Infinite - Infinite universe revisited

Infinite - Infinite universe revisited

Some posts back I introduced the concept of the Infinite - Infinite universe composed of all possible universes according to all possible physical laws imaginable and not, according to any idea no matter how wild and even self contradictory. I think that this “multiverse” made up of anything imaginable is actually very coherent with the fact that “explanations are paintings, pure quirks” that the laws of physics “are pure quirks” without any necessity aside from the fact that they are what they are especially since we only observe them within this universe. Read this post for highlights: … p?t=149592

This means that any universe imaginable is possible, can exist, and in fact DOES EXIST, especially because the very structure of reality composed of existence and non-existence, true and false and contradictions and logic can be amply manipulated. A contradictory item is always true no matter what because even if it is false it is true and vice versa. It is a win win situation where you can amply assign anything, you can do all you want, everything you invent is true. In others words YOU BECOME YOUR OWN BOSS.

These universes are within a larger space that does not have any requirements to respect, niether mathematical or existence or true or false or anything at all. Hence this superspace contains all possible things imaginable. But this superspace is also contained within our universe because MATTER IS INFINITE AND THIS UNIVERSE CONTAINS ALL UNIVERSES POSSIBLE AND IMPOSSIBLE WITHIN ITSELF AND ALL THE UNIVERSES THAT ARE NOT EVEN CONTAINED WITHIN ITSELF.

The spiritual world, to which this world is tied, exhibits a great deal more flexibility, in terms of things that manifest therein. That’s because it has energy at its basis … whereas this world (of time and space) has matter at its basis. This world of “all possibilities” that you speak of, is none other than the realm of concepts and ideas which, is directly tied (by means of influx) to the spiritual world. When we enter our dreams, we have in fact stepped onto this spiritual threshold.

That “infinite recursion” is yet another example of the wacky things that can be invented using the concept of infinity. I’m wary of all attempts to “zoom out” of the universe and “behold it in its entirety” as I don’t think the human mind is up to it.

Why not. I did it just the other day.

And whilst this human mind was up to it, it’s taken its toll and as a consequence there was an incomplete reading of the other thread signalled to amid this’n. N’ermind.

What a rant. Like a trip! A trip along a fractalisation…
Or a verbal moebius strip.

What do Chimney Sweeps daydream of?
All the cosey nights and wild firelit parties?
Inbuilt ladders?
Another world beyond the sky-light?

The tail is in the snake’s pie-hole!
Don’t you know this life is snakes and ladders?
Why if you’re going to get stuck on a snake at least get off at the bottom and dust yourself off. Pick up the pieces and carry on.
Don’t stuff the snake’s tail in its pie-hole!
That’s unhealthy.

Someone once proposed a universe that’s made entirely of green jam and wingnuts. It could be that these are even the only dual atoms of that universe. Given that there is an infinite amount of possible wingnut designs. And a continuous spectrum of colour. We have two variable infinities within the one universe that fits within the rant. Something like that? Move on. Roll the die. It has only 6 sides.


What is an explanation ? It could be useful for predicting future phenomena according to a present configuration. But after this very simple and direct use of an explanation what other purpose could it serve ? To give us a description or all encompassing description of reality. But imagine if the explanations never ended, that they were always deeper, there were always newer laws, like if always newer particles appeared at higher energy levels, or a never ending sequence of phenomena appeared according to new configurations.

An infinite explanation would end up being like no explanation at all. A DVD has a few billion bytes configured in a certain way and creates a movie. The explanation is directly the description or the sequence of bytes. This relates then directly to an infinite - infinite universe where all is achieved and any wild item, object and laws, universe, reality exists. You just need one bit to create a difference, then a combination of bits can create any universe no matter how far fetched and wild. An explanation is just a quirk, a random group of items with no sense and no meaning, just quirks like the laws of physics, all is equivalent. Explanations are just Paintings like in Art.