21st century boy (and girl)

Were you born in or after 1995…?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Was wondering what the general population of ILP is made up of these days.

You don’t have to give me your exact age if you don’t want to, I’m 47 if it makes a difference. Just use the anonymous poll.

By ‘millenial’ I mean, born anytime in the mid-nineties and later. Basically having grown up with the cellphone, and the internet on tap.

If you want to tell me what you think it’s like to be a millenial, I’d welcome that too. But again, your choice.

Aren’t you too old to be hitting on them? Your going to be called the forum’s older creepy man.

Lol. Turd man, you seem to have no age. So coy. Just to be plain. I have no other intent but the furtherence of my evil thoughts. I will not be teleporting into your homes waving my magic wand at your unmentionables.


2 people. Lol, it’s not like I’m asking for your WoW account password or anything.

I was born at the end of 1969… a year that when mentioned… makes everybody smile :wink:

I look 26 (30 on a bad day) so technically… I look like I was born in 1990.

My age does not bother me, but perhaps it would if I looked my age, but I will never know until or unless I start to look my age.

I always thought you were in your 50s actually.

From my photos, or my demeanour? :confused:

You young whippersnapper mags. :astonished:

If you look at the poll though, everyone here is over 21. And the rest I suppose, must be immortal.

I was born in 1987. Not quite a millennial but not a part of generation X all that much either.

…The middle generation in between…

What is the general premise of this thread all about exactly Tab?

Oh y’know, stuff and things.

Anything specific? I’m all ears and open to some interpretation here.

Born in '76…

Damn american bicentennial …

They made cool quarters for me !