There is no God...

This topic has been argued ad-nauseam, but I’m going to do it again :slight_smile:

Why I don’t believe there is a god ( benevolent J.-Xt. one ):

If you take an honest, objective look at the world, what do you see?
Look at nature, the wilderness…how do the creatures interact with each other?
Nature is God’s creation, after-all, is it not?
Does it not reflect what sort of entity he is?
“Ah, but man is fallen in sin”, you say.
I ask: what sort of God would create a world with fore-knowledge of its disaster?
" It was created, as such, to manifest the glory of God via Jesus’ redemption on the cross", you say.
What sort of ‘god’ would create a grandiose universe with such an act of masochistic pettiness as the focal point?
What a petty god.
Let’s be brutally honest, or try to be;
This religious nonsense is a mere existential blanket meant to comfort shivering minds from the cold breath of infinite space and nihilism.
You always hear these silly Christians say, " But if there is no God, then what’s the point of Life?"
Ha! Weak fools betray their essence so easily.
They need to believe in god, because they cannot create their own value.
The truth is that there is no god.
The universe is godless.
The silence of the cosmos creates an awkwardness within the Xt. soul, a feeling of total dread and despair.
Christian chitter-chatter narcotizes them into a bliss of ignorance and eternal infantility.

It would be terrible if we do not understand this. Because I think it’s very important in everyday life.

I beg to differ…


I’m agnostic but prove that there is no god.
But firstly, define god as you speak the word.

But do you think that it can be divine?

Aside from that - then let it begin with you!

There is nothing silent about the cosmos. Right now at this moment I can see how the leaves are dancing to the music of the wind. Wow, that music just got louder and louder. Can’t you hear it?

I don’t know what Xt is. :blush: :laughing:
Even the feeling of total dread and despair makes a sound, Erik.
But…the silence of the cosmos can also be wonderful - like the pauses between the notes of a symphony. How else to appreciate the sheer beauty of it.

Have there ever been moments when you felt the need to believe in a god, Erik? There is no shame in that but there is shame in denying one’s humanity, don’t you think or at least stupdity.
Don’t believe that christians always believe. You’re not really that unlike them, Erik. Think of the ways in which you resemble a christian sans the religion of course.

I don’t need to prove a negative, i.e., the non-existence of god, in the same way I don’t need to prove the non-existence of clock-work elves on the dark side of the moon.

The onus is on the one making a positive claim.

I don’t claim to have absolute knowledge of God’s non-existence; rather, I simply don’t have sufficient reason to believe in his existence.

God: the ultimate aspect of reality, the creator of the physical universe, in particular, the Judeo-Christian god.

Divine in the sense of being mysterious and awe-inspiring, yes.

Silent, a metaphor for the ultimate meaningless of the universe and how it doesn’t stop just for you.

Cosmic indifference.

Yes, in moments of weakness, I have prayed to God.


But I’ve become stronger, wiser, more prepared for such moments and refuse to allow such weakness and stupidity to occur to me again.

It’s in those moments of pressure and dread that we truly define ourselves. One must remember to keep one’s poise, at all times, under all circumstances.

Can you prove it? :-k

That could be a “window” of God’s “house”, couldn’t it?

So if one believes in a god of nature, that made the real world as it really is, the op makes no argument? Is it a complaint that an assumed God cannot exist, because it is not like the world. Like what world, the human world made by a human God? The future world we will make?

What if God made another [eternal] world, and this world is sub-sequential?

All i am saying is that i don’t think a moral argument against god based on nature, denies that there is a God - philosophically. He could just be a proper asshole for all we know. An argument denying God must surely be made upon his/it’s nature as part of reality e.g. Does reality contain ‘God’, then describe what you mean by that term. Reality does contain humanity for example.


If you want to say there is a God, you have to be able to define and describe this God in a way which excepts it from the pantheistic definition and description. When you do this, you run into all kinds of ontological, metaphysical and logical problems… so much so that the concept falls apart. It is difficult to conceive of something that transcends nature in any way, because to do so one would have to use transcendent reasoning to reach such a conception. This reasoning could not involve any of the categories of reason that are used to make sense of anything in nature, or else the result of the reasoning itself would be natural, and your transcendent concept becomes nonsense.

In shorter words, the structures of reasoning and knowledge cannot produce anything that transcends the structures of those structures themselves; one cannot do any thinking or produce any results of thought that are not directly effected and made possible by the natural laws.

Philosophers once tried to get around this with what they called ‘negative theology’, meaning, God is everything that cannot be known about him. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for clearing that up.

God, the infantile projection of a petulant child like species seeking unattainable self importance or special purpose in an universe devoid of either. Enjoy.

I don’t.

“Theres is no God” is a positive claim.

Yes, I did say that, now didn’t I.

More of a rhetorical device.

Like I said, I don’t have certain knowledge of God’s non-existence; but there is no reason for me to believe in him.

There is another face of God, which He doesen’t often show.

The symbol, of the pyramid, say, where God is the point of the triangle at the top. Let’s conceive of everybody of poor or really bad karma at the base of this triangle, which in fact be circumscribed by the above black hole, in a functional trigonomety.

In addition, let’s concdive of the base of the triangle as pure matter, as we used to understand it in literal way.

As we move up toward the top, matter becomes less tangible and more energy laden, or spiritual>
Now at the very bottom there is a lotof evil, confusion and badness present, and as the evolution toward pire energy-the light goes on, the more understanding becomes evident, in insight, understanding of the fear factor that surrounds the evolutionary process/Creation. The re-incsrnation, if it is to be beleived, becom,es less of a material component, and more of a ‘spiritual’ one, whereuppn at total Enlightenemnt into the realm of pure energy,there is no need to re-incarnate, unless willingly, to enlighten those underneath, seemingly living without hope and faith.

Why does all this go one? Because those underneath, especia’ly the very young and the young, are praying for a continuation, bcause they are having so much tom loose, if there wasn’t this going on. This is why, Christ, so loved the children.

This is why God is pure energy.