How to Educate Children

No James, that is not a good enough answer. You, Mithus, and Arminius discussed this already in depth and it is not applicable to children. No James…and not even a nice try…UNLESS you have completely overhauled it. Have you completely overhauled it?

He’s being lazy. It’s hot in the summertime and he’s been a workin all day.

How can it be inapplicable to children when it is about one specific child??
Did you even read it?

Social ineptitude?
But that’s how you solve it: by learning how to interact with other people.
Basketaball being one way.
You said “that’s not education”.
Maybe. But that’s a way to improve your social skills.
One of many.
And it can easily be supervised by parents.

Magnus…here’s a picture of some black people and some Syrians playing basketball. Does that ruin the game for you? Look at that dude man. He’s almost 7 feet tall.

I’m too old to run around and jump up and down so I just drank some non alcoholic Arabic beer and then went to dinner because it was hot outside.

Single mothers tend to be narcissistic.
And it is narcissistic parents who create these problems, I mean, the problem of social ineptitude.
It’s not only that they fail to teach their children how to defend themselves they actually work on making them incapable of defending themselves.
You know how narcissists hate being wrong . . . they will do anything to make sure that their children never question them or disagree with them.
They are always right. Can’t possibly be wrong.
They had enough of being wrong in the past. Now it’s their turn to be right.
It’s not fair that some people make mistakes and others don’t.
This is how they teach their children that the costs of disagreement are extremely high.
They also don’t like problems.
Never ever tell narcissistic parents you have a problem.
They are going to get really angry and tell you that you have no problems at all.
Never ever express your feelings unless you want to be punished by them.
Never ever let them see you in a state that suggests a problem.
They don’t like symptoms of problems. They will do anything to suppress them.
And it’s always your fault.
They will destroy you and then ask you: why are you destroyed?
If you tell them why, they will tell you you are lying.
They want to know why but without knowing why.
You need to lie to them.
They will destroy you and then tell you it’s your fault for being destroyed.
You can’t talk to them, you can’t ask them anything, you can’t tell them anything.
It’s always a risk.
You have to hide and/or pretend.
They are extremely critical . . . naturally, since they can’t stand imperfections.
They are constantly motivated to resolve imperfections, and as a consequence, they never resolve them.
Too motivated.
How can you be anything but socially inept?
They fuck you up and make you unable to be comfortable in social situations.
You become too afraid.
This in turn makes you a target for bullying.
That’s how it works.

Is that you, Magnus?

Could be.

If you think parents are uncaring, try life in general … it’s even more uncaring. So solve your problems on your own, that’s what you’d ideally have to do anyway, right? At certain point your parents can no longer help you, and if they can’t even help themselves, then that means an early wake up call for you! Lol! (Heck, some don’t even get one!)

Sure, there are many parts of the universe that are uncaring.
So what?
What does that mean?
Does that perhaps mean that we should remain blind to causal relations?
That we should remain blind to the fact that our parents are harming us?
That we should simply let them rape us?
I don’t know about you, but when something is harming us, I think the right course of action to take is to identify the cause and eliminate it.
If you realize your parents are harming you, you would do well to stay away from them.
That’s how we solve problems on our own.
We identify their causes and then we seek ways to eliminate them.
Your approach is to be blind.
Basically, to treat the symptoms.
But isn’t that the default way of dealing with narcissistic abuse?
Most victims don’t know their parents are narcissists.
It would be a very nasty awakening . . . they wouldn’t be able to control themselves and would end up doing foolish things.

Nature is merciful precisely because it is uncaring. In as much as it is.
It is the caring aspect of humanity that has turned into a torture apparatus for especially men.
Any man raised by feminist, humanist, or in any way tamed and taming ideology is being tortured and compromised.

Care is only a positive thing if it is a vigorous, tough, natural type of care of the sort that animals have for their offspring.

That’s why I’m always giving tough love to these millennial pansies.

His point, that narcissistic parents are toxic, and your point to “solve it on your own”, is invalid. A child cannot solve much of anything “on his/her own”, especially during the formative years 0-7. You basically validate most of Magnus’ points. Women, like you, are narcissistic. You don’t actually care about other people, and some women, barely, or do not at all care, about their own progeny.

If a woman does not care about her own flesh and blood, then the child is very well fucked in every way throughout life. Ancient societies would treat such ‘unwanted’ children as sacrifices or pawns, inducted into slave society.

The unwanted child is a huge factor in education. Having a (loving-caring) family is critical to superior education. Having an unloving, uncaring family is detrimental, and potentially deadly, as some parents do murder their own children. Recently there has been an article of a high school cheerleader killing her own baby after giving birth. Obvious “education” is a moot point in those circumstances.

Unwanted children (hated) have severe handicaps and limits throughout life that Wanted children (loved) do not.

I would say this is the essence of “Privilege” or what people imply when they use the term privilege. To be privileged is to come from a stronger family, stricter, morally superior, and cares for one another. Care is by degree. Superior education and nurturing is superior care/love.

Basically it sounds like Pandora would be a horrible mother. Her child is being bullied at school, becomes depressed and suicidal. Pandora tells her own child, “solve your own problems”.

That rationale leads to this:

She “solved her own problem”. “Nobody cares”.

Callousness is a very repugnant and repulsive trait in a woman, a potential mother. It’s nihilistic, self-hating. A self-hating parent has a child and passes onto him or her, the hatred for life, contempt, malice, and all other cruelties. It’s a cycle. Nihilistic parents spawn nihilistic children, and feel relieved by “passing on the debt” to the next generation. Too cowardly and weak to grow strong on their own, they pass it off to the young who learn by example.

