Know Thyself ╰☆╮

Thank you.

Yes, it’s a shame how so many are benighted. This is why I made the video, to promote education, in particular, Autodidacticism. People have the option of becoming intellectual gods, but they choose to regress to base animality instead…

Hopefully my video will enlighten and inspire people, even if just a very few. And for those already awake, may it motivate them even more.

Know Thyself

In other words we are all our own universe and god. Pythagoras was quite the joker!

To know yourself is not the problem.
The problem is to know your objective self, and for that you need to see yourself as a reflection in others as they see you.

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion:
What airs in dress an’ gait wad lea’e us,
An’ ev’n devotion!

Knowing yourself without that is just narcissim

I concur.

Knowing yourself is multi-faceted, possible in a variety of ways.

And why is Pythagoras a joker, according to you?

But, please, do not concur too quickly, because know thyself does not have very much to do with the concrete “others” due to the fact that it is again yourself who has to know what the others think of you, and the others’ judgement can be wrong; they can tell you that you are “too much different” and therefore “very evil” - in other words: the others tell you egalitarianistic nonsense, and if you not agree to that nonsense, they will put you in jail, in Gulag, or in psychiatry.

A map of the horrible Gulag camps in the “egalitarian” (a.k.a.: “communistic”, “socialistic”) Soviet Union:

That’s true, Armi. Some egalitarians will claim that " Knowthing Thyself " is too narcissistic, or something along that line. But remember " Pay no attention to the opinion of the multitude " — let them think what they wish — know thyself.

You made this video?

Absolutely Brilliantly! Well done!

Doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about you because they aren’t you and can never possibly know the inside of yourself like you do.

Yes, sir — I made it.

Thank you very much.



Btw, the video is much better, if you listen to it with headphones on.

I don’t have headphones where I live.

It’s okay — still good quality without them, just have to turn up the volume a bit more.

No, you can concur all you like. But you do not understand.
The Burns poem is not about knowing yourself, but seeing yourself through the eyes of others.
I suggest you have no clue on this front.

Posting a pic of Delphi is indicative of that misunderstanding.

To know yourself, is to know all the myraid of those who were Your predecessors. So if You take the trouble of finding a genealogy of those who came before You, it will take a lot of mystery out of it.
This goes a long way, to compound the feedback coming to You from others. Sometimes, simply trying to ignore these factors, may give a wrong idea of who you really are.

What do you mean predecessors?
Do you mean a literal genealogy?
If so I think you are trapped in a racist determinism, which ignores the uniqueness of each person.

No, no…dear Lev. I understood you, my friend. I suggest that I do have a clue on this front. I simply acknowledged that " Knowing Thyself " is not merely some narcissistic endeavor, but a multifaceted process that can involve, say, " seeing yourself through the eyes of others." The picture of Delphi wasn’t directed at you, but rather to compliment the thread.

Carry on

 I do not think so.  I did qualify this as one factor among others.  Your actual geneology can not be ignored, as can be seen from the ongoing debate about the nurture/genetic split, as determenitive.  Even without such a determination, it cannot but be assumed that  genetic tracers signify a lot about who we are, even presumed under the most basic assumption of direct relations between genetic structure and psychic traits.

I think looking at you relatives is a big mistake. You so easily build your world on a set of familial, racist, and cultural determinisms.
To the degree these things are real, are the extent that they are unchangeable.
TO know and understand yourself you need to eschew all the clothes of your childhood, and put on your manly gown and make you own life free from the prejudice of the past.
All the things that are important about YOU as an individual are all the spaces in your personality that you fill with your own live and experience.
You don’t need your ancestors, not your parents. You need to find yourself.