On the equal income

This is the goal of democracy and the reason why nobody cares anymore about nobody, because unequal power leads to an order of rank in the society and equal power only to war of all against all (homo homini lupus). Also opinions are not anymore considered as truths but just as attempts to attack the person.
Philosophy has become senseless and a simple “exchange of opinions” where, of course, also perls are being exchanged for stones.


Equal income is a misguided feminist propaganda tool. Feminists falsely believed, that if women would attain the “right to vote”, and have “equal incomes” with men, then this would result in something positive, but for whom? Females, as a specie, are already born with inherent worth through their sexual values. A female is born as an asset to society (positive value). A male is born as a liability (negative value). Being a boy or a son, is a risk to civilization. Therefore, females are inherently worth more, as objects.

To then think that women ought to be paid “equal with men” only increases a female’s inherent value. She no longer is born with 10x the value of a male. But with her “equal income”, maybe now she is worth 20x the value of a male.

The ideologies of “equal income” or “equal opportunity” are backfiring, upon feminists and black people respectively. Because when you handicap the european, white male, and further increase the disparity between males and females, whites and blacks, then the losers are the ones who become more expendable than ever before. They are not increased in value. The original idea, the reason why males have disproportionately more income than females to begin with, was to compensate males who chose to engage civilization through the social contract theory.

If males have no benefits for engaging society and civilization, then they become “society’s discontents”, and eventually rebel to overthrow the system.

Because even the expendable specie of men, require some meager compensations.

If all males are born, worth only $1.00 or $0.01, then at least men will choose the dollar over the penny.

Even a dollar is worth more than nothing.

While females are born with the value of millions of dollars, if people want to think of this in common sense (monetary) terms, instead of more abstract values (like intelligence).

Yes, the so called affirmative action wants to equalize everything, thus black sportsmen earn much more than whites, homosexuals have a parade, women possess all rights upon children etc.

What is the end result, the logical conclusion, of liberal ideas of absolute human equality? Do you want to know the answer? Then look at this image.

It is not until the european, white male is condemned to death, just for being born a white male, that all the non whites will be happy, and all the females will be happy. Christianity is the ideological conclusion of liberalism, equality, and humanity. White european males are crucified, just for being born, because to be white and male is a crime in and of itself. The enemies of white males, will never be happy, until they see these sacrifices carried out. Even when women make 100x the amount of a man, will they be happy then, will they have their equality then? No, of course not, to appeal to a slave is to give everything away. Give them an inch and they take a mile, and then eventually, all the rest.

Young, white, european males need to learn this lesson. The world hates you, just because you are born as you are. And everybody’s demands of “equality” against you, is actually a death sentence.

Never become fooled by your enemies, never give into and trust their evil lies.

The only person a white, european male can trust, is his own kind.

Let’s say not only liberals are driving democracy/equality, but everyone who is voting and taking part of the cake (money) is selling his race and right.

Religion must be abandoned, because god has become the rabble which is a racial mix, multi-culti-shake. Look, culturally the biggest part of the world is barbarian, i. e has no culture, thus, multiculture is sarcasm!

The so called “European” has made it’s own fault … “where pity and contempt meet, there rises nothingness” - Nietzsche … and therefore: “god has died out of pity for humans” - Nietzsche … and contempt.

Multi Kulti (cultural marxism) was an ideology produced in the Frankfurt School, mostly comprised of jewish intellectuals, who sought to undermine foreign nations, countries, populations, and cultures. So the destruction of one culture (transition from civilization to barbarity) is not the same as all other countries. Instead, most of multi culturalism represents the destruction of specific peoples, to the benefit of specific other peoples. Some cultures and people benefit from multi kulti propaganda, while others pay the hugest price of all. Complete annihilation.

Subtle genocide, a hidden, secret extermination.

A genocide of millions with a decade is an abomination that cannot be tolerated. But a genocide of entire populations, over the course of a century, is adulated and approved.

It’s morally acceptable, even encouraged, to kill a population, but only if you do it slowly and one generation at a time.

You mix the races, you play rich against poor, you sell out the souls of your children.

A nation of whores.

Currently, the white, european male, is the biggest target for cultural marxism. All non whites, non males, want to annihilate the white man. And in many parts of the world, these tactics are effective and successful. Feminism and affirmative action are just the first steps, of a long series of subsequent steps. Eventually the white male will need to leave earth completely, or face extinction. Because all the lesser races will form a great alliance and coalition against the white european male.

The white race will need to flee into the stars, at some point.

Or like god exemplifies through christ, a white father will need to sacrifice his first born, white son, to the cross of liberalism and human equality. White males will need to sacrifice their white sons, in order to appease our natural enemies.