All of these points reflect on the formative years, 0-7. That is most critical to psychological development as teenagers. The formative years are almost entirely dictated by the familial setting, and whether a child comes from the “loving family” (privileged) versus the “self-hating, nihilistic family” (unprivileged).

How Not to Educate Children: … -in-texts/

This was a case of revenge. A mother murdered her children for revenge against her husband. Perhaps infidelity. But she wanted to inflict harm upon him, and used her children as pawns to do so. Very selfish mentality. Her mistakes in life became her children’s mistakes. Again her blood-debts accrued and then passed onto her children to pay for them.

Single-mother by the way, just like the previous response with Katelyn Davis. Katelyn Davis had a single-mother and step-father, purportedly and probably abusive.

Broken families and single-mothers have plentiful similar examples. It’s a bad bet. If you’re a single-mother then there’s a 75% (accurate?) chance that you’re inferior to people who do make superior life-moral choices.

I’m not saying it can’t be done. But I am saying the odds are aligned against single-mothers and parents with such flaws. To raise a child, and to then educate, adults should be ‘stable’ and strong prior to it. However this is ideal, not realistic. Most people, acting on instincts, have children just to follow those instincts. Consequences be damned.

Some aspects of Education involve taking and using what you have to work with. If a Tutor or Master takes on a broken child, then that child can be mended and “fixed”, realigned according to the skill of the Authority. Some institutions are more common about taking in broken children. Adoption agencies, churches, military institutions who turn abandoned children into soldiers. These are usually “the indoctrinated”, the parentless. The State becomes their parent, symbolically, or God.

Thus when jews-christians refer to humanity as “god’s children” what is meant, is the broken and unwanted children who have been absorbed into church indoctrination across the centuries. It’s been typical throughout the centuries for people to abandon their children on the church doorstep. More pawns and slaves, Devotees, ready to absorb into the flock. These institutions are less discriminating, will take anybody and anything.

They understand the utility and value of child-sacrifices, “offerings to the gods”.

That’s what the religious connotations mean, realistically and pragmatically.

…man as well, particularly a father. Callousness does not seem to be gender specific.

My Father was/is as mean as hell up in your face with his fists. My Dad was an all macho boy, unable to deal with emotions without lashing out. I was not allowed to speak my mind, cry, pout, or have any reaction to his anger whatsoever. My Mother was passive aggressive, the instigator who would rile up my Father over minutia to go on rampages. To the outside world, we appeared the ideal family, but I never liked being at and or going home. I literally tried to escape my home by being absent without actually running away. I was an unplanned pregnancy by long term dating college students who were societally pressured to marry. The marriage lasted 18 years, but home was Hell. My parents were educated, attractive, white, middle class upbringings from long term married parents, as children, my parents were not accidents, they were purposely made to be my Grandparents children. Funny enough, there are many types of Hells, many hells of family life or lack of it.

When 75-80% of children are unplanned for, what’s to be expected? The marriages don’t exist, or they are married too young to not be self-centered, they are overwhelmed by outside expectations or maybe they arrive at this birth without expectations placed on themselves to be good parents rather than simply parents.

I’m not fond of using personalized examples of the points one’s trying to make without the whole story, such as the stories Urwrong is using as evidence to support his claims, it seems like propaganda that’s not thought out, and Urwrong has no back story knowledge and makes many judgments based off of incomplete news reports. If you know from experience about what you are reporting, give your story, the one you know, and be detailed and honest without a slanted agenda of your own experiences not some truth you want to project onto reality. Be real, not some fake news take on something you know nothing about personally.

You’re claiming that it’s invalid for me to use personal and real examples, while yourself, just used your own real life example.

Basically you just contradicted yourself.

Propaganda requires an agenda. What is my agenda? Educating children? If that were so then it would be to educate children in superior ways, as I’ve outlined. You obviously have not been taught how to argue, use reason and logic. You must have lacked such an education as a child.

Myself, I was always thirsty for challenges, logic, math, and whatever I could get my hands on. However my upbringing was lackluster by my town environment. My town lacked opportunities for higher learning. I became addicted to the internet in the 90s, when I was adolescent, because it was my opportunity for getting out and exploring the world beyond my limited town, teachers, and possibilities. I quickly learned that the “outside” world is not much different than what I expected. People are rather the same from place to place, and are not very different.

There are hierarchies when it comes to superior and inferior education.

A superior education requires a few ingredients:

  1. Family, superior breeding, leading to…
  2. Genetics, genetically inherited, higher intelligence
  3. Schooling, specialized classrooms, discriminating students by intelligence and ability
  4. Socializing, interacting with other kids, moral behavior, how to act, competition, sporting, how to treat one another

Where is your personal example based on your upbringing? I requested that you use your own experiences rather than some half-baked news article you are trying to manipulate into making your points against women only. What about the fucked up fathers?

You definitely have a grudge against women, but I don’t understand why for you haven’t explained the why.

My next point is going to be about how there is a distinction between “general” education and specialized education. The lower classes of humanity receive “general” education. Middle and upper classes, representing higher intelligence and superior breeding, superior family lineage, receive the “specialized” educations. More potential, possibilities, and social reinforcement. Also this will connect to what “society” even is.

Trolling by Mr Reasonable and Wendy will be ignored from here on out.