Is New York anything like Old York?

A couple of people on this forum have been to Old York, I’ve only been to New York, and I honestly don’t know how well they managed to capture the spirit of Old York in New York, in terms of architecture, economy, culture, arts.

So… for those who have been to Old York, how do they compare?

It’s Ye Olde York!

Þe Olde York your mean?

Þ = Th

Zero comparisons to be made. York is a tiny northern town, littered with mediaeval buildings and ruins, full of tourists in the summer, and full of quiet in the winters.

London would be the closest place we have to New York, unless things have changed in the last 20 years since I’ve been away.

Doesn’t London have a giant Ferris wheel, and a old lady who is paid to wave at everyone?

We have something similar in America, every Walmart has a door greeter.

Every country finds a way to merge the features of a republic and monarchy together. Our Walmart DoorGreeters is our way of inserting monarchical elements into our republic.

Instead of a nobility, we gave Carnies, they run the gypsie road carnivals, and they bring a Ferris Wheel each year to every community.

The secret service stealth beefeaters are on their way to liquidate you.

I sent up the special flare that all subjects of the Queen carry. It’s like the batsignal, but more cultured.

No, I mean Ye as I don’t have medieval English blackletter fonts available on my iPad.

It’s okay, I do. Hence I was right.

Þ fell out of disuse and Y was eventually used, but people make the mistake of saying it as it appears to be spelled, not knowing Y = Th.

Just like f used to be s.

People do, but I am not a people (now get ye back on topic).

People are skítkarls too.

Don’t make me swear at you in Ancient Greek.

Feel free, I can swear back, your not the only one with that ability, just know I can’t counter swear in polytonic, given this phone is Android.

I know better than to take you on in a foreign language swearing competition.

That’s right bitch, cause I got Google and free time.

I got Google but I got a wife and a full time job and wife already getting pissed about how much time I spend online.

The business I’m starting is house to house repairs, so like… as long as I’m not booked, I’m going to be focused in the back copying old greek texts using exacting calligraphy in my work van.

I choose this so I can always have time to study on the side.

I’ve already figured out the necessity of picking a woman who is into my philosophy studies, quite frankly, I will wait till I find the most accomidating one rather than rush into a bad relationship. Any woman who nags me for not doing X when reading, thinking… automatically in bad woman category. Survival of wife and kids come first, but my thinking time has a much higher priority than her nagathon.

You could save internet time by postimg shorter posts, just a suggestion. Philosophy really us for the guys who have free time to engadge it. Married life isn’t incompatible with it, but if a woman doesn’t respect the process, it is certain to fail.

I tried shorter posts but I kept getting nagged by ILP members (it is a fine art this nag avoidance).

Bullshit. It was the middle of the night… My dick was in this one girls butt…Bored with it, Decided to pull myself out of bed, get on ILP boards and do philosophy. No excuses man…

So ugly. Had to remove even the img tags.

Quit calling guys girls.