A Logical Chain of Reasoning and its Ethical Implications

The late Rushworth M. Kidder, who founded The Institute for Global Ethics, wrote these words: "Clearly the world needs help. But outrage … can’t provide answers. What’s behind these headlines is a collapse of integrity. And what’s needed is solution-oriented ethical thinking.” :exclamation:

“What’s right? What’s the most honest, responsible, respectful, fair and compassionate choice?”

When confronted with a dilemma people can view it at least three ways:
Systemically – What are the relevant rules, procedures, norms, methods, codes? What would the authorities say?
Extrinsically – What is the cost-benefit analysis and the pragmatic considerations?
Or Intrinsically - What best builds community? What would a compassionate, caring person of good character be likely to do?

My recent thread was more for average guy in the street. This one is more for philosophers, academics, and intellectuals.

Fortunately there is a concrete logical chain of thought that could break the judicial, economic, or political smoke-screens that criminals and opportunists hide behind.

  1. Every concept has a meaning and an application.

  2. A member of the class of application is a “referent,” or case, or example.

  3. Referents possess properties. Meanings have “attributes” = property names. “Qualities” = attributes and properties.

  4. The relation of matching between an attribute and a property is what we shall speak of here as “value.”

  5. “Goodness” = full value. [Mathematicians call it a one-one-and-onto relationship, a bijection, or an isomorphism.] It is (in this model) a complete match between something’s attributes and its properties. The latter are perceived by the senses; the former are conceived in the mind. “Experience” integrates conceptions and perceptions into life lived. To have “morality” is to be morally good. To act “right” is to be good and do good.

  6. The number of attributes and/or properties can range between zero to infinity. For no matter how many one may list when what is being valued is a person, or an involvement, one more property can always be added to the list.

  7. By definition (and observation) Intrinsic Value ( IV) has a dense continuum of properties; and we also stipulate that Extrinsic Value (EV) has a countable number of properties; and that Systemic Value (SV) has only a finite number. We can go in the direction of zero properties [witch is indifference or apathy] or we can go toward IV which radiates and showers us with a limitless, high number of properties.
    Example: Let’s go into the realm of metaphor, which is (defined in this system as) the Intrinsic valuation of words. Say, you call your wife, or girlfriend, a “peach.” This means everything in the universe except the literal peach: it means (or can mean) a multitude of qualities. An IV [ - also called In-V -] is rich with properties.

(8) To go toward In-V is to go toward life (a complex multitude of properties.) To go toward zero value is to go toward death (the absence of living properties.) If we love life, and we want to live, we add properties; if we shed properties, we aim for death. Each individual has this choice. He or she can aim for greater value, aim to enhance life, and the quality of life; or can fail to do so. At every moment, and in every situation we have this choice.

  1. To increase value the secret is to In-Value the people around you, and to In-Value yourself; to show respect to others and to have self-respect. If you behave this way, and conduct yourself this way, beautiful things will happen in your life. If you regard everyone has having IV - limitless high value - you will want to enhance their lives, to boost them up, appreciate them, sincerely compliment them, express your gratitude that they are around and for how they express their inner artistry. If you IV yourself you will strive to possess a good character, with all that that implies.

  2. You will certainly not want to do any harm to anyone. Hence some of you will appreciate the moral power of active nonviolence: you will ‘speak truth to power’ by engaging in nonviolent resistance to any evil you encounter. You will seek out ways to negate and nullify it.
    Some of you will be inclined to fight for civil liberties for all. You will care about human rights, as listed in the Declaration of Human Rights.

  3. You will fight personal corruption: not be so tempted by short-term satisfactions because you are vividly aware of long-term benefits to be gained in a life of joy, health and harmony. You will seek common-ground, something upon which people with opposing views can build. You will want things to be in balance: this is known as “justice.”

  4. You will want the world to work for everyone because you will realize that this is in your own best interest. When everyone has an opportunity to express their inner artistry you understand that there is what economists call ‘a multiplier effect.’ IV multiplies and thus you get even more benefits. :sunglasses:

Comments? Questions? Improvements?

comment …

It’s not so much about taking on special qualities and characteristics to a self. The self should have no separate existence apart from a united consciousness whose one concern is the survival of a whole of selves in which each self’s survival depends on the survival of the self next to it.

On the very first quote in the thread, I think he’s wrong. Outrage is the armor or the revolutionary. The weaponry needs to be clever and calculated, but it’s the outrage that protects us from complacency.

Hi, captaincrunk

Let’s not be complacent. Let’s be alert to what’s going on …alert to voter suppression attempts, to the approach of the corporate state (which in Germany and Italy in the 1930’s was known as ‘fascism.’). Let’s stay very aware and be up on the latest news, all over the globe. Everyone should know what Peter Diamandes wrote in his book, ABUNDANCE.

The situation may be outrageous, but pursuing rational alternatives, invested with positive emotions, focus, and determination, alternatives that get at the root causes will produce more results that are effective.

Do you all know the difference between “efficiency” and “effectiveness”?

To be efficient is to do more with less …less energy and less resources. It is to do the “most with the least.” But whatever is done, or whatever is produced, is of no avail if it does not contribute to greater well-being and quality of life of others. This - effective action and activism - will be a double win that eventually will benefit you yourself. This is the ethical way to live: promote the happiness and well-being of another. It will redound to you, and prove to be wise for your own self-interest.

One more point: the human species advances by evolution, not by (violent) revolution. We change relatively slowly. Mark Twain, Einstein, Bucky Fuller and others were way ‘ahead of their time’ when they saw what changes needed to be made. Even Will Rogers saw some of the basic problems. It has taken many years, but things are moving. In the U.S., so many people are employed by the arms industry and by the finance industry. Do they produce any real wealth? It is something to think about.

We need to implement Obama’s jobs program, get people working at infrastructure projects, and green energy projects. Let’s do all that we can to make it possible.
