Do what you will

…arguable the most common and certainly most original manner of Selfrealisation got in the course of mans histories discriminated as outcrop of ego, defamed as antisocial and reprimanded as immoral, whereas Self suffered denials and Will became synonymous with wishes and desires.
There have been plenty of attempts, famously by Buddha and Lao-tse, to reconnect man to his so called true Nature/Self/Will/Atman, and were doubtless easier in “old times”, than in the current division/multiplication process (progress) that has become synonymous with western civilisation.
In the Occident “Do what you will” was mostly confined to philosophical discussions and apparently neither understood nor applied as a way of Selfrealisation, since Will got divided into a divine and a human property, latter characterised by emotions (like wishes & desires) which in turn are the driving forces of its fragmentation.
And as the latter seems to grow exponentially, and with it the confusion and helplessness of its subjects, Do your Will becomes more urgent than ever, as it overrides the restrictions of Dualism and thus enables Selfrealisation according to ones true Self/Nature/Will/Atman.

Being spontaneous Will manifests Self unadulterated.

The space/time of Will is here/now - and so is Self realisation.

Do what you will entails the cognition: one is what one does = one does what one is – and culminates in the realisation that Self relates All.

The great teachers of the past had less technological terrors stunting their progress and ties with oneness, but, with more technology, and even more fiction, we can devise inventions of the human mind that integrate all of the knowledge and wisdom around us. The metaphysical seed is the starting point, but later, futuristic upheavals can bring us to closer union with the divine and holy mysteries.

Be strong, do not succumb to thy creation, but encompass it, be affirmative in thy actions,
do not divide nor multiply, be as Thou art, praise Thy being, love Thy Self.

It’s certainly a tiny start, but anyone who has been spontaneous a lot will tell you you just spontaneously do habits, unless you can get down in what some call the unconscious. It’s not just the ego that has ruts.

The upheavals appear to be on the rise. We cannot predict their future, but we can get ready for eventual turmoils. There is the metaphysical, the intellectual and the common sense approach. Enforced by Will & Love, the three combined might serve to handle our fates.

The reflection/projection capability of mind is the cause of many of its controversies – and their solution as well, as it can bring about a self-awareness that supersedes subjective/objective- internal/external- me/you and other dualisms.