What the... does this dream mean?

One has to be very careful, because there is no real prove or evidence for your statement that “dreams still come up and the may mean something”. One could also say that dreams mean nothing, because there is also no real prove or evidence for it. We merely have our own experiences and the knowledge of our ancestors. The rest is arbitrarily interpreted.

That is true to a certain extent, dreams may or may not mean some thing. However, basically, Ibdo not believe in the concept of nothingness. I feel even not dreaming at all may mean something. As long as there is some content, meaning is there, because the question is inordinately asked why dream at all, if not for some purpose? The purpose may be minimum a discharge of accumulated energy in terms of symbols, but why these symbols and not others? That is for the brain to answer and symbols are not a function of pure neurological mechanisms.

Yet the animals we dream of can have some relevance orb wouldn’t you agree ~~ based on the characteristics of those animals, especially if we know and understand those characteristics.
For instance, lions are fierce, ferocious and strong. Being afraid of a lion in a dream could point to something “real” in our life which we think of as fierce and strong and something which we fear.

If we had a dream of being chased by a little lamb, would we run from it? If we had a dream of a little lamb or of holding one in our arms, it could be possibly about our selves wanting to embrace our more gentler humbler natures, right? lol

Thanks for your interesting replies. As the waking vision was only envisioned this morning, I will digest all your comments and respond fully tomorrow.

Yes,Arc, for a paradigmn example, The Doors lead Jim Morrison, during his famous Lion pictures are representative in his poetry of this idea in a loose way. To get to the other side is not easy. For him, it meant an early death.But he was burning to get there, nevertheless.

The purpose is a neurological (thus biological) one: information processing in order to keep the living being neurologically alive.

You mean evolutionarily-wise?

Yes, the hidden meanings at once become exposed, the connection between realities attempted to be correlated.

To give You an example. I had a dream two nights ago, and this is off track Magsj’s train of images, but would like to diverge a bit. I dreamt that I was in a dream, dreaming, knowing that it was only a dream …
That’s strange enough as it is. This was an image dream, innotherwords thinking in visuals. That I was in this beautiful trail. Then I woke up, and could not place the trail. Then, forgetting about it, decided to have a hike in an old park, I hadnt visited for over a year, and it reminds of that painting I have which is so much like it by an English romantic artist.

I started my hike, and suddenly realized, the trail was exactly the one I had seen in my dream.

it seems it went full circle, from dream to dream within to reality. This is a type of dream, which is goal setting. I am astounded , that we are here talking about it, as it were in a sense a continuation of the process of linking dreams with reality.

This seems to be the basic function

I am none the wiser…

Well, here is something for the juices, may-be, and this is a long shot, between Your first and the next or the preceding dream. I read through both of them,ms canning the first because I remembered it and one thing struck me.

That there is one element that is present in both dreams. it is the door. NIn the first Yiu saw a door opening which left in a bird. A bird represents freedom.

In this subsequent dream You speak of a dream closed,mot prevent a wild beast from coming in. except they come from different doors, but that really does not matter too much at this point. If Younwould have said one door was from the back the other from the from, I would not have hesitated to equivocate the tow doors with the subconscious and the conscious respectively. but one is from the garden and the other probably a private room. But even here, the bird comes from the outside, and the beast is already inside, meaning it impart of You. The beastnYounare considering is inside already, and You are fearful, and trying to set up blocks (the door)’ boundaries. There is someone in there to whom You feel resistance, and feel that You may have let some one in, who may have not come close to Your expectations. I do believe 2 dreams can be correlated, in fact, any 2 dreams can if there is a common imaginary.

If, Magsj, You may want to disallow the connection between the two dreams, even then questions of freedom/vs/bondage enters the picture indirectly.
The free bird of the first is in stak contrast to the hedged in feeling elicited by having to keep out.
So indirectly it may actually mean the same thing, regardless of the different timing of the two dreams.

My interpretation is, hence, that You Have experienced a change of some sort, which impedes Your appears to freedom to an extent. what it is who knows, maybe only You, but the gamut can run all the way from a slight insignificant irritation, to a truly awful even horrifying being or event.


“Da steh ich nun, ich armer Tor! // Und bin so klug als wie zuvor.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “Faust”, 1790 / 1808, S. 27.
Free translation:
“And here, poor fool, I stand once more, // No wiser than I was before.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “Faust”, 1790 / 1808, p. 27.

Interpretations of dream contents are never certain.

They certainly inflamed Wagner’s heart to believe Goethe that Faust did not sell his soul, he just made a bet. The door that you enter in the front, could be the one you exit in the back, depending where the front is. In fact, the front could be the back.

Very helpful thoughts there, Orb… thank you.

As I typed, I too realised the significance of the door in each dream… although the second dream still remains unclear even though it depicts such a precise scenario - no-one was hurt in the imagining of this dream and all characters are fictional :smiley:

It could be, that’s right, but it does not have to be, that’s also right.

And my thoughts? :cry:

I think, my thoughts were just not surrealistic enough, thus they were too realistic. :wink:

Sorry, Mags.

Arminius, Y? because of the Walpurgis night dream.

No, because of [size=150]Y[/size]ou, Orb. :slight_smile:

By the way: Walpurgisnacht - a good idea. What are you going to do then?

(You can also write your answer as private message, if it is going to derail this thread.)

From Goethe’s Faust, scene 22 collaboration with Schiller, Walpurgis Night. Fragments from the lyric poem

Curious Traveler:

This must be masquerade!
How odd!
My very eyes believe I?
Oberon, the bearded God
Here, to night perceive I!


I am overjoyed at being here,
And even among the rude ones,
For if bad spirits are 'this clear
There also must be good ones


grayling mist and sleepy cloud
Sun and Moon have banished
Foliage rustles, reeds pipe loud
All the show has vanished

I am terrified of wild animals, but there is more to the dream than just that… I already know that fact without having to dream about it. :icon-rolleyes:

I am not sure which is worse… the bear or the lion? Both probably :neutral_face:

The people with me were strangers, and I’m not sure who the bear/lion represents.