Transactionary Prostitutive Nature Of Women.

Your right about that. In order to love properly, one must maintain oneself. And there are extreme circumstances wherein loving properly can get very complicated. That is why one must know HOW.

It is much like producing a good painting. The intent might be as pure as snow, but if one is not familiar with the medium, the canvas, the interruptions, or the constant critiques (no matter how well meant), the end product falls short.

In the long run, there is only one true sentiment for any and every failed marriage - “I screwed up”. And that applies to both parties (not counting the many gold miners of this ME-generation).

never said that, but the original sin has targeted women over the ages (and not only in christian countries). I think feminism is a consequence of this, the result of centuries of oppression/accusation.

First off, Love doesnt mean hugging everybody… live and let live for example is Love. Voluntary self-segregation, racial or/and intellectual, could also be seen as Love. Such a society would encourage cooperation. Today, multiculturalism is enforced by an oligarchic collectivist structure and all we can hope is to restart it from scratch right after our systemic demise. But society needs to fail big for people to change their minds. In my paradigm though, crises are not necessary to remain open to radical ideas. Love is by definition the ability to avoid conflicts by violence, which requires a lot more creativity.

More over violence, and war especially, could be seen as massive sacrifices to impact the psyches further to find violence justifiable. Thats a slippery slope that is corrupting the foundation of society. The pagans hailed death by war/violence. Dying for Odin, Freyja, etc. Blood linked to beliefs has a pagan origin which is still with us. Did you know that Temple of Baal is being built in Times Square and in London, England?

have you watched the utube video exposing the Huxleys and Darwin yet?

I think the middle ages have been highly detrimental to both sexes. Not to mention the dowry laws by extension, which are have been used and are still used to trade women.

You have merely been told that over and over and over so that you and everyone of your generation have been hypnotized into believing something about why people for countless generations before you did the things that they did. It is for the explicit purpose of diverting your attention from any reality and toward the hatred of men through rationalization of self-righteousness.

The story of Eve, along with just about anything and everything conceivable, gets used for good and bad purposes. It has NEVER been the cause of why men do what they do or why they believe what they believe of women. It might be the RESULT of what men believe of women, but getting rid of that signal and symptom does NOT cure the disease.

Eve screwed up by a typically feminine behavior (I want what I want what I want and I don’t care why nor to where it leads). Adam was trapped into having to go along because of what she started. They were both weak. She was formed to be relatively weak to temptations. He was formed to be stoic but dependent upon her. The plan failed. The paradise was lost (not unlike the recent USA constitution’s corruption into socialism). Liberalism is feminism is Eve, the very tool used to corrupt and randomize anything corruptible. The left hand of Shiva, the Destroyer.

Not yet. I’ll put aside some time later to watch it.

Yes. Repeating words again and again functions like advertising or other propaganda. So it is one of the most affective means of rhetoric.


no wonder serious differ on the issues… devotion is only one step away from idolatry by extension? One can only be devoted to one’ self-improvement.

I say: that Self-Love comes first. Distrust manifests a lack of self love. People who doubt about themselves just attract same, then accuse each other of a lack of trust. LOL

The Principle of Correspondence, law of electricity, is all about that, asserts that one will attract people who will finger point to one’s inner weaknesses. And that a relationship will thrive if qualities/flaws are a perfect match, evolve in a perfect pendulum motion (Principle of Rhythm). When the qualities of one makes up for the flaws of the other. And if they are not, the liquidation of the relationship is ensured.

are you going to refute that most societies have been patriarchal, perhaps.

I have never valued the christian doctrine, too many contradictions conflicting people’s psyches. Feminism when started, was merely about emancipation, emancipation from a society designed by and for men (the right to fall in love and end the side effects of the dowry). Then it got hijacked by the lesbians, and is now a tyranny by another name.

I am NOT a feminist but for peace between genders, my book is all about that, so the way you portray me is YOUR failed projection about Eve (Adam was trapped- LOL) because you clearly have chosen to dismiss what I have said in this thread about Taoism, which really debunks your conclusion below.

The main goal of most religious doctrine is to keep the masculine and feminine in perpetual war because they foresee the possible awakening to full Awareness through Sexuality as an even bigger menace. How many people understand the concept of the virgin birth actually, which is clearly a metaphor for the Cosmic Mind as Prime Cause of the Creation? Which is the Principle Of Mentalism… Reality is created by Thought

Hey Celine, another question for you:

You say that love between a man and a woman is about polar opposites coming together, complementary parts forming a whole. Each person in the relationship therefore completes the other.

Not everyone is a good match for each other, obviously, so this complementarity must be about matching specific people together, people who belong together. Do you believe in soul mates? In two people being meant for each other, a perfect fit?

Many people say that love is hard work, that it requires swallowing pride and much sacrifice. James says it should be easy, that if two people are in love, the harmony between them should come naturally.

Maybe two people coming together is like two puzzle pieces that fit each other perfectly. Each person is different so they are going to need someone with very particular personality traits, temperaments, tastes, etc., people with just the right protrusions and grooves, like this:

perfect match.png

But when two people are not quite right for each other, then it requires sacrifice. For example, one of the puzzle pieces may have to sacrifice a protrusion:


But then you are no longer yourself. You had to throw a part of yourself away. So you do end up forming a completion, but its a completion composed of your partner and a “you” who isn’t really you.

Now this may work sometimes as most relationships that last require only small sacrifices (and the chances of find the perfect match in this world 7 billion strong is dismal, so there will always be some sacrifices), but when the sacrifices become too big, you’re not forming the right completion. You’re forming a completion of two people, at least one of which is no longer him/herself. And how can you really be happy in that situation? The completion we seek is that which completes us, not some distorted version of us that meets someone else’s need for completion.

I think this more or less agrees with James’s take on the subject. Love should be easy, it should come natural, given that you are able to meet your perfect match. But this is only an ideal. In practical reality, no match between two people is ever going to be perfect, so there will always be some work. But it does suggest that the better the match, the easier love is, and I think this is more or less the same as what James was saying.

Would you agree with this?

Yes, whole everythingly.

Taking off from gib’s example:

^^^^ I’m not saying it’s impossible because recently I’ve found it. I’m just saying it’s extremely rare because what a majority of society has evolved to in terms of cultural engineered environment.

Of course even with such an environment engineered by the majority culturally there is bound to be a minority of mutations or deviations. It is within them you’ll find sanctuary from the insufferable intolerance of the cultural majority who’s hollow decadence I illustrate so well in this thread. So, I offer you guys and gals a sliver of hope something of which I normally don’t do…

So many hos
and none in my price-range
I become deranged with rage
wanting to rearrange pussy politikying
so as to be tickling
both ebony and ivory

I ain’t a bigot
I’ll water dem all wit me spigot
come and git-it
admit it
you want some of this
ma bitch

you must be a hater
to turn down a playa
how much do ya want
to be my cunt
you’se all the same shorty

begging for the highest price
once twice thrice
deny me before the cock calls
you’ll bouncing on my walls

  • sniffle sniffle *

Brings a tear to my eye :crying-yellow:

  • sniffle sniffle *

Brings a tear to my eye :crying-yellow:

This thread was better when HaHaHa was posting pics of sluts.