and post some more here.

My class got through symbolic logic, with all the p (and) ~q, and the sideways “U” (horseshoe- P implies Q) sort of stuff. I was look more or less for books that aren’t textbooks in class, sort of like other logicians theories and explainations about whatever, but thanks fot the two names, Grayling and Quine, I’m going to check them out.

There are MATH courses that focus on logic. Discrete math, for instance. It’s about the same thing as symbolic logic except that it goes a little deeper proof-wise. Ideas like onto and one to one relationships are very important in philosophy. You’re going to wind up taking it if you havent already.

In terms of philosophy, it tends to want to stay away from the symbolic aspect and focus primarily on the application of logic. The big guy, though, is Bertrant Russel. He created modernt set-based discrete logic. I’d look into him.

…if you want theories, though. Why not do computer science? :stuck_out_tongue: It’s just about the same thing, from my perspective. Boole and DeMorgan had a lot to say for their time, but we’ve progressed pretty far beyond them by now. By that note, look up John von Neumann, who is pretty much the founder of modern computer science.

Dunno, there’s not a great deal of separation from symbolic logic and applied digital engineering or computer science, and even less different from upper level math. The two are almost indistinguishable.

Thanks alot, i’m going to check those guys out

If you stay in math long enough you notice some of your classes start to get crosslisted with philosophy. Sometimes I think the only difference between a math major and a philosophy major is that one gets a job when they graduate and the other doesn’t like writeing papers.