Back from the Dead

Oh, so we’re also talking could-be fantasy personas?

Flying Spaghetti Monster could clean up far more problems if that’s the case.

David Lewis.

If Jesus was called up and nobody came forth, then that would also be valuable information.

Well, in a hundred years it will probably be me. :wink:

It seems to me that wanting someone to come back from the dead is like wanting to repeat a grade in school… Why would you want that?

Don’t you think it would be interesting observing how ancient philosophers understand and adapt to the modern times and ideas?

It could be but, it would most likely drive them insane. Any new, would be skewed and not fit.
Or they spewed out all that was in before they died.
It just makes zero sense to want to bring anyone back.
It makes more sense to look at the present for a clearer future.

This thread is utter horse-shit. The OP does not give a flying fuck about your answers, hence why she didn’t even respond to any. She made this thread as a sort of " Ah-Ha! " thing, because she has been gone for awhile and " came back from the dead", so to speak . She came back to ILP for two reasons: 1. to comment on my threads and 2. to try to rev-vive the " Fuck Thyself " forum, because Satyr is getting lonely and bored.

Good question!
So, folks:
Lys asked for philosophers!
Jesus, Hieronymus Bosch, Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, David Lewis (even totally unknown!) were NO philosophers!

Or perhaps 3: she’s trying to get away from all of you who are trying to sexualise her, and to be her own person?

Could be possible.

David Lewis is well known to everyone who is important in philosophy today.

The only philosopher I could call back from the dead conceivably is Svengali, since what greater philosopher could defy the world of the sense [literally liberate himself from the chains of determined position of the self] then someone who could defy the proposition that reality trumps illusion? The other would be Bishop Berkely, who actually defied the world of the senses, giving very plausible reasons for it.

Haha! Why do you say that? I never liked him much, but he was also brilliant.

One philosopher?

Oh, that’s not easy to say … :-k

… Perhaps … (… :-k … [-o< … :-k …) … (… :bulb: …) … Heraklit …! :smiley:

Because of the “fire” as the “logos” …! :smiley:

Who the fuck cares about that. I found the topic more or less interesting, there are other people beside the OP you know.

In some areas, he was, yes. Read his thoughts on morality if you have the stomach.

Some tinkering in the semantics of modal logic… was about it.

Hi von. I don’t think you’re statement negates mine.

Nobody who is important in philosophy today would bring Lewis back from the dead, first. Or second. Or fiftieth. He died recently, right?

2003 I think. I disagree. Is Hilary Putnam still alive? Or Kripke? Or Robert Stalnaker? I bet they’d bring him back. Plantinga is probably glad he’s dead.