loser conspiracy theoriest of the world unite..

I keep reading about these conspiracies that the young believe in…
Jews run the world, women are demolishing the western world,
liberals are destroying constitution and I am sure they are plenty more…

but here, I want to discuss the need of the young to hold such foolish beliefs.

a couple of points to understand… first of all, when I read someone espousing
conspiracy theory’s like the theory’s that float around here…I know something
about them…

first of all, I can state that they are young… and they are uneducated…

educated people don’t hold conspiracy theories because they are educated…

but Kropotkin, how do you know conspiracy theorist are young and uneducated?

I was young once and I held conspiracy theory’s… then I became educated…
and I lost my faith in conspiracy theories…

for example, the idiotic belief that somehow, never really explained but
somehow, the Jews run the world… and yet at no point is any real evidence
is offered to prove this…

a conspiracy theorists might offer up this defense, well everyone knows that
the Jews run the world… I am everyone and I don’t believe such nonsense…and
millions of people have enough sense to deny such nonsense like the Jews run the world…

but what I find fascinating is why, why do the young, uneducated feel the need
for such conspiracy theories in the first place?

it lies with the same reason people hold to believe in god…

if the world is run by Jews, then the young uneducated person has an
ready made excuse to fail… it absolves the conspiracy theorist of having
any responsibility or accountability in the world… they are failures…
but because they can blame the Jews running the world… they can absolve
themselves of being failures…… the conspiracy theorist goal is to escape
responsibility for actions taken…

if people are failures, they need to escape accountability and responsibility…
and conspiracy theories are an ideal way to accomplish that…….

the next reason conspiracy theorist love their conspiracy theory’s is
because it creates context… it reveals their place in the world…
the conspiracy theorist has lost faith in god and the state and ism’s
and ideologies but they can still hold to their conspiracy theories…

it allows them to have faith in something… the conspiracy theory’s
replace faith in god or the state or ism’s like capitalism or communism…
and conspiracy theorist hold to their theory’s like a Christian holds
to their faith… and using the same formula… faith above reason…

it certainly isn’t about facts or logic or reason because recourse
to those will relieve those conspiracy theorist of their faith in conspiracy
theories…… you must hold to your conspiracy theories even if facts and logic
and reason all suggest that you are wrong about conspiracies…

that there is no evidence that the Jews run the world doesn’t matter to those
who are the faithful to their conspiracy theories… it is about a faith that
has no basis in reality that allows the Christian to hold to their views of god
and religion…and allows the conspiracy theories to hold their religious
beliefs…for belief in conspiracy theories is a religion…

I know that no amount of evidence or facts will ever persuade you from
your faith in conspiracy theories……….you may as well build a statue
and bow down and pray to your conspiracy theories… because it holds
the exact same role as god plays for the religious…

so bow down and pray to your god conspiracy theorist…

our father in heaven… the Jews who run the world…

hallowed be your name…

your kingdom come… and my spot is denied because of those Jews…

your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…

for the Jews who run the world, also run heaven…

give us our daily bread…

forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven
our debtors…

but we are debtors to the filthy Jews who own the world…
and we cannot be forgiven…

do not bring us into temptation but rescue us from the evil one…

the Jews who run the world…


oh, conspiracy theorist… make sure you pray for divine forgiveness………

as you pray to your conspiracy theories…


Main reason I don’t like Jews, Christians and Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists … they haven’t apologized as a people for their books yet.

Step up folks!

Then we can start to have real discourse

Peter Kropotkin and this thread. :laughing: :sunglasses:

K: and you who believe so hard in conspiracy theories… you won’t even challenge
your beliefs…your religion……. faith without any evidence or facts is nothing
more then a religion… and holding to conspiracy theories without any facts or
evidence is like believing in communism or Catholicism or any other secular religion…

show me the evidence/facts of your conspiracy theories… you can’t because all they
are, are faith based religions…


There is no point talking with you because you don’t have the intellect to comprehend.

You won’t listen to facts or those with opposing views and opinions.

Much like the subject title of this thread the only conjecture you offer is insults or personal insults.

Why would anybody waste their time on any of that?

