Exploring Ethics - Torture and Capital Punishment

Greetings to all.

I’d like to dialogue about ethics, esp. in regards to capital punishment. For example, the case of insurgency, what forms of torture are valid?

Waterboarding seems to be a practical and effective means of obtaining information.

What other forms of torture are akin to this?

Can’t go wrong with electrocution torture. There’s always the blowtorch method as well.

Then you have the tooth fairy method where you pull people’s teeth out.

Last on the list you have the butcher method, that’s when you just start cutting off body parts one at a time.

Says who? Dick Cheney?

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterboar … telligence

I would report this thread … but I’m pretty liberal about free speech. I just wonder why this person is so curious about this… it’s sketchy.

The worst form of torture outside spiritual hells is the put electrodes on the pain centers of the brain… having every neuron firing absolute agony.

It’s fairly modern.