“The Greek geographer and historian Strabo (63 BCE-21 CE) described Greece as “a land entirely deserted; the depopulation begun since long continues. Roman soldiers camp in abandoned houses; Athens is populated by statues”. Plutarch observed that “one would no longer find in Greece 3,000 hoplites [infantrymen].” The historian Polybius (204-122 BCE) wrote: “One remarks nowadays all over Greece such a diminution in natality and in general manner such a depopulation that the towns are deserted and the fields lie fallow. Although this country has not been ravaged by wars or epidemics, the cause of the harm is evident: by avarice or cowardice the people, if they marry, will not bring up the children they ought to have. At most they bring up one or two. It is in this way that the scourge before it is noticed is rapidly developed. The remedy is in ourselves; [size=200]we have but to change our morals[/size].”

Or allow evolution to continue.

??? Is that the cat speaking?

Special affinity of ordered hierarchic societies is also that they need a racial diversity, for each caste or rank a separate race, while in democracy or among animals a total annihilation of races is aspired, there all beings look equal.

Multiculture is thus an attempt to destroy all races, except the barbarian one.

The same case is with family, it is a society of different people (the saying reads: differences attract) with separate races (barbarians have no beard), but in democracy family dissolutes.

The only way to become is to not live in what was. Use what was as an education not a way.
And the cat’s name was Screamer , the loudest cat ever and she talked to everything. :slight_smile:

You live definitely with what was (cat) and not with what will be (history repeats). Women like to live in the present, like animals, and they don’t see children as their futurum, but as a tool to power.

Let’s say a few words about morals …

Morals mean you don’t allow any passion to take lead in your soul, which means to enslave every other for their own purpose.

Like Moslems or many other fanatics are slaves of hate, so are Christians slaves of love.

Everything is done out of pity or “love” - the Christian fanaticism.

Actually all fanatics are haters. Christians call pity “love”, but instead of love they offer silent hate (ressentiment) to enemies and sex to the suffering…

And that is the definition of tyranny…

One example of ressentiment:

I have not ever changed my avatar, its just not important enough to care about. I also think it is a nice photo. I still don’t recall how I got the photo with a black background.
The blanket statements are so boring and so wrong.
All women do this, all men do that, blah blah blah,
It is always a sign of a fearful mind. Or a blind one.
People lead or follow. What you forget is that leading does not mean the leader thinks or is intelligent. Intelligence is not always good
The past only repeats when lessons are forgotten.
And those that put themselves above all others have a long hard fall. But, the ones who are put there, are supported. Unless they get stupid and arrogant.
A human is less than and more than any animal.

You’re correct, all females have a very small consciousness of the world, with no intention of expanding or learning.

A woman is proud of her ignorance. She is short-sighted, and like demonstrated here, only cares for her own children if she has any. Females have a maternal instinct. And if a young girl is not impregnated, or cannot have children, then she feels compelled to become a “teacher” or nurse. As a teacher, she becomes a surrogate parent, to compensate for her own lack of children. As a nurse, she feels glee and giddiness with her power over her patients who depend upon her care. However, notice that females make poor doctors. Because a doctor is ultimately responsible for the life and death of his patients. A female avoids positions of such responsibility, due to the nature of the female gender (proxy authoritarian). Females want to be in a position of social blamelessness where responsibility can always be passed upon somebody else (men).

ROFL, thanks I needed that laugh. You are a good comedian.

Of course, it was so in all times. When men get into the room, women change rooms. And that remark about nurses is so exact, I can observe it live. The nurse, which is perhaps a virgin, does not spend a second to think about herself or others, she is always in movement. Consciousness ~ 0.

I particularly enjoy when females, even here in the message boards, giggle and laugh out of nervousness. “Oh that’s not true. You can’t fit all women into a box with such generalizations!” But didn’t I? And didn’t we, just do so? And the nervous laughter, you can tell, is a sign of the truth. Women also wish that they were not so easily known to a rare type of few men. Because to be known is to be conquered and enslaved, trapped within society. Women are not mysterious, except to young boys, who have yet to overcome or escape from their mother’s overprotective reach.

It takes a father to remove boys out of society, to grant freedom to sons.

Females never have the need, nor desire, to escape the confines of society. A woman is always at peace within her prison. She doesn’t even look out the windows, except when the view is “positive” and self assuring. Women close their eyes when dark clouds approach; ignorance is bliss.

That is how Plato nailed them down. Slaves of the public opinion. They now try to attract younger guys as they approach 35, just because to the older they have become obvious… How much they must hate philosophy therefore!

Unfortunately we can do nothing about that. Peacefully not, not even Breavikully.

Just few free women could save philosophy, but they are all the same!

You two crack me up. But, in serious mode:

Males that pretend to understand philosophy can only quote others.
The past behaviors are stepping stones to the future, not something to live by. If you judge others by the past behaviors of their ancestors you deny yourself true knowledge.
Blanket statements are for the ignorant, it is a security blanket.