Aphorisms 1

There might be as many Selfrealisation-attempts as there are divisions/ multiplications of Consciousess, since latter result mostly from the former.

The only liberty Homo has is to deprive himself of it.

One cannot change Oneself – but one can change the frameworks that define & confine Oneself.

All is conscious – but there those who are not aware of it.

That there are superior stages of Consciousness becomes evident in the observation of inferior stages. As superior may classify the stage were superior/inferior judgements disappear.

from weachter418.wordpress.com

Focus and perception interrogate the outer, and systematize their channels. We refract and alter the luminous beyond, distributing and processing it through our own machinery. But to reach up and connect with the higher, we need inner peace with God, because he has the chess board view, and it’s only through his might that we crack the codes, and start operating on higher frequencies.