A message of Purpose

I find it absolutely fascinating that most of the wold’s population has been indoctrinated by some sort of religion. It is a telling sign that culture is a great predictor of religion. Anglo Saxon culture the past 1500 years, has been dominantly Christian, after eroding away Paganism and Greek Mythology among others. In other cultures, there is the spiritual Taosim and Jainism of the far East, the Hindu and Buddhism of Asia and the Islamic religion of the Middle East. On and on we can go, with different cultures and different eras, we have different faiths. Mankind began as a nomadic wanderer, completely ignorant of the universe, and produced a lot of fables, legends, myths and tales and continue to do so including today. It is typical of human nature to make up such stories and dare I say, lies, for entertainment, a grasping to explain how we exist, or even more sinister reasons, perhaps. One way or another, people end up believing them, fully. It becomes an escape from reality, at for many, it is a very harsh reality. The product of the mind, and its distinctly human capacity for fantastical imagination can provide a way to cope with our ignorance and inability to grasp how we exist, or why we have to die. These existential questions are dealt with through beliefs. Human ingenuity is able to thrive off of this and it provides hope and a sense of purpose. Yet this hope is all belief based. What reason, must people believe, in so many different things all throughout time and culture? Haven’t we had enough bogus religions to finally say, when is this madness going to stop? People are devoting their entire lives to bogus religions and we go about thinking its okay, or that, maybe they are right. Odds are, really, that they’re not. They are all spread the same way, through the writings of men. I hardly suspect a loving God would reveal himself in the same way as every other false religion, and sentence you to eternal hell, for not choosing the right one, or perhaps, reincarnating you as a slug, for being willfully ignorant of Hinduism, perhaps.

We have come a long ways in knowledge and understanding since our nomadic roots. It was only a few centuries ago in which philosophers such as Immanuel Kant, who produced his ground breaking work, a Critique of Pure Reason, or Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature. Certainly other cultures have their validity in philosophy, yet none as so distinct, thorough, and clear, than these two works just mentioned. There of course is the progression of modern science, born of the philosophy of the scientific method. After millions of years of evolution, we are finally grasping at actual knowledge and eliminating the need for guessing, the need for myths, and beliefs. Knowing and achieving a good understanding of human nature is still in the process of becoming, primarily with cognitive science.

Certainly there are benefits to believing in religion, fables and legends, myths and fairly tales. They provide humanity with a purpose. A purpose that they may think they are incapable or unwilling to assign for themselves as a whole. With fervor and belief comes purposeful intent, however good or bad. When the majority population of a culture believes in it, it multiplies through reproduction and indoctrination. Through religion, people of a culture believe they have obtained all the answers needed for life. We were created and Zeus, God, Buddha, Allah, wants us to do this, and this we shall. Regardless of the multiple interpretations that exist, all the various sects, they are all one in the same… The populace finds solace in believing they know about existence and the majority goes on in not seeking further answers, or truth. Yet there is a minority lineage, even in believers, in which curiosity is never satisfied. These thinkers and truth seekers transcend beyond what the mainstream believers are satisfied with and end up with successful revelations, adding to the totality of human knowledge. For them all, I am truly thankful and in debt to. The majority has progressed on the minds and backs of an unwavering, critically thinking minority. The majority, has an entirely different story to them, and they are subject at times to my pity and scorn, for good reason. From the brutal dictators, the liars, mystics and deceivers, the conformists, those who believed in gods or god have certainly done some atrocious things, in the name if their deity. The unthinking majority, who think they think as well as anyone, is certainly a product of the success of their constant propagation of the planet. Of course, can I really blame them? People are obviously suspect to this time of believing, it is rampant. It’s human nature, to go with the flow, believe what your parents tell you. It’s an easy out, to believe in god, God or gods. Understanding science, not so much. Its complicated and hard to grasp at times. Knowledge isn’t the easiest thing to obtain at times.

