To My Pen Pal Zoot Allures

I warned him that he was going at things the incorrect way and that sooner or later he was going to get pinched.

Zoot knew the score as he’s an adult and ultimately his decisions got him where he is. It’s a shame but it is what it is and he has nobody to blame but himself.

That’s all I can say on the subject. He’s a smart intelligent guy but apparently in this matter he got himself caught into something that he couldn’t get out of.

I’m not sure if he was stealing things over a period of time or whether this was a one off? If he was doing stuff like this over a period of time, then he’s really just playing Russian Roulette with his life. Not good.

I can understand someone who’s addicted to sex or drugs doing dangerous stuff because their addiction pushes them into it, but stealing? That sounds, like something he could control if you really wanted to…

Still, I can’t help but feel sorry for the old boy. Such a waste.

He’s being held in Harnett County, NC in the local jail I believe. I can’t get much information beyond that other than what was reported on a local news website. If you want to know more private message me.

Thanks, just let us know how long he gets if/when you find out.

Sure, although I know very little myself.

[MOD EDIT: the image in this post was a mug shot of a user, and has been removed pursuant to a site policy against doxxing -Carleas]

Well, there you have it from an anonymous username. Hagen, you being who exactly? :sunglasses:

Holy asshole, batman.

Let’s not bring him into it. :laughing:

So he had court today?

Mods, are you going to leave that post up?

I’ve heard some unsettling news, or rumors, about the amount of prison time he might be facing now. Does anyone have information about the outcome of his trial?

No, but the kind of probation violation with his record could land him of minimum of seven years and quite possibly even more.

That’s pretty high bail too, so I assume there is something more to it. Half a million?

He fucked up really terribly, that’s why.

Looks like his court date was rescheduled to May 17th as well. Doesn’t help your case when you list your home address as a Walmart for at least the second time;

I tried warning him several times to take care of his shit but to no avail he didn’t listen. I just hope that when he goes into prison he’ll be able to endure a second round.

Perhaps he was not being very honest… Looks like it is way past his second round; … m/9526563/

No, I knew about all of his activities and I will not utter them online here.

Yeah, he’s been in and out of prison repeatably.

Who is Hash Hagen?