The Meaning of Life. Does life make sense?


Believe me, no one considers you a traitor or a terrorist here. Throw these things out of your mind.

Right now, logout from ILP and look for anything else on the net, and come back tomorrow with fresh mind.

Do not make any post now.

with love,

And yet I am a traitor, guilty of treason within the metaconscious mind and I am a terrorist in label. Stop.


I did later state that God cannot cause causality ~ at least that after the initial creation causality would follow its own path wherever that goes or is taken e.g. by us.

Conscience is different according to how different a given culture is. A worshipper of Thor might not think the same things are wrong as say a Christian, and their consciences would be clear as they are acting like brave warriors, rather than psychopaths.

What the hell do I have to do to get banned, here? Seriously. I badmouth the mods, badmouth the admin, talk shit to whoever talks shit to me or deserves it. Other people who don’t even do a hundredth of what I do get warnings and bans and probably wonder what makes me so special, since they seemingly can’t differentiate worth a shit, based on how they argue. Just get rid of me already and exalt the trolls and haters. Fuck.

Do not derail this thread.

What about POWER or the WILL TO POWER?

I agree.

For me philosophy of life is the most important type of philosophy.


You’re trying to fill a little cup with the whole ocean here.
You might want to narrow down your questions to dribbles and drops.

Aside from that, different days might have different answers.
Different individuals might have different answers.

The word is LEGIONS.

I explained the meaning of life in this thread:

Be careful, that’s a Super Saiyan you’re messing with.

One begins to question god’s perfection or the perfection of his design.


Aside from the above, how do I myself interpret the meaning of life?

It’s like a code which needs to be deciphered by us all individually. Once we have received the key to that code and “have it”, its letters become re-scrambled and we then have to decipher it all over again.

Life’s meaning is not written in stone. It changes for us all individually. It’s flowing and pliable. We are the ones who have to make sense of it all, individually speaking. It’s darkness and light at different times and sometimes it shades of gray, pretty or ugly shades of gray.

There are times when life makes absolutely no sense for me. Others are the catalysts which do this to us. Sometimes through our behavior and decisions we do this to ourselves. But life doesn’t make sense to us - we are the ones to make sense of life. Sometimes life is nothing more than a glob of clay. We are the sculptors to mold that clay, to see what we ourselves can make of it - this sculpture which becomes Life’s meaning.

What was it Freddie said (paraphrasing) that in order to give birth to a dancing star, we must have chaos in our lives. I love that saying of his.
Life is chaos and the dancing star which is born or reborn at times is the new meaning of life.

Again, we are the ones to give our lives or Life itself its sense.

Life’s meanings are Legion and we are its legionnaires.

I believe the meaning of life is wrapped in the activity we choose to direct it. The question then is what activity ought we strive towards. The Greeks, and more specifically Aristotle, believed we should aim towards a perfectionist scheme in life. Why? It’s something to always work upon for us. We’re like pieces of to always prune and perfect. Would I rather be an angel or a human? I’d rather be a human, because a human can always perfect itself.

Yes, we do choose to direct it but this can be quite precarious for a variety of factors.

I would argue perfection is an impossible ideal as everything is susceptible to entropy, decay, and death.

I’m very much content with an imperfect world and universe.

You act as if death isn’t a part of the perfection. Where would we put everyone if they never died and kept fucking? Where would we place everyone in the afterlife if reincarnation and recycling; spirit death; did not occur?

Contemplating your own suicide in other threads when you die I want you to give my regards to the big cosmic sky daddy with a middle finger, can you do that for me?

As an atheist I don’t get the whole ticket to heaven not having a soul and such where I can’t really do it myself.

Being that you’re a true believer…

I believe in God. That does not mean that I believe in heaven or that I’m going there if it does exist or that it isn’t just another cool kids club for the elite. What perfect heaven exists if we cannot get along? Would it not be hell to some if they found themselves there? I believe in reincarnation and spiritual planes of existence, but ‘heaven’ is a matter of opinion. Hell would be heaven to those who held power and sway and hell would similarly be a matter of opinion. I think the reality of the eternal experience can, at times, be heavenly or hellish in terms of concept.

I find it funny that you have all of these misconceptions about me and what I believe based on so many other people and things, to the point where you can’t see that we’re dissatisfied by the same things. You claim to be beyond, better than, others, but your bias and ignorance is so similar. You took no time at all to get to know others, to pay attention to them or try to understand where they were in life. You are bloated on your own self. And at the point of seeing that I am different from so many others, why did you not just question what I did believe? Still caught in your negativity, bias, anger, disillusionment, cynicism… And thinking that you understand fully the world around you and eternity.

The thought that “if people didn’t die, the Earth would become overcrowded” is just another new-age terrorism. As with most animals, if people stopped creating suffering and death, people would also stop reproducing so much. The urge to reproduce is enhanced by anxiety. Hell is where most of the fuckers are, not Heaven. :sunglasses: