The world lends itself to ones persuasion

May I take a rather wild tangent on QM

If the multiworlds interpretation is wrong as here:

The world lends itself to ones persuasion:

If the WMI is incorrect then quantum superposition’s are in this world. in every case pathways throughout the universe are being explored and where one effect occurs as one would expect such that the stable world we encounter exists, then another effect occurs elsewhere in the world.

Most likely such occurences would be relevant or relative to the particular, if say you desired a given outcome; it could be in love, a discovery or invention etc, then relationships in the pathways would be forms, then eventually items would be brought together such that the original intent is gratified. That is unless other things interfere with the ‘equation’.

Haven’t you ever noticed things like this occurring in your life! Throughout the ages we have sought mystical reasoning’s as to why certain coincidences happen, and in this perhaps we have something of the beginnings of an answer. Its like an intellect but only because we have that and so the interactions act accordingly.

This would also explain why the universe self organises, everything has to work together in the grand socialism that is ‘uni’verse.


There may be an intellect within it all perhaps that’s what the above all adds up to, but it would be one that’s part of the universe. It may be wrong to even think of it in the anthropomorphic context, more that ‘everything’ including humanity are its product, we are like what it is, but so is everything else.

I do wonder if there is something, I call ‘the humanitive’; that the higher function [maybe not the highest] of the intellectual element or processes in QM was driving towards, such that we ended up existing.

Quetz, i think you’re imagining the mind of an anthropomorphized God. The only reason we see intellect behind the machinations of fate is because we tend to fashion the universe in our own image.

Probably the only mind behind the universe is our own.

I edited the op to show the two thought processes I am torn between. On the one hand I think as it contains the entire information set which implies universal communication. Equally when info enters the mind [which I think is non physical] it becomes informational thought, in which case its plausible that some manner of intellect is out there.

I don’t think it would be wholly anthropomorphic, yet it does contain the entire info set and hence that of humans as well as everything else. Is there something universal about humanity [the humanitive] ~ do we see something ‘people like’ in other animals like monkeys and dogs? Maybe that’s just us seeing anthropomorphising nature too.

Now on the other hand I’d see the whole thing as passive and purely responsive on the universal scale [which I prefer], it certainly doesn’t seem to make effect at least in any particular and hence causal manner. Then again its working on a universal scale so how would we know or measure that? Seems somewhat benign either way.

Edit; it also seems curious to get intellect from non-intellect except in a mechanistic fashion, but even if our brains are that [which I expect they are] I don’t think that explains the entire mind. We need only consider the same thing on a universal scale to arrive at deity/intellect.

Hmm this is all sounding a bit religious which is not what I intended, the notion in the op was supposed to be personal and interactive. The intellect if there is one purely responsive; like a subconscious.