Due to the rampant nature of beliefs, the majority of human nature can be deemed slavish, subject to rule and whim by a minority, fooled, duped. It’s always been that way, yet it was obviously not a necessity for humanity to know of knowledge. After all, animals do just fine, populating the earth with not even a thought of god, or conformity. Perhaps I misjudge some of the more intelligent animals, to that I am open to criticism. But insects and plants for example are surely are lacking in mental faculties that are capable of producing such abstract thoughts, yet there are more numerous than our own kind. The subjugation of humanity to a belief-based ideology of reality can be seen as problematic and inept to the most enlightened minds of our current society. Knowing that we do not know, and could not know, whether God exists, is half the battle to defeat such a tyrannical liar that religion is. Perhaps it was derived to control out of fear. Fear of eternal damnation or unimaginable suffering by powerful god’s, that are simply figments of imagination. And no matter what faith you are, or aren’t, people surely have fallen victim to this. Lightning, being sent down by Zeus, surely was a punishment to those evil doers. Yet people did believe in Zeus, just as people believe in Buddha or Allah today. Whether the myth believers knew of the evil of those struck down by Zeus is irrelevant, because if they were struck down, the god’s certainly knew why. It’s easy to demonize then after that, with faith on your side. Peace by fear may have some benefit in order and control over the slavish unthinking majority of populace. Yet not all can be blamed as unthinking. The problem of religion and human nature isn’t that thinking is foreign to believers of myths and fairy tales, it’s indoctrination from birth, years upon years of being told how it is, at a naive and very young age. This is very damaging to any intelligent mind to have to endure. There was opportunity to fully understand reality as it could have been, had indoctrination not taken place. Knowing that beliefs are simply, just beliefs, not a means to burn at the stake, or launch a holy war. Certainly something so severe requires the believer to think they know, which this is how bigotry of non believers sets in. They think we are fools, for simply not believing… That we are evil… That we are going to hell. Simply because we don’t believe the an ancient text, written by misogynistic, slave condoning people. Surely we have reason on our side, yet let’s understand that escaping indoctrination, is extremely hard. It takes time.

To anyone who has broken free from these chains of indoctrination, I am honored to have you read the words I write. As you walk into the world among the people that believe everything you were told, hold your head up high, surely you are a rare breed, with a powerful independent mind.

While the slavish sheep like mentality of humanity walks around spouting prejudices and bigotry, I urge the rest of us to not engage in the same. It is imperative to not treat those the same way they may have treated us, the ones who didn’t believe. It is simply counter effective to the progress of all of humanity to engage in such ignorant, slander. Human psychology tells us that the mind is not capable of changing its entire frame of reference when presented with logic and counter evidence to a comprehensive belief system that religion is. Yet don’t worry, perhaps a seed may be planted, that one day will blossom into understanding that their entire perspective of reality is belief based, not knowledge based. Fear based, not education based. We as a species aren’t capable of such drastic change, it is damaging to our purpose, and purpose is what brought us so far, yet I can see that this future may be brighter than ever, if we proceed carefully and thoughtfully about how the education and knowledge sharing, of the totality of human knowledge can be spread, much of which is right at our fingertips. Peace by fear is ultimately an inept strategy. Happiness through fantasy is just the same. Education can provide knowledge based peace and knowledge based happiness. Yes it is possible to teach values to our young, to tell them the moral ways of how to act based on key values of the progression and betterment of humanity. The core value, is the value of life, not the eager yearning for death and the apocalypse, or the second coming, and heaven, but the preciousness of the one life we all have on this earth together. Through education we can achieve peace through knowledge…a greater peace than the deceptive lies of religion has ever brought, with no need for the wars that religion brings with it as well. With knowledge, even therapy, psychology and philosophy, one can achieve happiness, knowledge based happiness. Happiness of course comes from within, but with a knowledge based contentment, instead of fantasy based happiness, we can truly achieve great things as a society. The totality of human knowledge truly eliminates the need for believing, as our archaic ancestors once had. I ask that you all join me in learning about all things, as much as possible, so that you too may enjoy the understanding and peace that I have. Hopefully you have already achieved it, many of us have.

