Once the circle is drawn it exists…

Once the circle is drawn it exists… and that by which it is made continues.

Information communicates cyclically

I place five digits of my hand down on the table, the information concerning this flows through the 5 aspects of the event, once done the communication must continue and hence move on to the next information set. The circle is draw and now it exists, the information has composed it.

Existence occurs then as communication creates circles and ‘circles within circles’ [a meaning attributed to the word and characters in the Chinese alphabet for ‘world’]. the entirety of existence is manifest from information sets and the cycles thus derived, all paths are sought as the communicative element of realty continually attempts to form relationships and ones which are necessarily universe.
This is so because there is always order in the relationships between informations and relationships are continual. There is never a case when there is no relationship between informations, and communication always composes the original basis of those relationships.

There is only one universe, you would always get relationships between things or an effect be drawn without cause. The decision concerning what to do in a quantum superposition, must always relate to its local or connected information set or the universal one.

Existence is something which happens as a result of informations being communicated.
Information is secondary to communications, which work on an even more subtle level perhaps conceptual [or even that is above the essence of the communicative relationships in reality].

Consider info and objects as ‘Lego philosophy’ ~ as the big blocks of stuff, the thing-ness and is-ness which compose existence.

Infinity finds centre and hence localises in terms of how communication considers itself set against it respectively, something like if you imagined the idea of infinity and experienced its entirety [irrespective of what that is], then that concept or idea is itself the centre or epicentre of reality.

Note that existence is not the same as reality, it occurs after centre then singularity are arrived at. it may be so that the vastness in the idea here creates a denumerable amount of information, then that communicates and info is made cyclic. From that cyclicity objects are manifest and the universe is born, most impressive it is in its entirety ~ all that info composing reality and existence in a whirlpool of information stretching into infinity!

I am not saying that communications are specifically mental, however when we experience them they are. then again what we don’t experience e.g. the circle once drawn ~ the info set already arrived at and supplanted by communications, is perhaps not mental. For me this suggests that certain conditions are required for a mental experience of communication [thought]?

Networks within a network
Energy is conserved because existence is a network and networks are always entire.

Edit2; I suppose you may be wondering how info and communications can literally become objects.
the realness of reality
As yet I cannot describe it any more than in its simplest form, the thingness of infinity is such that like a universal clay it can be shaped into forms and hence into info and objects. These things may only occur when something shapes the clay, and that duty is always performed by communications.

_ first draft as ever :slight_smile:

You’ve explained a theory that resembles our existence and its building blocks.
Understand that originally the circle of communication is the same as the first, meaning that all are connected to the first and all resemble the it.
Also the reason you feel vastness is due to the limit held upon your mind. It’s unnecessary to have an experience, if you are the experience.


I agree there would be a connection to origins, simply because there is always a relationship between informations.
However, the way I see it is that the whole thing constantly refreshes [as opposed to creating new parallel universes] or restarts with every option/change.

I don’t think its necessarily a god or something that feels the entire experience, but even if it was that would still be vast. Even if its some kind of universal consciousness, we must except that there are possibly billions of other networks within the universal network [e.g. us], all of which are not experienced by it as we are that which experiences us.

The “circle” exists before it is drawn.

Do you think so, I’d say the idea may exist but there are no circles out there prior to being drawn ~ either by accident [like shapes in nature] or by an intelligence.

Hmm we could say; ‘once the circle is drawn it is destroyed’, because if you continue drawing you no longer have a circle as such. This would reflect ho CIN’s are continually redrawing and refreshing themselves, its all a heaving mass of change rather than anything permanently concrete.