American Empire

An empire in decline.
Like all empires that came to be, they inevitably, declined, fragmented and disappeared.
This one is different in that it is not a product of a single tribe, but a cooperative produced of multiple, European tribes, now promoting the nullification of all tribes.
All ethnic identities.
This factor will adjust its method of global dominance and control.
An Empire built on ideologies - or human abstractions, like ‘freedom’, ‘justice’, ‘equality’.
With no tangible unifying component, like genetics, and culture, it promotes the abolition of genetic identifiers and the reduction of culture to a product to be purchased and recycled, at will.

A ‘culture-of-no-culture’, called Globalism.
Liberalism is its dogma.
Equality in and through money - the messiah of salvation, attracting the lowly, the ill, the desperate, the lost, across genetic and memetic lines.
It’s ideal citizen is an individual void of a past - no sex, no race, no culture, no heritage, preferably no family, other than the redefined versions that have nothing to do with reproduction, producing children of the market, for the market.

This is the ‘liberty’ it offers.
Freedom from past, means freedom from nature.
Sum of all past nurturing = nature.
A divide and control, strategy - compensating with the offering of a purchased alternate identity. A world where ‘you are what you claim to be’…or ‘what you can afford to be’.
Inevitably its own ‘self-referential logic’ leads to a form of schizophrenia - self-imposed insanity.
We see this in the curent crisis of identity.
With no past, no heritage, the present market place offers shallow alternatives, such as materialism, and hedonism, producing vacant minds relieving themselves with narcotics, and philosophical, ideological, escapism.
The perfect American individual = lost and desperate for an identity, willing to purchase it on the market place.

The mystery behind the Iraq withdrawal letter

American style ‘justice’ and ‘democracy.’
Ghislaine Maxwell, protected and living in safe houses

Democracy was an unwanted compromise made to by-product of the previous systems success - i.e., Timocracy.
See Hanson, and The Other Greeks.
Timocracy proved to be so successful that it produced excess people that had no vote and therefore no rights within the polis.
Quantities overwhelmed quality.
Nevertheless, it necessitates a well-informed, engaged populace, otherwise it is not Democracy - Demos - Kratos.
It is vulnerable to demagogues, because the population is governed by mediocrity and the lowest-common-denominator. A factor that is significant in modern multi-racial, multi-cultural SueprStates. In such circumstances the lowest-common-denominator is reduced to an animal status, governed by animalistic cares.

Not even the Athenians, of that time, like Democracy, because they saw how the masses could be manipulated and how the entire city could be reduced in quality.

The U.S. is the first Empire not built upon organic traits, like genes and the memes that come of them.
It is entirely inorganic - i.e., ideological in conception and application.
It attracted the lost and desperate from across the world, and benefited from European competitiveness.

It’s ideology is Liberalism, and money is its messiah.
Through its ideology it offers a theoretical ‘liberty’ from the tangible, and the natural.
Money cannot change your past, but it can make others pretend to forget it, or to not see it, at all.
Money can buy you acquiescence and respect, even if it isn’t earned.
All genetic inferiorities are negated and made irrelevant, on the surface.
Beneath the pretences nothing has changed. Genes, and genetic markers, still dominate, but superficially all is ‘corrected’ and levelled off.
Political correctness is, primarily, a desire to restrict the underlying from disrupting the pretence of the superficial. An attempt to regulate thinking, even if behaviour has been regulated through money.

As the first Judeo-Puritan Empire - the latter infesting the former - the U.S. displays the character of tis essence.
It is the first empire built upon weakness; the first power built on powerlessness; the first messianic Empire, claiming to be a victim of human ‘hatred’ - justified as a product of ‘envy’.
An empire with no culture at all - a culture of no culture - attempting to eradicate all culture, or to reduce them to a product. attractive to those who are the product of mixed race, with no clear identifiable heritage.

Family is detrimental to tis stability, especially when dominated by a male with a ancient culture.
Traditional families are gradually being replaced by post-modern redefinitions of the institution which promote the ideals of the state - in this case Liberalism and materialism.
The values of the market place - all to be evaluated by how much it sells - its popularity.

Other, ancient traditions, naturally oppose this, and are then accused of envy and hared towards the proposed nullification and their replacement with decadence and degeneracy.

America is the first Superpower to claim victim-status.

The American project did start out with good intentions, as is evident in tis adoption of ancient Greek architecture, but it quickly went astray, becoming the antithesis of that which it once wished to be.
There is no Hellas, left in its Roman ambitions.
It wears them like a beggar wears a crown, only serving to display how far away from tis goal it has fallen.

Sparta is called ‘nazi’, indirectly, because no Hitler could ever match Spartan viciousness, even with superior technologies. It is only idealized in films and in historical documents, admiring the spirit but not its essence.
Athens is indirectly dismissed, as nothing of it remains but the name of the system it once settled upon - despised by the very elites it was forced upon.
It is a caricature of how Athens should have been, ro could have been, with a Constitution…in Hollywood movies.
But not even the founding fathers could match the nihilistic criteria of what the US has become, in the post-war decades.

Citizen-soldiers of the poor, and not the wealthy.
A selective application of the ancient ideal. Entirely Abrahamic in spirit, pretending to be pagan.
Even tis understanding of paganism is corrupted by its Abrahamic soul, becoming the caricaturist Satanism that only performs rituals.

After Europe was thoroughly Americanized, in spirit, after the war, the U.S. has the audacity of ridiculing any attempts to break free from its shadow.
just look at what they did to Britain.
Their royal traditions in decay…via miscegenation with an American mulatto.
Centuries of Anglo-Saxon tradition erased in a generation.
It seems appropriate.
The child breaks free and returns to kill the parent with ‘love’ - having already stripped it of its wealth and property.

The Norse destroyed Anglos culture, but the Puritans, and their ‘allies’ finished the job.
What will remain of England.
Brexit, underway…people diluted by hordes of immigrants, and now its royal institution finally reduced to a tourist attraction.
Complete annihilation.

This is the vision America has for all mankind.
Nothing left but the markets and trends.

“All is Well”

There never was, is or ever will be a Empire that is concerned with the welfare of anyone other than its own elites.
The issue today is that these elites are foreign to the people they command and control - there’s no genetic or memetic commonality, so they substitute it with ideological claptrap, meant to quel the reactions of the simpleton - the majority.