It has all been said before, many, many times.

In philosophy, religion is usually treated with haughty contempt, (and indeed today in many areas of society) one is looked upon as some strange animate being who had not heard what “everyone” knew, namely, that God is dead.

I am sorry, but, if God did not exist, He would have had to be invented, along with All of the other inventions.

That’s exactly what happened :wink:

Though technically, God was “conceived”, not “invented”.

Well if the Golden rule is Gods rule… than we should create God as god created us.

the golden rule is not gods rule…and I do not understand your last creation statement…

which god is dead…the sun god is not dead yet…

In fact only the protestand God died. Honestly regarded, Luther was the death of God. This I speak from a higher vantahe point where it is understood that what matters is not the entity God, but the spirit of faith.

Catholicism is a bastardized yet effective continuation of the ancient Mithraic rites. Mithras was most popular among soldiers, as he was a meaning-giver, a reason to put ones life on the line. And this is essentially what God is, from this higher vantage point: a means to courage.

It needs no stressing that courage has largely disappeared wherever God has died. Nihilism, the phase of mourning over God, the time where his absence is felt, is simply a drought of spirit. Spirit and courage are virtually the same phenomenon indicated in differing contexts.

God never died, it was a particular type of man that threw off a kind of faith that wasn’t natural to it. But ever since that moment, the task of that type of man has been to re invent “God”, to reclaim faith, and with that a modicum of respect for the future.

Someone once said to me that death was the only God… I looked around me and saw I existed, and knew this was false. Interesting comment Fixed Cross.

“God”, being a concept is very much alive in society. It is ill fated to think this concept is dead. “God” was never anything other than a concept, proclaiming this… “thing”… is dead, is hastily premature.

Will religion constantly evolve or will humanity just throw it away once and for all? There’s no sign of religious evolution ever ending… yet.

"God’ is merely an idea for the weak willed to find comfort in/through.

Perhaps it isn’t God that should die, it’s belief in general. “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil, to one who is striking the root” - Henry David Thoreau

Human is the species that requires narrative. For everything.

Hey Faust, good to hear from you again. I’m trying to grasp that fully, but I’m not there, can you elaborate?

Geography is also a strong predictor of what economic systen you’ll favor, what philosophers you’ll read (if any), your ethical beliefs on a variety of positions, a variety of scientific beliefs, and virtually every other aspect of human thought aside from arithmetic. Does this make them all suspect? Why would religion be any different?

So non religious people are superior to religious people, got it.

But don’t spout bigotry and prejudice like religious people do! :wink:

Seems legit.

I’m going to chalk up nobody else pointing out the ridiculous hypocrisy here to me being the only one who read the whole thing.

All belief’s are “suspect”. Economic systems - well do people who favor an economic system study other economic systems? Or do they just stick with one? Ethical beliefs? I take it as ethical opinions, judgements - but do those have an moral compass only base that off of a myopic cultural view? Should they? Probably not. Scientific beliefs? Obviously one shouldn’t be limited to their culture’s scientific beliefs, if their culture has scientific beliefs. Whatever a scientific belief is. Seems to be an oxymoron.

I wouldn’t say that, but if you want to, go ahead.

Perhaps you have a different view of prejudice and bigotry. Perhaps you assume to think prejudice and bigotry is what I stated - perhaps you’re incorrect. Perhaps you jump to conclusions based on you preconceived notions of me. But you provide no reason to argue against, because you provide no reason. Therefore, no, its not hypocrisy. I love people, unconditionally, in general. I want the best for us all. So when I compare the actions of some as sheep, as often is done in society - my intent is not to spew hate or prejudice - it is only to help some who may read this maybe push themselves from their indoctrination. Sure that goes for cultural, economical, idealistic indoctrinations as well. I see religion as far more prevalent in its method of indoctrination. We don’t have widespread religious schools of economics rampant around the United States. Of course there is the school of Austria Economics, and Objectivism, but of course this thread is pertaining to a much larger portion of my culture, and even many other cultures.

