can anyone tell me something that I can know for sure?

Nothing is certain; only that nothing is certain. Can I even say that? If I can know nothing for certain then there is no satisfactory answer to any question. Perhaps the fact that I can’t even know for sure that I can’t know for sure means that I may in fact be able to know something for sure. Then how can I know that this thing that I “know” is the thing that I can know. I cannot, but I can’t even know for sure that I cannot. Okay, enough of that. Can anyone direct me out of this maze?

Maybe you’re just aiming too high. Satisfaction is in the eye of the beholder.

can anyone tell me something that I can know for sure?

no, you can’t know anything for sure… ever…

naa i’m just playin, it’s safe to assume that if you read this sentence, your eyeballs have atleast minimal function…

There must be some ultimate truth. But maybe we cannot know it.

yeah, but what does that really mean? I don’t know for certain that I read what you wrote or that I am writing what I’m writing because of all the assumptions made to reach that point, like that you or I even exist in the way I think we do.

I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying that truth is subjective? That we should search for “our” truth not “the” truth?

I’m saying that you should live your life, have fun, maybe do some good works, get high, get laid, raise children.

Or, you could try metaphysics (I hear that phenomenology is enjoying a revival).

Certainty is a state of mind. That’s all it is. All it ever was.

Doesn’t mean you can’t be happy.

are you certain of your uncertainty?

i think the right answer to your question is i do not know…


Socrates was full of shit.

And he knew it.

Wait, wait. There was another one. I forget.

Thats something you know. (I’m not sure if thats the right person to quote, correct me if I’m wrong)

I definately agree with that. No question or answer changes the reality we live in and understand so you may as well be happy in it, and enjoy the time you have in it. However we’re the only animals on the planet who can even ask these questions. There’s a certain human-ness in searching for some truth and at least asking the questions. Being human as far as I “know” lol, I can’t help but want to figure this out.

As faust said, i think your best bet is to aim low…

like this : i know that i do not have a vagina…

(ahhh, but do you know that? :laughing: )

Renee descartes coined the one liner :" I think, therefore i am"

in allot of peoples minds, that’s the lowest you can go.

Regardless of any standard you can rest assured that you know something exists, and conversely that nothing doesn’t.

Here’s a detrimental one from the skeptics.

The first premise both the skeptic and believer agree on. It is this:
If I know that I have hands, then I know I’m not dreaming.

From this the believer will affirm the antecedent and follow up with his conclusion. The skeptic goes about it by denying the consequent, in that she says one can’t know that one isn’t dreaming, hence, one cannot know that external things exist. Both are good ways about going about it, but the skeptic comes out on top if his argument is sound, and it does seem to be.

edit: pardon me. I should have said the skeptic denies the consequent.

It’s just a sucker bet. Don’t take it. You can be certain about your uncertainty - for certainty is only a psychological state.

Well, can’t we know about our reality? As it’s a place in which we have no control over, can’t we know that this chair is actually here (Just an example)?

Drop the chair on your unshod foot and then make a post to the effect that the chair doesn’t exist.