~ Progression of Philosophical Identification ~



[size=124]175,000 years ago, when man was in his elementary state clan, family, and tribe was our source of identification.

Tribes that were in the next valley over were the alien other.

When script was developed, religions were invented and larger groups of people were associated.

When the agricultural hydraulic age came to be we associated ourselves with race to a particular area.

When industrialization changed the scope of man we then identified ourselves with the larger false framework of country of origin.

Progressive individuals now philosophically associate themselves with the brotherhood of man. Addressing world wide problems and the possible evolution of mankind.

This is possible because of the advancement in communications that essentially dissolve the former barriers of time and space.

This does not mean that all individuals are progressive philosophers. Far from it.

Most individuals still associate themselves with tribe, religion, race or country of origin.

As with most philosophical understandings, there is no right or wrong, just point of perspective.[/size]