Because I know you use these words in weird, dumb ways, I have to point out that all knowledge is suspect as well, though I wouldn’t have to say that with standard definitions.

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t, just like with religions.

Sometimes an ethical belief is based off cultural indoctrination and nothing more, sometimes they’re based on a great deal of thought and study. Just like with religion.

And yet people are. In Korea many scientific experts agree that leaving a fan on in a room while you fall asleep is a potentially fatal health risk. In some places acupuncture is a science, in other places it’s a joke. Until very recently, agricultural sciences in communist countries followed completely different assumptions and relied on a completely different body of experimental data than agricultural sciences in capitalist countries.

Not to people using standard vernacular. If you’re incapable of understanding what a ‘scientific belief’ is, that would be a shortcoming of your system.

You wouldn’t say that because it would make your hypocrisy slightly more obvious, but your entire post points to that conclusion. The only time you aren’t patting atheists on the back for their superiority, you’re calling religious people backwards sheep deserving of pity.

This is precisely the kind of bigotry and prejudice you pay lip service to condemning. It doesn’t change anything that you were clever enough to avoid saying directly that religious people are inferior- nobody is impressed by Skeletor levels of cunning.

I don’t need to assume, I know what the word ‘prejudice’ means. Therefore, I know that declaring everybody outside your ideology to be slavish and sheeplike while congratulating people who agree with you as being a ‘rare breed with a powerful independent mind’ is a textbook example of prejudice. You couldn’t be more hypocritical, it’s thoroughly obvious that you’re a bigot when it comes to religious people.

And yes, I know you’ll define ‘bigot’ in a special way such that it’s okay when you do it.

Very good, knowledge is suspect as well. It’s good to see you learning.

Yeah you sidestepped my reasoning against why its “just like religion”, as you usually do, that may be because you argue in dumb, weird ways.

No disagreement there.

Very good. Scientific beliefs are essentially, religious.

You’d have to read between the lines with that one… a zinger for you I suppose.

As someone who was raised in a religious family and a former believer in Christianity, prejudice would be not an appropriate term, nor would bigotry. I have family that is religious and I love them very much. I understand them, because I was religious. I understand its very hard to break free from indoctrination, particularly when its in our culture, prevalent in the news, in the language, essentially everywhere.

Simple Definition of prejudice
: an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc.
: a feeling of like or dislike for someone or something especially when it is not reasonable or logical

Full Definition of prejudice
: injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one’s rights; especially : detriment to one’s legal rights or claims
a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
b : an instance of such judgment or opinion
c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

Now my judgment is not a preconception - it comes from experience and vicarious understanding, because I was no different years ago. For you to assume something that I have bigotry and a prejudice against people who are religious is absurd. Its your assumption. If you think I have bigotry or prejudice against people are sheep, its absurd. Its your assumption. You have a preconceived bias - because you seemed to label me as some type of New Atheist, I suspect. Or that I indulge in New Atheist propaganda, or something along those lines. I don’t know what you’re talking about there, but that was way out of left field. You assume too much about me, then you carry your assumptions as if it has weight. You don’t know much about me Uccisore, and you never will if you keep holding on to your own prejudice of myself. Now I don’t care, it doesn’t matter to me, but if you want to follow me around the forums and accuse me of prejudice and bigotry because that’s your suspicion, then go ahead. But you’re wrong, you let it get in the way of your arguments against me. You end up not arguing effectively because of you’re rash judgment that was without merit, because of your assumptions.

But by all means, go on pretending you understand me, go ahead and pretend you’re not assuming. If anything it just hurts your credibility as far as I’m concerned, not mine, because I provide reasons that you ignore, and you interject assumptions and bald assertions that show you ignore the reasoning I give and quote me often out of context, which cut out the pertinent reasons I give.