Dead People Aren't Funny

So sexual.

That would be the enzyme luciferase acting on the luciferin in the presence of the magnesium ions, ATP, and oxygen still in the insect’s abdomen postmortem.

Now what if I actually knew that and didn’t just google it? How boss would that be?

You monster you. Did you not know that that little being was related to us stars - much like the star which has sadly died - grown cold - yet its light still travels to Earth. Perhaps that little fallen being kept glowing to show the stuff of which it is made and to show the stuff of which you are made.

Does knowing that take the thrill out of the experience for you?

“Damn, they went and destroyed the mystery of it.” Can’t recall who said that.

All energy is sexual.

Do you know that you step on bugs every time you go outside?

Do you know that if you are the majority of the population, you live a meat eating lifestyle which promotes the enslavement and genocide of animals?

Did you read that from a book found at your local new age enlightenment store?


No, I discovered that from my own reflections and experience.
All energy IS sexual but very often mis-directed.

I suppose if you slap a label on something, it’s true, right?

The bug wasn’t made of the same stuff of me then, but it is now. I ates it. It is me now.

Wonder if my poo will glow.


Most probably.
Yesterday I was sitting in the park and two ants sauntered toward me. My initial thought was to stamp them out. :blush: Then I caught myself in time thinking WHY would i want to do this?
Were they bothering me? No.
Did they have a right to the beautiful day as did I? Yes.
Might someone come along soon who would intentionally or unintentionally step on them? Possibly/plausibly.
I gave some thought as to why I would be so quick to stamp them out. Just another unconscious pattern of behavior with no good reason attached to it that I could see.
So, I let them saunter off - which gave them a bit more time to enjoy their world.

Yes, unfortunately I do.
This is the question. Would those animals if they had human consciousness and could speak - wish to have never been born or to have lived even the life which they did? I know that it seems like a ludicrous question BUT maybe you can answer for them. I can’t. Anything I might say would simply be a projection perhaps or part of my own conscious thinking and experience.

How dare you call my cat a monkey. He is very upset with you. I’ve let him out of the house. He’s looking for you. Beware the predator.

WWSS? What Would Satyr Say?

He would say something like this. That, the evolutionary instinct of a herbivore, is to avoid being eaten. A herbivore, that enjoyed being captured, and slaughtered, would be a rare mutation indeed. Generally, species do not experience pleasure, by contradicting their evolutionary instinct.


Would you be one of those who also go around saying: What would Jesus say? What would Jesus do? lol That always makes me laugh.

Why would I care what Satyr says? That’s not to say that Satyr isn’t capable of intelligence and truth.

Apart from that - the above is plain common sense. Hmmm, except for the last part - I’m not so sure of that. But you did say generally.

I thought women were capable of understanding, and relating to humor. You seem them always giggling, always laughing, in pictures. Maybe it was walls they were laughing at.

To answer your question, most humans have a DNA with survival at any cost minds.

You often catch the hoodman, who had a terrible life, devoid of any substance, grow up to be an old man, and preach about how “life’s worthwhile, you just gotta push on through, and eventually you get to the top, or good things happen, or you learn some life lessons.”

This is because he is unaware of what he is, or the situation he is trapped in. Humans, are generally incapable of discernment, and the thought “I could have never been born” instills fear in them, even though, such a thing would most always be to their benefit.

Humans are heifers. If a heifer could talk, it would sound like a whiny human.


Survival to their own selves? I think you’re wrong there. History proves otherwise. Well, it ALSO proves that you are wrong.
You are just so so so jaded, my sweet.
Do you have any children, Trixie?

Better "might have " then “could have” Trixie.
I actually think that that thought - I might have never been born is a good one to ponder. Kind of like “To be or Not to Be”.
Not necessarily to come up with an answer - like, “which would I have preferred?” but simply to allow the question room to grow. Who knows
how on’e life might be affected or how one might come to effect others because of that question.
Some thoughts are much more profound than you think, Trixie, though perhaps your comeback to that might be a facetious one.
But to each his own.
There is much to be discerned hidden beneath and within those words Trixie girl – I MIGHT HAVE NEVER BEEN BORN. :-k

Children? I am a true philosopher. True philosophers are doomed to live friendless lives, devoid of romance. Certainly I will not have children.

Makes no difference to me.

Speaking of dead people, I find them highly attractive, well, the recently dead. If there was a way to preserve the body from decomposing whilst still being accessible on a daily basis then that would be awesome. Think of all the things you could do with it… i guess i fall into the necrophilia category regarding my attraction for them. You can do anything to them! That appeals greatly, although it might be a little bit of a struggle because of the lifelessness of the body, maybe it will be a little bit heavy? and possibly need some sort of support factor if you wish to hold the body in a certain position.



Here’s a hyperlink. I was googling which famous philosophers never married since I was curious. Here are some who are listed. This is what I came up with and some of the reasons why. Interesting reading but not really mind blowing. It might be for the same reasons that some/many scientists don’t marry or have failed marriages. … 21794.html

Really?! The line doesn’t conjure up anything for you? Well, one man’s meat is another man’s poison as they say. :mrgreen:
You might then want to define true? Or not. :evilfun:
Anyway, the thread IS about dead people…