K: so says the man who is offering nothing more then a faith base religion… for example,
Jews run the world, women are destroying western civilization…
I ask only for some facts showing us that you have something beside
faith that the Jews run the world…but of course, you don’t have any facts
or evidence to prove your point, hence, it being a faith base religion…

it doesn’t matter if I am smart enough, I am vastly smarter than you are,
but it matters if you have any facts or evidence supporting your religion
and you don’t have any facts or evidence to prove it……. thus faith base religion…


It doesn’t matter what facts or information I post because you’re going to see what you’re wanting to see regardless.

Smarter than me? :laughing: Thanks, I needed a good laugh.


let us flip this… Let us say that I wrote “Atlantis is real”
you would of course ask for evidence or facts that support this statement,
and I wrote, that of course Atlantis is real because Plato wrote about it…

you would of course ask for something more like real evidence or facts and
I wrote this:

There is no point talking with you because you don’t have the intellect to comprehend.

You won’t listen to facts or those with opposing views and opinions.

Much like the subject title of this thread the only conjecture you offer is insults or personal insults.

Why would anybody waste their time on any of that?"

K: I would write such a thing because I don’t have any evidence or facts to
prove my point that Atlantis is real… so, instead, I simply attack you…

and still without any proof or evidence that Atlantis is real or was real at one point…

what does this mean? It means that I am holding to a religion, not facts or evidence,
but I have a faith, a religion that is, in part, a religion that Atlantis is real…

You would of course be outraged about how anyone could, without any facts or
evidence outside of the word of Plato, believe that Atlantis exists or existed…

you would demand facts or evidence to prove that Atlantis does or did exists
at one time… you would demand facts and evidence and you should…

if we believe in something without any facts or evidence to support it, it
is faith based, a religion… and you believe in a faith base religion,
that the Jews run the world, or women are destroying western civilization…
nothing more the a faith base religion without any facts or evidence…

show us your facts…


You have nothing regarding the opposite of my views challenging them, all you have is statements like, “Your beliefs are just wrong”.

In order to properly refute my beliefs you would have to bring up contrary facts that do so, but we both know that you won’t. :sunglasses:

if you are so smart, you would see what I am actually doing,
I am asking for some facts or evidence that the “jews run the world”
or that “women are destroying western civilization” or some other
faith based religion you have… that there are no facts to support
your faith is not surprising… you have no facts or evidence to
prove your many conspiracy theories… they are all simply
faith base religions… like Marxism and Catholicism or Christianity
or Hinduism or Buddhism…

those who are reading this, ask yourself, what would constitute
a fact or evidence that “god” existed?

and when understood, it becomes clear that there is no facts or
evidence that god exists… believe in god becomes a faith based
religion… and conspiracy theories have the exact same properties…

no facts or evidence to prove their existence outside of faith…

that is why conspiracy theories are faith based religions…

they only require faith and nothing more……

because there is nothing more you need to have a faith base
religion… no facts, no evidence, no proof… all unnecessary in
a faith base religion like conspiracy theories…

they may has well go for the same tax break other religions ask for…

they have nothing else going for them…


Not an argument, you don’t even offer counterpoints or counter information, all you’re doing once again is making declarations.

I am not the one with faith based conspiracy like the “Jews run the world”
or “women are destroying western civilization” or that “blacks are inferior to
white” those are simply faith base conspiracy theories…

that is what I am arguing…and you don’t even understand that…

as for arguing “against” your base faith conspiracy theories… I would be arguing
against something that doesn’t exists, how does one argue against something
that doesn’t exists…

for example, let us say, I believe “Unicorns are real”

how would one argue against that? I might say, well, I have never seen
a unicorn… but that doesn’t show us anything… I might say, no one has ever seen
a unicorn…but I can’t speak for everyone who has ever lived… In short, there
is no way I can show you that “unicorns are real” because they don’t exists…
you can’t prove a negative…if there is no world wide domination of earth
by the Jews, how would I prove a negative? How would I prove that there is
no domination of earth by the Jews? you can’t prove a negative…

simple as that…

the burden of proof lies on those who make a positive claim,
like that “Atlantis existed”… I have made a positive claim
and the burden of proof lies with me to prove my point…

the burden of prove doesn’t lie with you because you can’t
prove a negative…

so, show us how, the facts or evidence that the “Jews run the world”
that is a positive statement in which the burden of proof lies with you…


I must go to work now, so I shall return tomorrow…